GIANT Photo Post - Noodle Station, 20K, Gold Ears Return, Ryland's Birthday, & more!


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Original Poster
Hello Mouseketeers! We made a trip to WDW last weekend for Ryland's 18th birthday and we found lots to report back to you! We were there Friday, Saturday, and Sunday (and saw many of you there!) and here is what we found:

Hooray!!! The Noodle Station is back, with a few changes. It opened up again on July 1st (Friday) and we were excited!
Here's the sign. . . notice it says Serving Today!

Mmmmm Potsticker art. Didn't Andy Warhol have something to do with that. . .? Anyway, there are new Noodle Station art pieces on the walls surrounding the seating areas, like this one:

. . . and this one:

. . . and this one. Hip! I sure want me some noodles now!

Ooohhh this is exciting. This is the magic swirly screen. The center of this orb is a screen that tastefully displays different images of, well, noodles. See the swirl in action:

It alternates between images of noodles and space. Bizarre, but perhaps an attempt to connect the noodles to Tomorrowland somehow.

And poof! Back to noodles. Don't think about it too much. But at least when you get your order, it does actually kindof look like that.

Space again! woooo this is fun!

By now you get the idea:

Stay tuned! More to come!


Well-Known Member
Are these cosmetic changes? I haven't been to WDW since it opened. Has the menu changes any? Did you notice any differences fromwhen it oroginally opened?

*very nice photos* :wave:


Active Member
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Not only do you share the same birthday as me, but I was 18 on Sunday too!!! Not only that, we were both at Disney, I was at Disneyland Paris for my 18th. Happy Birthday again, oh and thanks for the updates! (Fireworks show was also fantastic!)


New Member
Ryland got sneaky and tried to post the pictures under his name, when it's usually my domain. All the previous text was mine, don't be confused - haha. Anyhow here I am.

We stayed in the All Star Movies Friday night. There were some festive guests there. Here's what we saw in the window of one room:

And a note!

Coming back into Magic Kingdom there was a beautiful rainbow that could be seen stretching over the Seven Seas Lagoon. Pretty!

Here's the lovely rainbow as seen stretching over the train station inside MK. Also notice the red, white, and blue decorations that were all over for the 4th.

Pecos Bill's was getting a few coats of paint. I always love these wet paint signs, I think they're hilarious.

Hahahaha this was priceless. This CM in Adventureland sang Ryland Happy Birthday Marilyn Monroe style. She then proceeded to "cut" his cake hat with a pirate sword and pronounced it to be "old cake".

But then she pulled this "pirate treasure" out of her pocket and presented it to him - she said he needed a ruby since it was his birthstone. Arrrrrr!

Yes, yes, I know. No flash pictures please, the spirits are frightfully sensitive to bright lights. Well Ryland decided it was his birthday and this chair needed reporting. Both chairs in HM, as previously discussed in another thread, that appear to have Donald's face on them are out for now. They have been replaced with two boring maroon colored chairs with no white detailing. One appears in the library (below) and one in the room with the knight and the endless hallway. See the substitute chair on the other side of the table.

Back on main street, Virtual Magic Kingdom is being advertised everywhere. We didn't get a photo, but there are signs where merchandise is sold that say things like "buy a shirt, receive a free virtual shirt!" and the same for hats. For non gamers, that was a little confusing.

Close up of the poster:

Stay tuned! Still more to come!


Well-Known Member
haha.... someone tricked somone or mixed up....

Great update so far... (if only i had an AP... and got my camera fixed... or a new one..)

nice photos....
(I remember wearing the It' my B-day button and got a "citizen of the Magic kingdom" button when that band in fantasyland was running around... lol... very great...


New Member
Weehaw! Look! We caught another birthday girl!
Notice the July 4th decorations on the Emporium. Yay!

We ordered our first kiddie cones from the Main Street Ice Cream store. Cute and yummy! (Though I later dropped one of my ears on the ground.)

At the hotel the next morning I decided to be like Buzz.

Off to the right of the Toy Story section of All Star Movies, there appears to be some kind of rehab or construction taking place. Here's the wall:

Bummer. After leaving the Character Premier Outlet store on exit 68, we were on our way to MGM. The sky was divided straight down the middle of the road. Which side is Disney on? The completely black side. Great ambience for ToT, bad for us.

Along I4, Central Casting had a ::cough:: subtle sign avertising positions available at Disney.

After the storm, at MGM, There was an avertisement for Osborne lights on one of the construction walls for the set up which is already taking place. It gives a little bit of history of the event and the dates.

Ryland finally got to do a little dance under the Singing in the Rain umbrella. Good fun on a hot day!

Drumroll, please. At approximately 6pm, the gold ears returned!!!! See them in their glory:

Even more are on the way! Keep watching. More after these messages.


Active Member
Great pictures so far, I look forward to seeing the rest.:cool: You guys make it possible for us non Floridians to visit the parks so often!!:D


Can't Wait!!

