Getting off a ride in the middle


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by ukcoasterfreak
I know this probably sounds awful but I really would appreciate Disney buying me new stuff but I hope they would buy what you had because its not really your fault if you have to walk off Splash Moutain in your brand new pair of Vans or DCs or whatever shoes that you may have bought as a holiday present for yourself and Vans and other designer stuff isn't cheap last rime I checked!!!!! :lol:

i was wondering that too! I would assume disney would fit you out as best they could, and then give you how much your clothes were worth in cash. *note to self "remeber not to wear designer gear @ theme parks " :D


New Member
Originally posted by ukcoasterfreak
I know this probably sounds awful but I really would appreciate Disney buying me new stuff but I hope they would buy what you had because its not really your fault if you have to walk off Splash Moutain in your brand new pair of Vans or DCs or whatever shoes that you may have bought as a holiday present for yourself and Vans and other designer stuff isn't cheap last rime I checked!!!!! :lol:

I am sure they give you new gear and let you keep the stuff you had on. Probably give you a plastic bag to put it all in, so you can wash it when you get home.


Account Suspended
A remember hearing they lost a ton of money, in the millions, over an E-stop caused by a guest getting out a vehicles and then a thunderstorm on Test Track. They reclothed everyone who got stuck outside. I think it was like 5 different full vehicles.

They charged the guest who got out for it.



When the have to stop a water ride, they dont make you walk through the water, despite how shallow (or deep) it is. They get you from you vehicle on to the banks of the ride, then either walk you along the ride, or exit you backstage. If some of your clothes do get ruined, then they will replace your clothes with a WDW or mickey t-shirt, or some other product they sell. And should the need arise, remember that all parks have a fully funtioning costuming department.

Samurai Jax

Account Suspended
Originally posted by Steveo83
I have this wierd interest in hearing stories of people getting off rides in the middle of them or rides being stopped and then evacuated.

This especially goes for Disney World because I think walking through the theming in some of the rides like PotC etc would be really cool.

So if any feels the same as me or has any interesting stories of their own or that they have heard please post them. :)

Try getting off of space mountain ,cool huh?:fork:


New Member
Someone was killed at WDW when he tried to get of Splash Moutain during the ride when he souldn't have. it was at a stack up point where they stop a couple of the boats until the others filter through and as he was getting out another bumped the back and he ended up falling and hitting his head. Mind fi you ask me even though it's awful he dies people who do stupid stuff like that are asking for trouble.


Account Suspended
Walking through the water is a worst case scenario stale, but it does happen. Sometimes they can't move the boats. It happened a lot in 20k.



Originally posted by RobFL
Walking through the water is a worst case scenario stale, but it does happen. Sometimes they can't move the boats. It happened a lot in 20k.

Though I do doubt guests did much "walking" in the water of 20K. I'm pretty sure it is more than 2 feet deep. :rolleyes:


New Member
Original Poster
Just to clear things up from my original post, I just got this from reading Samurai Jax post, I didnt mean like jumping off a ride in the middle I just meant being evacuated off a ride for any reason. I promise I would never jump off a ride and cause problems lol. I hope nobody thinks I am like this huge trouble maker now.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by RobFL
Attractions are built with hundred of backstage corridors to allow acces to the show scenes and vehicles for safety and maintenance reasons, but no one is intended to "walk through" the scenes in most cases, so the second you are evac'ed in a ride, there's a good chance you'll see only the scene you were immediately in and then brought into a backstage area to the exit.

And if you jump out for the sake of seeing the scenery, I hope you get thrown out of the park and charged for the loss caused by the downtime of the attraction.


Here about the guy who tried getting off Splash Mountain a couple of years ago? What did he do? He tried to climb out of the boat before it went down the big drop? Why the hell would you be interested in seeing nothing but black walls? I saw RnR Coaster when they had to turn the lights on because at the time they were soft-opening the ride and had some problems on it. Big deal, four black walls, lots of metal trackwork, and a few technicians on the ground looking up at this mesh of metal trackwork pointing at it trying to pinpoint where the problem is. Go ahead and step off the same ride I'm on just so it shuts down, I'm with RobFL.. I hope they toss you out of the park (by the scruff of your neck) and charge you $$$$$$$. Then, if it's that not enough, you better be in your car driving FAR AWAY because I'll probably (and so will the other guests) looking to track you down afterwards. :)

If the ride breaks down --- its going to break down, but hopefully you'll be evacuated safely.

