Going to Disney sick???

Zummi Gummi

Pioneering the Universe Within!
Until two years ago, I always insisted that there was no better cure for illness than WDW, and that it would be impossible to get sick in WDW.

Well, in 2007, all that changed when I came down with the virus to end all viruses while I was in WDW. In addition to that, I completely lost my voice. I tried to "tough it out" one day in the Animal Kingdom, but I think that just made it worse. I spent the next three days curled up in my bed at Pop Century watching the resort tv loop more times than I could count. It was absolutely miserable. Especially because when you're that sick, there's nothing you want more than your own bed. I was able to get a prescription called in, which helped but made me loopy for a few days. Eventually, I was able to go out and enjoy the last two days of my trip.

Being sick in WDW is something I wouldn't wish on anyone. There's nothing worse than being sick and stuck in your room at WDW.

Susan Savia

Well-Known Member
I had a sinus infection a few years ago prior to leaving for the World and so the first few days (including the drive down) were rather uncomfortable for me. My eyes were all swollen and the pictures of me show it. Felt better later in the week, tho.


New Member
While it is true that the symptoms and duration of H1N1 are very similar to seasonal flu for most people, there is an added concern for this particular strain for pregnant women. For some reason the H1N1 strain has been more harmful to pregnant women than the seasonal flu usually is.

The media has definitely overreacted to the H1N1. However, there is reason for a percentage of the population to be concerned. Keep in mind that while the actual illness is similar to seasonal flu, there is no immunity since the vaccine has not started yet (although people over the age of 65 seem to have some immunity). Because of this, it is spreading very easily and very quickly in many parts of the country now. So those people who choose to get vaccinated every year for seasonal flu because they are in a high risk group (pregnant women, very young children, health conditions, asthma, etc) have no protection.

Because of this, anyone who comes down with it should be extra cautious about spreading it as a courtesy to others who may be at a higher risk of complications.

It is easy to say "it is just the flu" so there is no need to worry...because for most people, it really is "just the flu" and they will be fine. But for many people "just the flu" can have serious complications....which is why we have a seasonal vaccine in the first place.

It is really not a whole lot different than the occasional year that they get the seasonal vaccine wrong. The cause for concern is not the actual strain of flu itself....the cause for concern is that the people who need to be protected from it or choose to be protected from it can't be at this point in time.

Yea thats why I would avoid if I were her, pregnant women are more prone to a lot of illnesses.


Well-Known Member
I always get sick when at Disney because of all the people.
I always wake up the next morning with a sore throat and fever :dazzle:

Two years in a row the same thing was happening to me. This past Sept trip I did not get sick at the parks. Two Septs in a row at night all of a sudden my nose would start running and I could not stop. I got so congested and the next morning my throat would be killing me and I had a slight fever.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
I always get sick when at Disney because of all the people.
I always wake up the next morning with a sore throat and fever :dazzle:

Sickness doesn't develop overnight. It takes 5-10 days to develop, so you were already a carrier.
What sublimesting said is predominately correct. Most airborne viruses and bacteria take a few days to hit you. If you are getting those symptoms on day one on every trip you are more than likely looking at an allergy and not an infection.


New Member
i got REALLY sick on my trip new years 2000,come to find out i caught food poisoning,it landed me in the hospital for the night,I was out of the hospital by noon that next day,not 100% better but felt well enough to go to AK


Active Member
We've been pretty lucky (knock on wood!) considering that alot of our trips have been during cold and flu season.

I have only been sick at Disney once....the last few days of the trip where my DH proposed, I came down with a cold.

I've had a sick kid at Disney only once.....last December, my DD came down with croup half way through our trip, but she recovered quickly.

However, we have had several times where one or more of us have come down with cold symptoms within a day or two after being home. I got really sick last December about two days after we were home, and was sick for the rest of the month...it was awful. It seemed like everyone on the plane was hacking on our way home.

The Mom

Premium Member
What sublimesting said is predominately correct. Most airborne viruses and bacteria take a few days to hit you. If you are getting those symptoms on day one on every trip you are more than likely looking at an allergy and not an infection.

I agree. I NEVER had allergies until I moved to Florida, and now I have them. My daughter has been fine since moving away, but starts getting sick within a day of arriving.


Active Member
I agree. I NEVER had allergies until I moved to Florida, and now I have them. My daughter has been fine since moving away, but starts getting sick within a day of arriving.

Allergies in Florida are terrible (especially up here in Tallahassee. In the spring months, my car is covered with pollen every morning, so much that I can't even see through the windshield.)


Well-Known Member
I am not sure what I would do if I got really sick just before a vacation.

I don't get "really" sick. I may get the occassional day or two where I feel "cruddy". Maybe a sore throat or a stuffed nose, but I think the last time I was really sick was in 1998. I ended up with strep and was out of work for three days. Thats the last time I missed any work due to illness.

If I felt "under the weather" I would most likely go.

However if I was "really sick" like I was when I had strep (I fell asleep at a traffic light while driving to the doctor - pennicillin is a wonderful thing btw) I think I would postpone the trip.



New Member
Have you ever gone on vacation to WDW, knowing that you were sick? Do you let sickness, no matter how minor or major, ruin your precious Disney time?

Yup! Twice. Once when I dislocated my ankle the night before I was to leave, and last year when I developed a rip-roaring sinus infection the week prior to my trip.

Both times, I soldiered through because it was already paid for, and I had been granted time off at work.

Hope you are well and able to enjoy your trip. Darn Piggy Flu!


Active Member
I've been down there in the middle of cemo treatments before and still enjoyed myself.

Honestly though, if I had something contagious, like the swine flu, I probably wouldn't go. Espcially since we always fly.


Well-Known Member
I've been down there in the middle of cemo treatments before and still enjoyed myself.

Honestly though, if I had something contagious, like the swine flu, I probably wouldn't go. Espcially since we always fly.

Just to clarify, this is my feeling as well.

If I am sick - as in having a disease that is spread fairly easily, then I would consider not going.

If I am hurt or injured - makes no difference to me - I am still going.

This summer, I walked onto the Disney Wonder and promptly heard my left knee go *click*. I knew right away what that meant - A few drinks in the hot tub while the kids played in the pool, and all was good the next day :)

I can run, I can take Tae Kwon Do, I can play softball and my knees are happy. Walk onto a ship for vacation and they have ot go on vacation too.


Future Guy

Active Member
Wow, it's a good thing that you've got plenty of time to get well before your trip. You should tell Piglet that you had his flu :)

My wife suffers from severe sensitivity to perfumes and artificial fragrances, and if she catches a strong enough whiff of them it almost instantly makes her extremely tired and lethargic, so we're always worried about that when we're in a crowded place like WDW, since there are some people who seem to bathe in the stuff.

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