Getting off a ride in the middle


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I have this wierd interest in hearing stories of people getting off rides in the middle of them or rides being stopped and then evacuated.

This especially goes for Disney World because I think walking through the theming in some of the rides like PotC etc would be really cool.

So if any feels the same as me or has any interesting stories of their own or that they have heard please post them. :)


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Attractions are built with hundred of backstage corridors to allow acces to the show scenes and vehicles for safety and maintenance reasons, but no one is intended to "walk through" the scenes in most cases, so the second you are evac'ed in a ride, there's a good chance you'll see only the scene you were immediately in and then brought into a backstage area to the exit.

And if you jump out for the sake of seeing the scenery, I hope you get thrown out of the park and charged for the loss caused by the downtime of the attraction.



Originally posted by Steveo83
I have this wierd interest in hearing stories of people getting off rides in the middle of them or rides being stopped and then evacuated.

This especially goes for Disney World because I think walking through the theming in some of the rides like PotC etc would be really cool.

So if any feels the same as me or has any interesting stories of their own or that they have heard please post them. :)

Uh-Oh! Fetish alert! :lol:

Just kidding, Steve.


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Original Poster
seriously though it interests me to hear stories like that but I would be totally freaked out if I was actually the one that had to be evacuated.
The idea of lights being on in the attractions is so cool but I think I'd be scared if I saw the rides with the lights on.
It would just have that somethings not right feel to it.


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Nah, not scary.

No more moodily lit areas, instead: Black walls.

Oo.. aah... fascinating. :lol:

-Rob :rolleyes:


gettin off

In most atractions, there are little pads, like those you walk on to open automatic doors at supemarkets, with sensors on them that line the track, to tell the ride operator where someone did get off. In most cases the ride WILL automatically stop when a sensor is activated. (SSE, HM). Other rides do have cameras, or computers that are monitered.


New Member
they evacuate you by taking you through black tunnels until you end up somewhere in the park, far from where you came from. Okay, maybe not, but close.


Just for the record, Dinosaur doesn't have any tunnels or secret hallways for evacs. Guests are walked right back along the side of the track to the station. If they are before the Cearadactylus, they walk back the way the came; if they are after the birds, they walk forward through the ride. In emergency occassions, there are exit doors throughout the ride that open to the outside. Lights are built into the floor to guide guests to these exits in the case of a fire where cast members can't get to the vehicles.

There are, of course, a few secret hallways throughout the show building, but they are just for maintenance and the few operations cast members who know where they are. They are very dark, often contain machinery, and are located behind scenery, so they aren't easily accessed.

One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
It would be terrible to have to evacuate a water ride. In that case, do they make the people get out into the water?? I mean, that might be a dumb question b/c there seems to be NO other way to do it, but I don't know... it's Disney, so anything could be true.


Well-Known Member
I know of a time when some idiot jumped out of his car in Theater II on Energy. Of course, he failed to take notice that the cars sit nearly two feet above the floor, so when he miscalculated his jump, he hit the floor and broke his ankle.

I love seeing the ignorant get punished. :D


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The Energy Evac Speil:

"Please be aware there is an 8 inch step down that was not there when you boarded your vehicle"

There's a reason you have to walk up a ramp when you board.

But, if you jump out when the doors are closed, it's about 2.5 feet.


Michael C


Hi folks. Around 1990, we were evacuated from Horizons at Epcot Center. I only remember it vaguely. There was an absolutely huge thunder storm that went right over the park and Horizons lost power.

Those boxes that were used as ride vehicles in Horizons were suspended from above, as I recall, and there was a platform that was out of sight that followed the ride around. The platform was between the vehicles and the scenes.

We got to walk around the platform for a few scenes before being led through a hallway and out of a door. The door let us out somewhere on the side toward the back of the building, an area that is normally not accessible to park visitors.

I wish I could remember more details. I do remember that it was pretty neat. :animwink:


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Originally posted by One Lil Spark
It would be terrible to have to evacuate a water ride. In that case, do they make the people get out into the water?? I mean, that might be a dumb question b/c there seems to be NO other way to do it, but I don't know... it's Disney, so anything could be true.

The water is only about ankle to knee depth. Sometimes, if a boat can't be pushed, pulled, or dragged to the next location they will make people walk out through it. Disney buys everyone new shoes, socks, and pants.



I you get off a ride in the middle of it and they have to stop it, they escort you to a little room under the Haunted Mansion and Goofy beats the out of you with an invisible dog leash then pours Beverly over your open wounds


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Originally posted by Seano846
I you get off a ride in the middle of it and they have to stop it, they escort you to a little room under the Haunted Mansion and Goofy beats the out of you with an invisible dog leash then pours Beverly over your open wounds

If you get out of the Haunted Mansion during the middle, at the seance, you fall 15ft and then land on a rope net which saves you from hitting a concrete floor.



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Originally posted by pheneix
Damn, why did they waste the money to stop some moron from getting hurt?

Cuz we're nice, even to "stupid" people.

Plus, people do sometimes really have panic attacks and such, so you gotta have a little sympathy.



Well-Known Member
Originally posted by pheneix
Damn, why did they waste the money to stop some moron from getting hurt?

Unfortunately, someone actually did this, getting out at the Seance Room, and died as a result. I am guessing that is why they added the net there.


Originally posted by JLW11Hi

Unfortunately, someone actually did this, getting out at the Seance Room, and died as a result. I am guessing that is why they added the net there.

So now there are 1,000 instead of 999? and there is no more room?

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