George K to Replace Meg Crofton as WDW head in early 2013


Can you further explain this? How can the parks be eventful but not the head of the parks?
He took over roughly three years ago. At that time, all the things that are now getting all the attention at DCA and DL were already designed, approved and budgeted.
All George had to do was sit back, watch the construction, and bask in the glory when it opened to universal praise and booming ticket sales. The stuff that began under Ed G. has helped George advance to his future position.


Premium Member
True Spirited change has nothing to do with who heads WDW.

I figure as much.. but you gotta get turnover in P&R too.. not just the top. Else, we end up where we are still.. still trying to get out from the principles that have been hanging around for the last 10+ years.. even after a CEO change.

His time at DLR has been uneventful largely because, again, he came in at a time when so much money was being poured into the resort. All he had to do was not screw it up and he didn't. So, now he gets much of the credit, deserving or not, for DCA 2.0 and the amazing numbers DLR is pulling in.

That's my take and why I put it out there. Besides somehow swooning Al (and in turn mostly avoids Al's venom..) he basically as you said.. just had to not screw it up. He's been visible, but somehow has avoided being put in the crosshairs personally when DLR is actually going through some 'nasty' times for the fan base to accept. More ticketed events, candlelight rampant, massive AP price hikes, more character invasions, etc. Yet he's mr teflon and gets brownie points for being seen in the parks more than some of his disappearing predecessors.

I don't want a figure head.. I want someone actually willing to press for the product. Feels a lot like 'song remains the same...'


Well-Known Member
Hopefully with Al's "contact" and Kevin's concise hammering of the issues we may see some real "Spirited" change in the Swamplands.
I highly doubt George is Al's contact, after all Al was bringing us in-depth reporting on the inner-workings of TDA while George was still in Paris so unless George brings most of TDA with him, I think Al's sources are staying in So Cal.


Premium Member
I highly doubt George is Al's contact, after all Al was bringing us in-depth reporting on the inner-workings of TDA while George was still in Paris so unless George brings most of TDA with him, I think Al's sources are staying in So Cal.

But Al has taken a certain liking to George.. the kind that doesn't seem like just something 'from afar..' - I would suspect George had a dedicated handler for Al during his DLR tenure.


Well-Known Member
He took over roughly three years ago. At that time, all the things that are now getting all the attention at DCA and DL were already designed, approved and budgeted.
All George had to do was sit back, watch the construction, and bask in the glory when it opened to universal praise and booming ticket sales. The stuff that began under Ed G. has helped George advance to his future position.

What about iron man and frontierland e-ticket?


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Tip Top Club

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Hmm....I obviously don't know either of these people personally (Meg or George) but I can't see how some new blood would be a bad thing at this point. We're not going anywhere right now anyway...


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Spirit, I was covering the "What's Not Next" Presentation and the buzz about George K. was everywhere. So much so that my entertainment reporter asked ME what was up. I told her that you had reported that GK (from California) was touring Gov. Max Headroom around the NFL and the popular rumor was that he is the new Meg. You know things are odd when the reporter is asking the photog what the heck is going on.

Sorry to miss you this trip, but there is always next time.

I am amazed that none of the blogging whores seemed to even notice either George or the Gov ... I don't know how you miss folks like that. Oh yeah, I do ... you are busy drinking and pigging out and kissing up to a Disney PR hack in hopes you get more freebies and invites. I was surprised to see O-Town's CBS affiliate (which showed the men, but didn't ID them) coverage on Miami's ABC affiliate. Was a time when all three or four networks would have had folks upstate reporting on it on their own.

And, yes, sorry I didn't get in touch. Long story, but was in flux for a bit and had very little time and family in tow. Hell, I never even made it down to my jacuzzi, which is really bothering me!

A great Christmas to you and the gals! (and the dog too!)


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Original Poster
George's time has been uneventful, not the park's.
Everything was already approved and underway when he took over.

