Give me a break!


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Woman Sues Disney World, Claims Ride Caused Stroke, Heart Attack
Thursday, February 12, 2009

Print ORLANDO, Fla. — A British woman is suing Walt Disney World, claiming a ride caused her to suffer a disabling heart attack and stroke in 2005.

Leanne Deacon and her mother, both of Kibworth, England, filed the lawsuit Wednesday in Orlando circuit court. They are seeking at least $15,000.

Leanne Deacon was 16 when she rode the Disney World-MGM Studios' "The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror" ride several times.

Shortly after one ride, Deacon's heart stopped and she had a brain hemorrhage.

The Deacons accuse Disney of negligence in the ride's design and operation. They say Disney failed to adequately warn of the risks or provide adequate safety restraints.

Disney spokeswoman Kim Prunty said the company hadn't seen the lawsuit. Prunty said the ride was working properly when Deacon rode it.

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
You knew as soon as this happened it was going to eventually become a law suit. I am sure there will be a settlement because the amount is so low. It wouldn't be worth Disney's time to fight for only 15,000.

I love how restraints are an issue here. Last time I checked seat belts didn't aid in causing or prevent Heart Attacks or strokes. I've only been an EMT for 6 years though...what would I know.


Well-Known Member
Maybe I can come up with some kind of creative law suit about my depression when having to leave and what kind of grief I go through when I have to return to work and that Disney doesn't give any proper warnings about that



I'm surprised there only asking for $15,000. They must think that's a lot in Great Britain (probably thinks it's in Euros).:D


Well-Known Member
Actually, fifteen grand isn't that much. I wonder why so low? Most people are sueing for millions, she just wants her vacation reimbursed, I guess??:shrug:


Active Member
Actually, fifteen grand isn't that much. I wonder why so low? Most people are sueing for millions, she just wants her vacation reimbursed, I guess??:shrug:

Or maybe she is just seeking reimbursement of money not covered by her insurance. Possible she continued to need medical assistance, and the 15,000 coveres it.


Well-Known Member
wow :hammer:

That's almost as bad as the woman who sued mcdonalds for selling hot coffee that she spilled on herself....or the guy who sued the grocery store for dropping chicken and slipping on it himself. They both won their cases's really astounding.


New Member

No? :lookaroun


Beta Return
Last time I was there I was walking through Adventureland and looked over at the tantalizing Dole Whip stand.....and slammed my shin into the stone bench across the path!

It hurt SOOOOO bad.

I'm filing a lawsuit. Not only did they distract me with the Dole Whip stand, but they also failed to prevent me from running into the bench. They were grossly negligent.

It hurt for a few days, and I suffered a lot of grief over it.
I don't see how Disney can even be remotely responsible for someone's previously undiagnosed medical conditions. If she knew she had heart or circulatory system issues than ToT is the LAST ride she should have gotten on.

As far as the warning, you can't look any direction and not see a sign saying basically that if you even *might* have anything wrong with you that you should NOT ride. Those don't exist right?

I'd call this woman stupid, but I don't want to insult all the stupid people out there....


Well-Known Member
With all do respect, if ToT did not give me a heart attack as scared as I was when I rode it...

Anyway there is no way of knowing if there is a pre-existing condition and if there was it is the rider's responsibilty not Disney's.

There are a kazillion warning signs posted and I have high BP, if I ride it and die even it is pretty much my own fault for riding it.

IMHO anyway. I hate that she had a problem but still you can't blame a normally functioning ride on it.


Beta Return
My parents went back in October. They'd been a million times before, but it had been about 5 years since they were there last. Now they're both in their mid-50s.

My dad is one of those people who is too omnipotent to go to a doctor or take medicine - because he's better than that.

However, by the time they had stood in line at ToT and had a chance to read the 10,000 warning signs, he thought that with his low blood pressure and poor circulation, maybe, JUST MAYBE, he should take the "wuss elevator" down and wait for my mom to ride it. Just to be safe.

If he can make that decision, anyone can! Sure, the "victim" the article is referring to may not have known about their condition, but the fact remains that nobody has an excuse to NOT know the risks involved before they board.


I feel bad that she suffered but I have no idea how they can blame the ride. She flew from England-couldn't all that time in the air affect circulation and blood pressure? Just wondering.

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