Disney Analyst
Well-Known Member
I wasn't referring to the Trolley itself. But since the Monorail has been brought up, I will say that it's not themed to a specific place during a specific time, like the Red Car Trolley is.
My comment was "speaking" in broader terms. The trolley represents Hollywood Land as a whole, and now we will have a ride themed to something completely unrelated going there.
There's no way to spin that, and bringing up the Monorail doesn't make the situation any better.
I think if it's travelling past on it's way to a destination that I'm fine with it. If they were to park the trolley there as a prop then sure, issue... but I personally have no issue with the trolley passing the soon to be marvel area. As well as I have no issue with a futuristic looking monorail zipping past the the Matterhorn.. I was just trying to emphasize that these breeches exist elsewhere and are forgiven.
My only counter is I truly think the monorail is themed specifically to tomorrowland and was originally introduced as a tomorrowland attraction.