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Premium Member
Why does Bob Iger think this will help the Star Wars brand?

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Iger is more clueless about Star Wars than anything else
Probably just means that she wants to make something great and make male directors say "dang!". But again, people will look way too into statements.

People will find every last reason to hate on anything new from LFL.
No director in Disney’s employ has actually wanted to make a Star Wars yet…except maybe gareth edwards.
I can't really blame you for that. It was really more a commentary on the inconsistent story between the 3 parts. I would have rather had JJ do all 3, than play pass the baton. The whole process was extremely dysfunctional. If I had to rank the problems with the sequels, I'd say JJ was 4th in line. I'd say Iger, Kennedy, then Rian then JJ. For me it always starts at the top.
1. Iger
2. Abrams
3. Ford
4. Fisher and Hamill for going along with the other 3

The rest are all just morons who don’t get Star Wars at all


Premium Member
Not counting Solo and Rogue One (which had a woman as the lead),Lucas the creator directed 4, JJ 2, Kershner 1 (the best), Marquad and Johnson, the last three produced by a woman and had a woman as the lead character. So of the 9 true SW movies, really just 5 males directors but I get your point. As a whole, especially when you add in the Disney + series, I can't see how anyone can describe SW as overly sexist.
You actually just obliterated his point


Well-Known Member
11 male directors in the series. A woman pointing that out is the sexist one.

The men she wants to make uncomfortable are the ones whining in threads like this. As a man, I feel pretty confident that unless she unexpectedly delves into Cronenberg-Ian body horror, I’ll be quite comfortable.

This is pretty standard corporate boilerplate that’s going to cause an interminable argument.
I think I understand this post. Not 100% certain, but I think I do. And from what I think I understand, I fully agree.

All 11 films directed by males. Even if there were only 7, they were all male. And even the movies with female leads were all directed by males. So we haven't had a female director of a major motion picture. The fact that there will be one might automatically make some fans angry or uncomfortable.

That said, one is allowed to be a bit skeptical at the same time. Captain Marvel and The Marvels were both directed by females. They didn't, um, give any deep insight into the soul of a woman.

Casper Gutman

Well-Known Member
I think I understand this post. Not 100% certain, but I think I do. And from what I think I understand, I fully agree.

All 11 films directed by males. Even if there were only 7, they were all male. And even the movies with female leads were all directed by males. So we haven't had a female director of a major motion picture. The fact that there will be one might automatically make some fans angry or uncomfortable.

That said, one is allowed to be a bit skeptical at the same time. Captain Marvel and The Marvels were both directed by females. They didn't, um, give any deep insight into the soul of a woman.
I don’t really need “deep insight into the soul,” I need a fun movie. The Marvels was a lot of fun. This director also directed several episodes of Ms Marvel, which was also tremendous fun. I don’t see a problem.

Casper Gutman

Well-Known Member
Why? Why is that odd? She has virtually no fiction or feature film experience to speak of. There are plenty of Oscar winners. It doesn’t mean Eminem should direct a $200M tentpole.
Eminem won Oscars for directing? Who knew?!?!

It’s been pointed out to you repeatedly that MANY of the directors of well-received MCU films had little or no experience with blockbuster (or even major studio) films. It was an intentional strategy Disney pursued, and it largely worked. You seem bent on ignoring this and acting as if this director and the director of The Marvels - both women - are anomalies. They aren’t.


Well-Known Member
Eminem won Oscars for directing? Who knew?!?!

It’s been pointed out to you repeatedly that MANY of the directors of well-received MCU films had little or no experience with blockbuster (or even major studio) films. It was an intentional strategy Disney pursued, and it largely worked. You seem bent on ignoring this and acting as if this director and the director of The Marvels - both women - are anomalies. They aren’t.

I just want to say I love your name and Avatar. That is all.