Pretty much. He can take credit for Glow Fest and bringing in the food trucks, which led to the Tron and Alice themed night parties. He can take credit for getting contracts done with the unions. He can take credit for solid operations at the parks. He can take credit for solid relationships with the city. ... But he's screwed up too. Everyone out there knows DLR needs another huge parking structure and he decided against one and traffic and lack of parking has often been a nightmare. He isn't as loved by the cast as he is by the fans -- at least he isn't hated as he was by a majority in his 2000-2002 stint as the No. 2 there -- as many of his decisions have not been cast friendly.

And, BTW, remember when this DCA makeover had a Phase II?

Apparently, everyone has forgotten the half of PP that is still showing its 2001 roots ... or the dead zone in Hollywoodland or the fact the Hyperion Theater still doesn't have a proper lobby and indoor restrooms.


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Seriously, I had finally moved on from Bobby Valentine and you had to say that?

It's a great analogy.

Any other company would have had George gone in 2/02 when Cynthia fired him (for all intents and purposes he was gone) ... but his pals in O-Town led by Al Weiss made an exec position open for him to come home. The rest is history.


Well-Known Member
I am amazed that none of the blogging whores seemed to even notice either George or the Gov ... I don't know how you miss folks like that. Oh yeah, I do ... you are busy drinking and pigging out and kissing up to a Disney PR hack in hopes you get more freebies and invites. I was surprised to see O-Town's CBS affiliate (which showed the men, but didn't ID them) coverage on Miami's ABC affiliate. Was a time when all three or four networks would have had folks upstate reporting on it on their own.

And, yes, sorry I didn't get in touch. Long story, but was in flux for a bit and had very little time and family in tow. Hell, I never even made it down to my jacuzzi, which is really bothering me!

A great Christmas to you and the gals! (and the dog too!)
No problem, I have been beyond busy with all my coworkers taking vacation and such. I hope you enjoyed you time in the swamplands. Next time we will have to meet on my turf (Uni). Just a bit of trivia. Between the Dr. Phillips Performing Arts Center downtown and construction going on at Uni. Universal Creative is having to delay projects because there simply aren't enough tower cranes in Orlando to build anything more. They had to bring one from Atlanta for the Hogsmeade side of the Hogwarts Express.


Well-Known Member
No problem, I have been beyond busy with all my coworkers taking vacation and such. I hope you enjoyed you time in the swamplands. Next time we will have to meet on my turf (Uni). Just a bit of trivia. Between the Dr. Phillips Performing Arts Center downtown and construction going on at Uni. Universal Creative is having to delay projects because there simply aren't enough tower cranes in Orlando to build anything more. They had to bring one from Atlanta for the Hogsmeade side of the Hogwarts Express.

Ah, so that's why the kiddie coaster in Fantasyland is taking so long... they're trying to tie up cranes so Universal can't get their hands on 'em.



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Original Poster
Consider me cautiously optimistic. Hopefully he can bring the TDA culture with him.

That's just the thing, though.

The TDA culture isn't going to work at TDO anymore than vice versa. George learned that when he was in Anaheim the first time and was convinced he could slap the WDW model on DL and all would be fine.

And TDA still has its issues (look at everything from not being able to execute a merchandise signing event with John Lasseter to not being able to come up with a way to have dinner packages for the Candlelight Processional after deciding to suddenly expand it from two nights to 20 nights this year ... and next year George has plans in the pipeline to WDWize DLR by moving CP to DCA's Hyperion and killing a tradition to charging extra for Christmas entertainment much the way WDW has been extorting it from guests for years now)


Well-Known Member
George's biggest positive is that he is a very good operator. But it's also his biggest negative too!;)

However, I truly think WDW is very much in need of a good operator. A lot of what is going wrong at WDW at the moment appears to come from a lack of understanding of how the park really operates. He seems to be at least someone who understands this - and has a long experience in it.

Of course that will also mean that if his decisions will be without regard of the operation of the parks, we will all know that this was a conscious decision to neglect those aspects (over others - like bean counting) while with others before him one could think they were just being incompetent.

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