Going to Disney sick???


New Member
Original Poster
So, I just got back from the doctors, and I have swine flu.......:dazzle:

I'm going to be fine, but still, its quite a shock, and quite scary!! :hammer:

So, seeing as how my birthday trip to WDW is coming up in about two months, it got me to thinking........

Have you ever gone on vacation to WDW, knowing that you were sick? Do you let sickness, no matter how minor or major, ruin your precious Disney time?

WDW Vacationer

Active Member
:eek: Good gracious!

I know you are looking forward to the trip but...

If by some twist if fate you still have this at your trip time,you should not go.


Active Member
So, I just got back from the doctors, and I have swine flu.......:dazzle:

I'm going to be fine, but still, its quite a shock, and quite scary!! :hammer:

So, seeing as how my birthday trip to WDW is coming up in about two months, it got me to thinking........

Have you ever gone on vacation to WDW, knowing that you were sick? Do you let sickness, no matter how minor or major, ruin your precious Disney time?

No, I usually leave it at the gate :) I honestly was sick the day before my week long trip, and my frist day at the parks I forgot how miserable I was the night before sniffling and sneezing. But this was a cold, not swine flu lol

The Mom

Premium Member
So, I just got back from the doctors, and I have swine flu.......:dazzle:

I'm going to be fine, but still, its quite a shock, and quite scary!! :hammer:

So, seeing as how my birthday trip to WDW is coming up in about two months, it got me to thinking........

Have you ever gone on vacation to WDW, knowing that you were sick? Do you let sickness, no matter how minor or major, ruin your precious Disney time?

Hey, look at the bright side. You'll be better by the time you go, AND you won't have to worry about picking up the swine flu and ruining your vacation. While everyone else is spraying purell and wearing masks, you'll be fine.

unless you catch the seasonal flu, or an old fashioned cold :lookaroun


Active Member
Yuck...I hope you feel better! My son has the Swine Flu right now, along with half his school...it has hit my city soooooo hard. Be glad you are getting it over with before your trip. With no vaccine available yet, it is spreading like wildfire in parts of the country. Hopefully the parts of the country it has not hit yet will be able to get vaccinated before it reaches them.

We were supposed to leave for a Colorado vacation tomorrow, but with my son having close to 104 degrees of fever, and his little sister starting to show symptoms, we've had to cancel it.:( I'm disappointed, but at least it was not a Disney trip! I'd be in tears right now if that were the case.

Get better soon!:wave:


Well-Known Member
So, I just got back from the doctors, and I have swine flu.......:dazzle:

I'm going to be fine, but still, its quite a shock, and quite scary!! :hammer:

So, seeing as how my birthday trip to WDW is coming up in about two months, it got me to thinking........

Have you ever gone on vacation to WDW, knowing that you were sick? Do you let sickness, no matter how minor or major, ruin your precious Disney time?
hope you feel better soon


Well-Known Member
I got sick the day before my January trip. I lost my hearing in my right ear, I couldnt hear NOTHING. Then I made it worst by putting ear solution and it made my hear WORSE. I suffered for the 1st couple of days of my vacation, I had to call my doctor and he recommended a medication. I was congested. Then I felt fine for 2 days then got sick again. I caught a cold from my boyfriend and that lasted throughout the last day of my vacation. So I was pretty much ill during my whole 2 week vacation at WDW.


New Member
Original Poster
Hey, look at the bright side. You'll be better by the time you go, AND you won't have to worry about picking up the swine flu and ruining your vacation. While everyone else is spraying purell and wearing masks, you'll be fine.

unless you catch the seasonal flu, or an old fashioned cold :lookaroun

You know, my doctor said the exact same thing!

That is the best way to look at it.


Well-Known Member
I hope you are better soon. We have just gotten over all of that here too. Back to your question, my friend took her little girl to Disney sick. She was just getting over the swine flu & was also told that she had mono about a week before we left. She asked the DR and he said she should be fine, but to let her rest more than she would have. I questioned it, but she was fine all week. My thing was spreading the mono, but she never let her use water fountains and she made her wash her hands a lot. But yea, she went to Disney sick. :rolleyes: I'm sure it happens all of the time.

