The problem I have is, oh sure it's just some balloons, and a fountain, right it's not like it's a human being, BUT it's a disapointment to see that THIS IS THE LAND. Shame on Disney. Except for Imagination!, Future World West is [how should I say this], about the elements? :veryconfu
As in we have the sea, we have the land, they could have made an air pavilion using soarin', and had built a new entrance somehow elsewhere. Mission: Space as tiny as that pavilion is could have gone where Imagination! is, that way Future World west could have just the sea, land, air, and space pavilions.
While Future world East could have the Energy, Motion, Anatomy, and Phycology pavilions. Both East and West have four pavilions.
Blah Blah Blah :hammer:
So yea, they shouldn't take one ride, which has little to do with the land, cause we are in the air, soarin' over it, there is no need for this one ride to cause the land to become some new "If You Had Wings" airport terminal/concourse. Oh that's all we need is the Sunshine Fair to be the Consourse Six Cafe. :brick:
Food Rocks becomes the Concourse Six Gift Shop. :hurl:
They find room to make Kitchen Kabaret again, but now it's Luggage Kabaret.
The circle of life theater, I think former symbiosis theater would become The circle of security theater.
Wallah out goes the green and pink, and orange, HELLO chrome, blue, and white. Bad Bad Bad....... *Me Thinks Disney is liking the pot right now*, and I don't mean a pot where flowers grow. :lol: