I was one of those debunking the rumor when it came out a while ago. Mostly because I knew that there was not an asbestos problem in the longhouses and there was not a huge need for them to come down. I have known for a while that the GCH has been having problems that they have been putting expensive patches to fix and they are tired of throwing money away on just patching it. Then last year they were talking about how they were going to close the GCH and still function. Where would they put check in and how would they offer food services. They seem to have a plan but it did not seem like it was going to be a great situation. I also started hearing something big was going to happen.
I have to agree that if they are not going to add a significant amount of rooms than there is no immediate need to redo the whole resort but from what I hear there is no feasible way for them to add DVC in the current layout of the resort and it seems that they are set on doing this.
Two things are a fact. The resort is around the cycle of time that it usually gets a redesign in the rooms. Also the resort has problems with many areas, pool, GCH, longhouses with electrical and flooding problems, so it seems at some point they will have to start from scratch to really address these things. Obviously gutting the rooms in 2002 did not fix all these things and the flooding problem with some of the ground floor rooms will not go away until the buildings themselves are redone from the foundation up or some new drainage system is put in.
I honestly can see it going two different ways and whatever way it goes seems that they will start this in 2013. It will either be the same old redesign of the rooms and clean up of the resort or they are going to start over but from all that I heard I think there is 0 chance that nothing is going to happen.