By the way, I thought about you when we arrived. I had the camera all out and ready to film but we came in some back way and didn't even go under the sign! :fork: Darn mapquest!! We actually ended up at the service entrance to Port Orleans Riverside. We drove past some disney construction company.:lookaroun Unreal... and very unmagical. :cry::ROFLOL:


New Member
Original Poster
By the way, I thought about you when we arrived. I had the camera all out and ready to film but we came in some back way and didn't even go under the sign! :fork: Darn mapquest!! We actually ended up at the service entrance to Port Orleans Riverside. We drove past some disney construction company.:lookaroun Unreal... and very unmagical. :cry::ROFLOL:



Premium Member
I've come home from Disney sick many times, which makes me think there are a lot of sick people there.:shrug:


New Member
So, I just got back from the doctors, and I have swine flu.......:dazzle:

I'm going to be fine, but still, its quite a shock, and quite scary!! :hammer:

So, seeing as how my birthday trip to WDW is coming up in about two months, it got me to thinking........

Have you ever gone on vacation to WDW, knowing that you were sick? Do you let sickness, no matter how minor or major, ruin your precious Disney time?

You will be fine and don't pay attention to the media SF is no worse than the regular flu!

Last year during NY I was very sick in WDW. It wasn't contagious, I had a sinus infection and a 102 degree fever but I manned up. Don't worry about it in 2 months you will be fine.

One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
Being 7 months pregnant and also being told by doctors that I could possibly die from the H1N1 virus, I'd be so scared to go to WDW before receiving a vaccine. So many people head down there sick, get sick while there, etc. This is probably the only time in my life I'd say I don't want to be down there. :cry:


New Member
Being 7 months pregnant and also being told by doctors that I could possibly die from the H1N1 virus, I'd be so scared to go to WDW before receiving a vaccine. So many people head down there sick, get sick while there, etc. This is probably the only time in my life I'd say I don't want to be down there. :cry:

Being pregnant is a good reason to avoid but it is no worse than the normal flu. But being pregnant I would avoid it anyway.


Active Member
I have 2 stories and they're both about my dad. In October 2002, as we were leaving AK (our first full day at WDW), my dad (62 at the time) got sick - feeling very weak and nauseated. We sat at an outdoor table for him to rest. I wanted to have a CM call for paramedics but he put up such a fuss, that I didn't. He finally felt that he could make it back to the bus, so we went back to the resort. He slept the rest of the afternoon. The next 2 days, he felt fine. Toward the end of the week, he started feeling sick again, but he toughed it out. 2 days after we returned home, he had to have emergency gall bladder surgery. After I had our pics developed, I looked at our AK pics taken early in the day, and I could see how sick he looked, even though he didn't feel sick at that time. I mean, he really looked like "death warmed over!"

We had another trip planned this past May and 3 days before we were set to leave for the trip, we thought he was having a heart attack. In jest, trying to lighten the mood in the hospital, I told him that the docs could just put a pacer in or something, but we were going on this trip!!! Turned out it wasn't a heart attack, but very bad reflux combined with an esophageal hernia.

Luckily, we've not had to go to WDW sick. I hope to continue being well for our May 2010 trip!


Active Member
Being pregnant is a good reason to avoid but it is no worse than the normal flu. But being pregnant I would avoid it anyway.

While it is true that the symptoms and duration of H1N1 are very similar to seasonal flu for most people, there is an added concern for this particular strain for pregnant women. For some reason the H1N1 strain has been more harmful to pregnant women than the seasonal flu usually is.

The media has definitely overreacted to the H1N1. However, there is reason for a percentage of the population to be concerned. Keep in mind that while the actual illness is similar to seasonal flu, there is no immunity since the vaccine has not started yet (although people over the age of 65 seem to have some immunity). Because of this, it is spreading very easily and very quickly in many parts of the country now. So those people who choose to get vaccinated every year for seasonal flu because they are in a high risk group (pregnant women, very young children, health conditions, asthma, etc) have no protection.

Because of this, anyone who comes down with it should be extra cautious about spreading it as a courtesy to others who may be at a higher risk of complications.

It is easy to say "it is just the flu" so there is no need to worry...because for most people, it really is "just the flu" and they will be fine. But for many people "just the flu" can have serious complications....which is why we have a seasonal vaccine in the first place.

It is really not a whole lot different than the occasional year that they get the seasonal vaccine wrong. The cause for concern is not the actual strain of flu itself....the cause for concern is that the people who need to be protected from it or choose to be protected from it can't be at this point in time.

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