Going to Disney sick???


Well-Known Member
i remember back about 3 years ago, I had gotton the stomach flu. we drive to Florida so you can suspect how wonderful that 19 hour car ride went. but the first day we cheaked in, everyone else went to the pool and i stayed in the resort the next day i was fine and ready to go to the parks.


As a good Canadian, I get some sort of chest cold every single winter. Subsequently we travel south in the winter down to Disney. I actully like going to florida sick, as soon as I land at MCO, I can feel my chest start to lighten up and I can breathe alot easier. In around 24 hours in Orlando my cold is completly gone....Its worked like this atleast 5 years in a row!

The bad part is my cold magically returns the moment my flight touches down at YYZ.


New Member
I had the opportunity to spend one day at Epcot, on the way back from a business trip. I was staying in the cruddiest motel/hostel, and fell ill, but it was either staying in disgusting hostel, or go to Epcot. So I ended up just sitting in World Showcase for most of the day, head resting on a table, trying not to cry. It was such a bad trip, I don't even count it as one of my Disney visits. :(

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
If you have signs and symptoms of flu, you wont be getting on a plane from here.

Got sick on the trip last year, still it was nice to have the chance to get to see so many of Epcots bathrooms, and admire the acoustics.


Active Member
Saddly? ANYONE that is sick would go to WDW. Think about it: are you going to tell a sick 4 year old that the trip is off? And what are Mom & Dad going to do with the plane tickets?

We would be far better off talking about how to AVOID getting sick while going to WDW... not swine flu, or any of that junk - just how to survive on a airplane with 20 coughing 6 year olds :) This is actually an Art Form - Bio suites are overkill :)

Not me! I would reschedule the trip if I felt like the illness was bad enough that it would affect our trip. We were supposed to leave for a Colorado vacation yesterday (I know, its not Disney, but it was a vacation we were looking forward to nonetheless), but my son came down with the Swine Flu this week. He started showing symptoms Monday night, and had 104 temp all day Tuesday.

Wednesday morning he was not any better, so that was when we decided to cancel the trip. It was a tough call, but based on how he was doing the day before we were supposed to leave, there was no way we could go. Plus, we knew that any one of us could come down with it at any minute since it is so contagious. And I would not put my family on a plane KNOWING one of us had swine flu and the rest of us could possibly be carrying it....exposing a plane full of people to a flu virus that no one has immunity to.

Seeing how he still has temp today and feels horrible, and my husband thinks he is coming down with it, we made the right call. If it HAD been a Disney trip instead of Colorado, and we HAD decided to go, my son would be lying in bed in the resort feeling way too sick to go to the parks, and my husband would soon be joining him, and being in such close contact in a hotel room, I am sure my DD or myself would come down with it as well before the week was up. What kind of vacation would that be? And what a waste of money! We ALWAYS get the kind of airfare that we can change.

Now I know you can always get sick AFTER you are already there....it happened to my DD last year. You have no control over that. But if one of us was very sick (with something like the flu...something that you know is going to make you sick for awhile) the day before the trip, you can bet I'd reschedule.


We always seem to get sick while at Disney. I always said that if you've got to be sick, you might as well be at Disney.

Well......after my dh was very sick one trip and ended up missing our Disney Cruise, I can tell you sick in Disney is no fun! Would much rather be home. Every trip one of us ends up sick. This trip as we got to Orlando I developed a sinus infection and also 8 months pregnant. Not fun, but didn't ruin the trip. We all got colds while we were there too, and since we got back 2 hrs ago, ds 2 now has a fever. Sooooo glad we aren't in Disney for all of this!

If you're sick, especially with the swine flu, do the rest of us a favor and stay home! I don't want to catch your sickness.......


Well-Known Member
We always seem to get sick while at Disney. I always said that if you've got to be sick, you might as well be at Disney.

Well......after my dh was very sick one trip and ended up missing our Disney Cruise, I can tell you sick in Disney is no fun! Would much rather be home. Every trip one of us ends up sick. This trip as we got to Orlando I developed a sinus infection and also 8 months pregnant. Not fun, but didn't ruin the trip. We all got colds while we were there too, and since we got back 2 hrs ago, ds 2 now has a fever. Sooooo glad we aren't in Disney for all of this!

If you're sick, especially with the swine flu, do the rest of us a favor and stay home! I don't want to catch your sickness.......

My youngest daughter just attracts damage. Falls off of bikes, crashes into walls on a sled, gets Lyme Disease, you name it she gets it.

For about 10 days prior to our cruise dates I basicly put her in a bubble. "Dad, I want to go climb that tree" "How about you sit on this bench instead" :D OK, so I am not that bad, but I do make sure eveyone gets enough rest and tries to stay healthy.



My youngest daughter just attracts damage. Falls off of bikes, crashes into walls on a sled, gets Lyme Disease, you name it she gets it.

For about 10 days prior to our cruise dates I basicly put her in a bubble. "Dad, I want to go climb that tree" "How about you sit on this bench instead" :D OK, so I am not that bad, but I do make sure eveyone gets enough rest and tries to stay healthy.


We were in Disney for a wk since we like to be down before we go on a cruise so we don't end up missing it cuz of flight delays, etc.

