From what the insiders on the web are mumbling, it sounds like Disney is mulling its options regarding how to make a big Marvel impact at the parks. Here's my guess: Someone somewhere said all wheels should stop until they saw how Guardians 2 performed. If it's a solid hit, then Disney may proceed with making a solid GotG E-ticket at WDW, probably replacing Energy.
If, however, the new film is a huge, record-breaking, "biggest hit of the year" type of success, Disney may deem Guardians to be strong enough to serve as the de facto Marvel brand for Florida. A brand that could support a larger, SWL-land scale investment (perhaps replacing the SW Launch Bay area at the DHS) within which could have Marvel merchandising, restaurants and perhaps even attractions that dance along the gray fringes of what's legally permitted due to the Universal contract.
I'm sure Marketing would love to sell "The Marvel Experience" or something like that as a follow up to Star Wars at the DHS, but they legally can't do that. But they'd prefer not to sell "SuperHero City (with cameos from legal gray areas characters)" if there's an opportunity to sell "The Guardians of the Galaxy Experience (with cameos from legal gray area characters)".
Where would this leave Universe of Energy? Dunno. Put the Tron coaster there and de-tron-ify Test Track so that it can be Cars-i-fied? I really don't know.