umm...bleah, don't feel like quoting...
The guy who fell in the seance room at HM didn't die...broke some bones and spent time in the hospital, but he lived...As the story goes, he was down there a good part of the day, calling for help, but the guests all assumed it was part of the themeing. "heelllppp meeeee"
The guy who died on Splash was differently abled (learning dissability or something)...the reports from witnesses make it sound like he started to panic when the ride stopped, and climbed out because he was afraid. (this is not meant to excuse most of the idiots who have done things they shouldn't have, and KNEW better, and paid with their lives)
When clothing needs to be replaced, we try for cheapest first, if you know what I mean. we replace clothing with our own merchandise unless the guest absolutely will not tolerate that...only when they ASK for it do we offer to PAY for new clohing from somwhere else. Also, like someone mentioned, we can have clothes laundered or dry cleaned at any of the in-park laundries, and even dropped off at on-property hotel rooms.
There was an incident my friend in Guest Communications had to deal with a month or so ago. She had to speak to a woman who was LIVID beacuse she got out of PotC herself and then was, in her words, "chewed out" by a CM. Turns out, upon researching the situation, that PotC was being evac-ed, and the woman was told to wait in her boat by the CM who was doing the walking...she waited about 10 mins (she says 40) for him to come back, and then rocked the boat over to the side, climbed out, and found her way backstage...where she got lost, and then got questioned by a GSM about WHY she was backstage... She wanted to be compensated for the time she spent wandering around, lost, and when G Relations would not do "anything" for her (they offered re-ads to other rides, and even snacks..all of which were probably appropriate since it was her fault it took so much longer) she took her complaint to G Communications...who didn't offer her anything when she began screaming obscenities over the phone.... ah, good times....