green hair!!!!! HELP!


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Ok, here's the deal: The other day I went swimming. I wasn't in the pool that long, and my hair turned green. I have blonde hair. So, I'm used to having to wash out the green. But this time, the green won't come out!! I've tried regular shampoos & I've tried two special shampoos!! Nothing's helping. It's not GREEN. But On some parts of my hair, there's a green highlight to it. And I really don't like it!! I was wondering if it is safe to use a hair color to try to get rid of it? If anyone knows anything I can do, please tell me! We start school on Aug. 27! And I don't wanna go back w/green hair! :(

Beauty and the

New Member
Don't bleach it yourself. Go to the Hairdresser and tell her what has happened, she'll know exactly how to fix it. Don't panic it will be all right, but if you mess with it you could make it much worse.


Well-Known Member

There is a product on the market called... {runs to see the blond too} Sheer Blonde... by John Frieda (he does friz ease) there is one to get out the green. I dont know the exact name of that one but another thing that i use that will help you out is called dream cream by the same makes straw-like hair (from chlorine or whatever) into silky hair...
try this first, if you dye your hair and you dont quite match're gonna have to keep touching up whn your roots grow in and blahhh
ya know?

good luck



Originally posted by AliciaLuvzDizne
There is a product on the market called... {runs to see the blond too} Sheer Blonde... by John Frieda (he does friz ease) there is one to get out the green. I dont know the exact name of that one but another thing that i use that will help you out is called dream cream by the same makes straw-like hair (from chlorine or whatever) into silky hair...
try this first, if you dye your hair and you dont quite match're gonna have to keep touching up whn your roots grow in and blahhh
ya know?


AliciaLuvzDizne has some good advice there, absolutely do not do any kind of bleaching or dyeing without consulting with a stylist first, if you can't get to one right away (they should even be able to tell you over the phone), then a shampoo like she mentioned could help - read the directions carefully though, some shampoos are not as simple as wash, rinse, repeat!!


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Thanks guys!! I think I'm going to beg my mom to lend me money & go to the salon on Monday! The green isn't really noticable, but to me it is! And it is kind of annoying! lol. But thanks again for all the advice! I know I won't be coloring my hair at home. I color my hair, could that be a reason it reacted so strong? AliciaLuvzDizne----thanks for the product names! I'll go to the salon & check in on if they think I can get rid of it myself, then if not, I'll let them do it! Thanks! :)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by darthdarrel
Or you can keep it green and just say your into the GOTHIC scene!:D is usually associated with PUNK..not if it were red....ooooo la la


New Member
LOL! Here goths wear any color,Black,green blue you name it LOL!
I myself just dyed my hair jet black a couple of days ago!:D but your right! punks also wear green hair!
Originally posted by NowInc is usually associated with PUNK

I have green hair so it is also associated with super heroes. If you are really desperate WDW*babe, you can always be my new Hurri-sidekick!


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It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by NowInc is usually associated with PUNK..not if it were red....ooooo la la

one of the delivery guys at our building has BRIGHT RED hair... he makes bozo the clows hair look rather dull :lol:


LOL! I feel your pain! When I was younger and at the pool all the time, my hair used to do the same thing. I remember buying a shampoo that took it right out- it was a little pricey and I can't remember what it was, but I am relatively certain it was by Nexxus.

Sheer Blonde is a great line- maybe try that first because their stuff is so much less expensive.

Good luck!


New Member
wdwbabe, I would definately call a pro about it. I've had so many friends who've messed with their hair trying to get it back to their blonde color and ended up with....well....a MESS!!! Goodluck, let us know how it goes.

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