Graduation Celebration: HOT days, fun times, and plenty of food

I have only been home for 20 hours, and I am already missing the most magical place on earth, ESPECIALLY the weather. When I left Florida it was 95, and now I'm stuck with a high of 67. What's with mother nature? Anyway, I had an awesome 10 days at WDW, and I am excited to share my vacation with the wdwmagic family!

If any of you haven't read my pre-trip report, you can read it at this link:

WARNING: There may be some grammar mistakes in this report. I am a very fast typer, and I sometimes skip words or make spelling mistakes. I'm only human. Also, I am no Tom Bricker (WDWFigment), which means my photos aren't fantastic, but I try.

After 5 months of planning, June 11th was finally here. I was supposed to wake up at 4:30 am, but I hit the snooze which caused me to sleep in till 5:30. After getting all of our stuff together, we hit the road. Goodbye boring/cold Illinois! Hello warm/tropical Florida!

Here is a fantastic (sarcasm) photo of me and my disney girls. Don't I just look so alive? At least I'm representing my team.

IMG_0251 by jessicamanning19, on Flickr

Here is our crazy amount of luggage, but hey were women! We need a lot of stuff!

IMG_0253 by jessicamanning19, on Flickr
At 6 am, we hit the road. Because everyone in our group has their license, we were all able to take turns driving. And guess who drove first? The one who has the least experience driving! My 16 year old sister, Jodi. I will admit, she is a pretty decent driver, but she scares me sometimes. With that said, my mom watched her very closely. She drove about 5 hours. Then, my mom took over until the middle of Tennessee.


IMG_0255 by jessicamanning19, on Flickr

Goofing off in the car:

IMG_0958 by jessicamanning19, on Flickr

Rock on!

IMG_0260 by jessicamanning19, on Flickr

I'm so glad Katie was excited for the car ride. Good thing she doesn't know about this website, or she probably would kill me.

DSC_0447 by jessicamanning19, on Flickr

YAY for Kentucky!

DSC_0462 by jessicamanning19, on Flickr

Hello Nashville! Sadly, I fell asleep, and was not able to take a picture of "Welcome to Tennessee!".

DSC_0469 by jessicamanning19, on Flickr

After driving through Kentucky and a little bit of Tennessee, my mom needed to rest her back, so I took over. I have a fear of driving in the mountains, and I was a tad freaked out about driving through them. Even though there not that bad, the mountains still freak me out. My mom talked me through, and I successfully drove through them. Phew! That was a relief.

Hello Atlanta! Katie took the picture because I was driving. Yes, I missed the Georgia welcome sign, but I was driving.

IMG_0267 by jessicamanning19, on Flickr

After Atlanta, I got tired, so my mom took over. We made it to the border of Georgia at about 11:00. We decided to stay in a hotel for the night. We made our exit in Valdosta, GA. Finding a hotel was a NIGHTMARE. Every hotel was booked because Lady Antebellum was in town for a concert. WOW, we would choose to stay in a town with every hotel booked. It was insane! We were so desperate we even tried staying in this crack motel...

IMG_0959 by jessicamanning19, on Flickr

HA! You gotta love the name. Unfortunately, they were booked, but the guy offered that we could stay downstairs... Oh my gosh. I don't even want to know what goes on downstairs. So we got the heck away from that place. Luckily, the sleep inn had one room left. It was a "suite" with a whirlpool. Woohoo! How fancy! You should have seen this place. It was no suite. Jodi and Katie were forced to sleep on the pull out couch, but they survived.

Stay tuned!!!!


Well-Known Member
Awwww...I don't want your trip to be over either! :( I guess they all have to end at some point so you can have the excitement of the beginning of another, huh? Fab report! Loved it! And, really, what better way to bring a report to a close then to have to eat Mickey Crispy treats on-a-stick the whole way home???? They're my favorite so I'd be in hog-heaven! :slurp:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I loved the whole thing! I can see you had a great time! I can´t think of a better way to celebrate. I really enjoyed your trip report, and I hope you enjoy college, it´s the best time of your life!

I am so glad you loved it Sarabell! We had an amazing time. It truly was a great way to end my senior year. Thanks! I am excited (and somewhat nervous) about college. I cannot wait!

Oh and I am excited to read your future TR! It will be so interesting to read about you seeing everything for the first time in over ten years! You must be so excited!

Awwww...I don't want your trip to be over either! :( I guess they all have to end at some point so you can have the excitement of the beginning of another, huh? Fab report! Loved it! And, really, what better way to bring a report to a close then to have to eat Mickey Crispy treats on-a-stick the whole way home???? They're my favorite so I'd be in hog-heaven! :slurp:

Yes they do...:( I am so addicted to WDW that I am already in the works of another trip. Hopefully I can convince my paps:king:. I'm so glad you loved it! I cannot wait for your trip report. I was actually reading you last TR the other day to cure my wdw home sickness.:lol: Oh, and the rice crispy treats. They were so good. My insulin level was most likely going through the roof.:ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Disney Photopass Photos

Ahh yes, we gave into the photopass thing. Would I do it again? No. It is basically a rip off. Next time I will just ask the cast members to use my camera. It ended up costing me $59 for 4 photos. But they are some great photos.....