Can we get an intelligent post here? Thank you!



Well-Known Member
Originally posted by RobFL
A remember hearing they lost a ton of money, in the millions, over an E-stop caused by a guest getting out a vehicles and then a thunderstorm on Test Track. They reclothed everyone who got stuck outside. I think it was like 5 different full vehicles.

They charged the guest who got out for it.


That must've been one hell of an expensive vacation for him!



New Member
i never thought of jumping off, but if i had a death wish, I'll have to try the seance room. I could see the headline now: Stupid Moron Dies at Seance. His last words, Watch out Houdini here I come!



New Member
Me and my family (my mom and dad and bro) were stuck on the Maelstrom's(SP?) first (can't remember if there are more) lift.

It was actually quite relaxing, kinda like being on one of those beds that can be positioned. it was 45 min till they decided to let us down, but nothing interesting to see.. just a bunch of dark stairs.


umm...bleah, don't feel like quoting...

The guy who fell in the seance room at HM didn't die...broke some bones and spent time in the hospital, but he lived...As the story goes, he was down there a good part of the day, calling for help, but the guests all assumed it was part of the themeing. "heelllppp meeeee"

The guy who died on Splash was differently abled (learning dissability or something)...the reports from witnesses make it sound like he started to panic when the ride stopped, and climbed out because he was afraid. (this is not meant to excuse most of the idiots who have done things they shouldn't have, and KNEW better, and paid with their lives)

When clothing needs to be replaced, we try for cheapest first, if you know what I mean. we replace clothing with our own merchandise unless the guest absolutely will not tolerate that...only when they ASK for it do we offer to PAY for new clohing from somwhere else. Also, like someone mentioned, we can have clothes laundered or dry cleaned at any of the in-park laundries, and even dropped off at on-property hotel rooms.

There was an incident my friend in Guest Communications had to deal with a month or so ago. She had to speak to a woman who was LIVID beacuse she got out of PotC herself and then was, in her words, "chewed out" by a CM. Turns out, upon researching the situation, that PotC was being evac-ed, and the woman was told to wait in her boat by the CM who was doing the walking...she waited about 10 mins (she says 40) for him to come back, and then rocked the boat over to the side, climbed out, and found her way backstage...where she got lost, and then got questioned by a GSM about WHY she was backstage... She wanted to be compensated for the time she spent wandering around, lost, and when G Relations would not do "anything" for her (they offered re-ads to other rides, and even snacks..all of which were probably appropriate since it was her fault it took so much longer) she took her complaint to G Communications...who didn't offer her anything when she began screaming obscenities over the phone.... ah, good times....


Well-Known Member
Well, here's a simple PotC evac story for ya steveo:

There was an electrical storm one night, and as we were about to go into the last scene in the burning jail, the boats stopped moving. Everyone thought there was a wheelchair, so we just brushed it off. But then, the sound went off, and the lights changed. A plain clothed (ya know, dressy clothes) CM came out and told us there was an electrical storm, power was out, and that we would be evacuated. NO, we did not have to walk in the water--no one I noticed had to come even close to the water. YES, the boats were pulled back (or forward) one by one, to a certain spot where one could step right off onto the side. We were then led up some show stairs, and into a holding tank for repairs (at least that's what it looked like) on the boats. After that, we were led in groups outside in the rain to the big double doors to the left of the PotC entrance. There, since it was raining, we were given towels to dry off with. It was all very exciting, and I got some of it on tape. To date, that's the only evac story I have. :)


New Member
I recall a stuck story at the Maelstrom too. Up near the trolls, where you fall backwards, i believe its very windy, with obviously fake wind. The effect is used by running a HUGE air vent to this area. One group of people got e-stopped there, but the wind was still on. Apparantly this air vent was so large, it was also a cast-only walkway from load to this area, unfortunantly for the norweigan girl, the air completely blew her dress upwards for the whole boat to see:p

Other stuck situations can occur if you pull out a small sensor in the tracks of SE. Take a look for them around the corners, on the track itself. Its hard to catch, even with a flashlight. They are long, and kind of resemble drinking straws. My friend told me about this...but watch out, they can pinpoint exactly where this happened because its supposed to alert CM's that the train has derailed.

Some guy got hit by a TTA train and died to....they all deserve darwin awards!


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