Thanks for the pics.
I will be there July 25-27. Not long enough, I know. My friend and I are escaping b4 we go back to work. SOOOOO happy to see the gold Mickey Ears are back.
Take care and keep 'um coming, please!!!!!!!!!!!
Great Update as usual. Glad to see the gold ears back. now you might be able to walk through the park without people asking you where you got them from. Glad to see you had a great time. :wave:


New Member
Ryland and I had dinner together at the 50's Prime Time Diner. They brought him a thrilling cupcake covered in Mickey sprinkles for his birthday! He was excited!

Our babysitter, Topher, tried to airplane feed me the rest of my meatloaf. But I'm full!

After yet another brief afternoon shower, a lovely sunset appeared over MGM.

On Sunday, Ryland's family came up to meet us to celebrate his actual birthday. Meet some of the crew! From left to right, Ryland's sister Amanda, niece Ali (both visiting from Alabama), sister Raven (just got an annual pass) and me! Mmm frozen cappucino. (His mom, dad, and brother are in the background.)

MAN I love the trolley show! And I love it even more when it's holiday festive. The cast has been appearing in their red, white, and blue costumes since around Memorial Day, but now the trolley was all festive for the fourth. See the ribbons and, in between these two dapper dancers, the Happy 4th sign that decorated the back of the trolley. You can hear the song now, can't you? It's in my heeeeaaad!

Just moments after we all got DRENCHED on Splash Mountain, we turned around to see that the water had been turned off! Oh no! Note the log at the very top about to go down. I hope no one was in it! Did anyone experience this breakdown? I never got any more word on it than seeing the water off. Hmm. . .

Yikes! Family time on the speedway. Ryland let Ali drive. Hold on tight!


We met many many many WDMMagic members this weekend. Many approached us and introduced themselves - we love meeting people from the boards! We finally had the pleasure of meeting MommytoMJ and the beautiful Marjorie herself outside Carousel of Progress. Glad to finally meet you!

Noodle Station for lunch. One of the changes, as can be seen here, is new bowls. No more styrofoam buckets. Now there are plastic bowls which you return after you are finished to be washed and reused. Much more environmentally sound. And it did not affect the portion size, you still get about the same amount of food, but it looks much nicer. I could be mistaken, but is this the only counter service station that does something like this? Maybe it'll become a new trend. Other changes include different choices for kids meals. Kids can now choose from PB&J, Stir Fry, or Mac N Cheese. Ali chose the latter. They are now also offering Nestle ice cream bars. Ryland was given one for his birthday!
See new bowls:

Still more to come!


Well-Known Member
Love the Prime Time Cafe..

Never got the Coffee drink.... (need the name of a version at DL.. LOL)

Wow.. nice bowls.. (thought i might go for mac & cheese. lol)


New Member
This probably should have been in the last set. This is Ryland's Noodle Station Birthday Crunch bar.

A small glimpse of the old 20k area, and what construction is taking place on the Pooh play area. Is that a climbing net I see? Hmmmmm.

The biggest news of all!!! SANTA CLAUS WAS IN MAGIC KINGDOM!!! See him. Ryland almost went and asked him for something, but he decided to let him vacation in peace.

At the Plaza for dinner, Ryland was doing his impression of what it would look like if a leech was in your mouth (long story, his sister started it) when they brought him a cake and the WHOLE restaurant began to sing. He was very very surprised!!! (See his mom in the background.)

Close up of the cute little cake. It was yummy! Mickey was edible!

Here are a few stills from the special July 3rd and 4th FITS fireworks show. Not as cool as Ryland's video, but still pretty.




One more set, after these messages! (This post brought to you by Sugar Jets! They make you feel Jet Propelled!)


New Member
Following the AMAZING fireworks display, we decided to watch Spectro. (The fam went on home so it was just the two of us.) Ryland took a few shots of the stunning special patriotic lighting of the castle. I wish we could see the castle like this more often!


Not star spangled this time, but we thought it was cool that we caught a little bit of the sparkle effect that happens as the mirror changes pictures.

Then Ryland experimented a little with my spinning Statue of Liberty Minnie toy (labeled NYC World Of Disney and only available through the 4th, so I was told) and the castle itself.

Then I got my toy back so I could play. Look closely, I'm there!

Last but not least, we had the pleasure of meeting ProjectTracker - one of the many WDWMagic folks we met this weekend. Look at all those pins! Boy is that vest heavy!

In other small updates, Don Quixote is still missing from IASW. Where did he go???

Alright mouseketeers, that's all for now. Hope you enjoyed them!
See you real soon!


Active Member
Those are such GREAT Pics! Thanks for sharing...and the Fireworks pics look great also,I'm surprised that the colors show up so well . :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
These are great...i was also at disney yesterday and splash mountain had broken down for about 30 min. i stayed until about 1 am and the fastpass return line stretched past the steps. i guess they gave the breakdown tickets out. i was also wearing me golden ears that i had bought in May! i was somehow aware that they did not sell them anymore and i told the 12 people that had asked me that they didn't. i felt horrible when i saw them in the emporium when i left the park. one funny thing happened to me when the parade went by though. Mickey mouse pointed at me and said " Gee! Those mouse ears look sort of familure!" That was the laugh of the day!

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