1st day in Epcot

Our only day in Hollywood Studios or as I say, MGM

EMH at the Magic Kingdom



Well-Known Member
That last picture in front of the castle is BEAUTIFUL!!! :)

So sad to see your trip is over!! But all good things come to an end... If only we could stay at Disney all the time... The life that would be right? :lol:

Hopefully you'll get to go back in December!! We're going in November.. only 108 days to go!!! :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Hey the trip report was great!! We all know on how that feels on leaving on that last day. :( No i did not have a tear in my eye while driving away... :lookaroun :lol:

Wow it took you 17 hours to get home... :eek: WOW that's alot of driving. Glad all of you was okay making it home.

Yes you tell Dad, hey your going to Disney like it or not... :cool: :lol: Just joking. But hopefully he goes.

Glad you had lot's of fun, till next time... :wave:


Great TR been following this one as much as Tom's....really giving him a run for his money :ROFLOL: . Hopefully you can figure out a way to trek down in december for christmas


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
That last picture in front of the castle is BEAUTIFUL!!! :)

So sad to see your trip is over!! But all good things come to an end... If only we could stay at Disney all the time... The life that would be right? :lol:

Hopefully you'll get to go back in December!! We're going in November.. only 108 days to go!!! :sohappy:

Aww thank you!:)

Ahh yes, that is definitely a dream of mine. I need to move down to Florida, so I can be close to Disney.

I am totally crossing my fingers. I keep on hinting my dad. I hope he gives in...:lol: How exciting! I can't wait to see your tr! I have been enjoying the one you're writing. :)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Hey the trip report was great!! We all know on how that feels on leaving on that last day. :( No i did not have a tear in my eye while driving away... :lookaroun :lol:

Wow it took you 17 hours to get home... :eek: WOW that's alot of driving. Glad all of you was okay making it home.

Yes you tell Dad, hey your going to Disney like it or not... :cool: :lol: Just joking. But hopefully he goes.

Glad you had lot's of fun, till next time... :wave:

Thanks! I am so glad you liked it! The last day is so dreadful. I try to enjoy myself being in Disney, but I can't get the fact that I am leaving the next day out of my head.:roll eyes: Haha! I totally know what you mean! My mom and I are always the ones to tear up while leaving.

Yes, it was such a long drive, but better than dragging it out.:lol:

Haha I wish! He is not the man to be convinced easily, but if my mom gets to him he may give in. Haha.

Thanks for reading!

Great TR! Loved all the pics especially the food ones. That is alot of snacks. Congratulations on Graduation and Good Luck with you future!

Thank you and thank you! Yes, it was a lot of snacks. Perfect for the car ride home!:lol:

Great TR been following this one as much as Tom's....really giving him a run for his money. Hopefully you can figure out a way to trek down in december for christmas

Haha! Yes, I am really crossing my fingers on this one.

Great pic, amazing smiles all around.

Aww thanks! It has to be one of my favorites from the trip.

You are a woman though, right? Yeah...close enough!

HAHAHAHA! Oh geez... I love to see you guys make fun of each other back and forth on the boards. It's quite entertaining...


One of the funniest comments i've seen on this forum. :sohappy: No offense to WDWFigment.

Haha. Blackthidot has to be one of the funniest members on here.

Wow! I've never noticed all of the flags either!

I love girls' trips! I enjoyed reading your report and seeing all of the food. I hope you get to go back in December. Oh yeah, congratulations on your graduation!

I had no idea either! It's very patriotic.

Me too! Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed it. I hope so too. And thanks!


Active Member
So sad its over! I really enjoyed following along.

We are doing the "getting ready to move out" phase here at our house as well. B is heading to Milwaukee School of Engineering. As a mom, I am not ready for him to leave! I'm sure your mom feels the same way!

Best of luck to you in college.

I look forward to more Disney trips from you! Our family (minus B) is going to try to do a quick weekend at Disney some point and time---if I can find cheap airfare. So, perhaps a TR from me will be in the future!


Haha! Yes, I am really crossing my fingers on this one.

I'll be checking in December 8th with my little mini me. At this point i dont know who is more excited me or him. Still have to convince him that splash mountain isnt scary though.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
HAHAHAHA! Oh geez... I love to see you guys make fun of each other back and forth on the boards. It's quite entertaining...

Haha. Blackthidot has to be one of the funniest members on here.

Haha's even better when everyone laughs at him about something I say and he does not see it!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
So sad its over! I really enjoyed following along.

We are doing the "getting ready to move out" phase here at our house as well. B is heading to Milwaukee School of Engineering. As a mom, I am not ready for him to leave! I'm sure your mom feels the same way!

Best of luck to you in college.

I look forward to more Disney trips from you! Our family (minus B) is going to try to do a quick weekend at Disney some point and time---if I can find cheap airfare. So, perhaps a TR from me will be in the future!

I'm so glad you enjoyed it!:)

Ahh the moving out phase. I've bought a lot of stuff for my dorm, but I am not completely done yet... I can't believe college is almost here. Time flies! I also will be going out of state. My mom is so not ready for me to leave. She's not too fond of me being 5 hours away...

Hopefully you guys can pull it off! That would be so much fun. I will be looking forward to your future TR. :)

I'll be checking in December 8th with my little mini me. At this point i dont know who is more excited me or him. Still have to convince him that splash mountain isnt scary though.

How exciting! Maybe I will run into you. I'm sure once he rides Splash Mountain, he won't be able to get enough of it!

Haha's even better when everyone laughs at him about something I say and he does not see it!

Or does he...?:lol:


Well-Known Member
I have loved your report from start to finish,so fun!!!Congrats on your grad n i'm crossing my fingers that Dad says yes okay:wave:

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