This was when the whole Norwalk-like virus was going around and effecting the cruise ships big time and making everyone sick. The night before he had all the symptoms of it and no way could he go on a cruise, let alone leave the hotel room. His parents were going with us, but since they were in the next room, had no idea he was sick til it was time to leave. We called the trip insurance people and explained the situation. The guy told us that as long as you were sick, you could cancel and get a full refund and to just call them back when we were home to file the claim to get our money back. So, sounded good to us, so we cancelled the cruise (had no choice). We were staying at ASMo or Mu (can't remember which) but they were great with letting us stay an extra night, getting us extra towels and bedding and cleaning supplies.

So, since we didn't want to change our flight, we stayed in Orlando and then Cocoa Beach til dh parents got off the cruise. He was feeling a little better by then so was able to enjoy the rest of the trip.

Til we got home! Then the insurance company....Access America.....said we couldn't get a refund since dh didn't see a dr. If we had known that at the time, we would've had him see one. After loosing all the appeals, we finally sent a certified letter to Disney. We reached out to Disney after my inlaws told us that while they were on the bus on the way to the cruise that they had cm on board asking that if people were sick, thought they could be sick, etc to NOT board and they would issue either a full refund or money towards another cruise (can't remember which she said). A few months went by and in the mail was a certificate towards another cruise from Disney. We were so excited and happy that Disney did this for us when, by all rights, they didn't have to do anything. We went on to have a great time on that cruise and even booked another while we were still onboard.


New Member
So, I just got back from the doctors, and I have swine flu.......:dazzle:

I'm going to be fine, but still, its quite a shock, and quite scary!! :hammer:

So, seeing as how my birthday trip to WDW is coming up in about two months, it got me to thinking........

Have you ever gone on vacation to WDW, knowing that you were sick? Do you let sickness, no matter how minor or major, ruin your precious Disney time?
From your avatar pic, it appears that you are probably a homosexual.


New Member
What the hell does that have to do with this thread? I hat when people like you make a joke account just to make homophobic or racial comments. I'm not gay but there is no room on these boards for this, it is 2009 not 1909 if you have these fellings keep them to yourself!

I dont care if I get introuble for this but you are a jackass!
I don't care if he is homosexual. I'm just saying that it is obvious from his picture. My other screen name is Pumbas Nakasak


Well-Known Member
I've come home from Disney sick many times, which makes me think there are a lot of sick people there.:shrug:

Sooo true! We just came back last week , while there my oldest had a fever then later it turned into a cold...Two days later my little one same thing 103 temp and later that day a cold....And now me....Just a cold though! Oh how they love to share! But it is true about coming back sick from there , other family members came back a few weeks ago and same thing...

Its funny beacuse before we go I'm always drilling the kids "Wash those hands, and yes with soap".."we can't get sick we're going to Disney"!!!


Well-Known Member
Going sick or getting sick when there can be a bummer. But if you are sick before you leave, but still able to be walking wounded, I say go.

But if you are down there and catch the dreaded Disney Bug, you might have wished you brought your own sickness with you. :ROFLOL: I caught the Disney Bug last Dec while staying at WL. In a couple of hours I went from feeling washed out to full blown agony. Laid in bed for 2 1/2 days and only got up to go the bathroom....every 15 minutes. If I wasn't for the fact that I was in the United States, I would have swore I had cholera. It was that bad!


Well-Known Member
We were in Disney for a wk since we like to be down before we go on a cruise so we don't end up missing it cuz of flight delays, etc.

This was when the whole Norwalk-like virus was going around and effecting the cruise ships big time and making everyone sick. The night before he had all the symptoms of it and no way could he go on a cruise, let alone leave the hotel room. His parents were going with us, but since they were in the next room, had no idea he was sick til it was time to leave. We called the trip insurance people and explained the situation. The guy told us that as long as you were sick, you could cancel and get a full refund and to just call them back when we were home to file the claim to get our money back. So, sounded good to us, so we cancelled the cruise (had no choice). We were staying at ASMo or Mu (can't remember which) but they were great with letting us stay an extra night, getting us extra towels and bedding and cleaning supplies.

So, since we didn't want to change our flight, we stayed in Orlando and then Cocoa Beach til dh parents got off the cruise. He was feeling a little better by then so was able to enjoy the rest of the trip.

Til we got home! Then the insurance company....Access America.....said we couldn't get a refund since dh didn't see a dr. If we had known that at the time, we would've had him see one. After loosing all the appeals, we finally sent a certified letter to Disney. We reached out to Disney after my inlaws told us that while they were on the bus on the way to the cruise that they had cm on board asking that if people were sick, thought they could be sick, etc to NOT board and they would issue either a full refund or money towards another cruise (can't remember which she said). A few months went by and in the mail was a certificate towards another cruise from Disney. We were so excited and happy that Disney did this for us when, by all rights, they didn't have to do anything. We went on to have a great time on that cruise and even booked another while we were still onboard.

It's good to hear Disney did right by you.

We do the same thing. Going to WDW for 5-7 days before going on the cruise, but my mentality shifts once we are in WDW.

I guess it's because we are already "on vacation" at that point. It's couple of days before the filght that I worry she is going to come down with something.


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