Well-Known Member
I actually disagree with this… it was focusing on experience directors is why we ended here… JJ Abrams and Rian Johnson directed their visions of Star Wars… I get why those that dislike it do, but I thought The Last Jedi was good as a stand alone story, but Johnson undid everything Abrams was setting up… Then JJ try to fix what Rian did… and ended up creating a disjointed mess of a movie( imo the worst Star Wars movie)

Edit: What they need to do is follow the Marvel template… Feige was there to keep quality control on everything while hiring inexperienced directors that could be controlled… I feel like this is where they are headed with Filoni there to Sheppard everything
As (perhaps apocryphally) said by Napoleon:
"It's better to have one bad general than two good ones."


Premium Member
I actually disagree with this… it was focusing on experience directors is why we ended here… JJ Abrams and Rian Johnson directed their visions of Star Wars… I get why those that dislike it do, but I thought The Last Jedi was good as a stand alone story, but Johnson undid everything Abrams was setting up… Then JJ try to fix what Rian did… and ended up creating a disjointed mess of a movie( imo the worst Star Wars movie)

Edit: What they need to do is follow the Marvel template… Feige was there to keep quality control on everything while hiring inexperienced directors that could be controlled… I feel like this is where they are headed with Filoni there to Sheppard everything

They made 3 bad movies…a wholly unnecessary remake that was cynical and two awful sequels with no cohesion or understanding of the IP…

The feige point is a good one…except they haven’t found that person yet. Filoni showed his limitations by doing fan fiction with the Asohka series…too deep in his own preferences rather than presenting a cohesive story as was needed. 8 episodes that went nowhere with good source characters. Pity.


Premium Member
. The Star Wars film in question will be entirely inoffensive outside of having a female lead and MAYBE a clueless or bigoted male character.

That is not at all what they need. They’re in the entertainment/product business and this approach has done so much damage to the bottom line.

Star Wars is not nearly as hard as they make it.

Lucas went for cash in the 90’s and it was too much…Disney thinks they found a better way to cash and it’s been a disaster overall.

How about this: make a movie that just makes ya feel good…without insulting anyone?

It worked long ago in a simpler galaxy


Well-Known Member
I actually thoroughly enjoyed TFA and TLJ, but then TROS came along and just ruined everything. It's the only Saga film I've never rewatched and since it came out I've not rewatched the other two. It's amazing how bad Episode IX really was.
Right there with you…I have yet to rewatch it myself…only 1 I haven’t


Well-Known Member
I actually thoroughly enjoyed TFA and TLJ, but then TROS came along and just ruined everything. It's the only Saga film I've never rewatched and since it came out I've not rewatched the other two. It's amazing how bad Episode IX really was.
Funny, I feel the same way about Episode VIII and have never re-watched it in its entirety.

Casper Gutman

Well-Known Member
That is not at all what they need. They’re in the entertainment/product business and this approach has done so much damage to the bottom line.

Star Wars is not nearly as hard as they make it.

Lucas went for cash in the 90’s and it was too much…Disney thinks they found a better way to cash and it’s been a disaster overall.

How about this: make a movie that just makes ya feel good…without insulting anyone?

It worked long ago in a simpler galaxy
You didn't read or didn't understand or are misrepresenting what I wrote. I lean towards the latter given the way you edited me.


Well-Known Member
I walked out of 8 and never watched 9…only watched a few snippets out of curiosity and it was far worse than the atrocious it was described as.
IMO I wonder just how much the Mouse leaned on Abrams to "save" SW after they saw the data. Given what Rian did in VIII he had a "tough roe to hoe" as it were.

I'm guessing they said "name your price" and paid it willingly. I'm largely indifferent to Episode IX as it's a muddle (at best) but recognize it for what it is.


Premium Member
IMO I wonder just how much the Mouse leaned on Abrams to "save" SW after they saw the data. Given what Rian did in VIII he had a "tough roe to hoe" as it were.

I'm guessing they said "name your price" and paid it willingly. I'm largely indifferent to Episode IX as it's a muddle (at best) but recognize it for what it is.
They 100% did that…but that was based on a complete misunderstanding of 7 too…


Well-Known Member
They 100% did that…but that was based on a complete misunderstanding of 7 too…

For reference here is where I'm coming from:

I'd probably amend it to say that nothing exists after #12 on this list :)

Casper Gutman

Well-Known Member
I quoted it above so you can read it…

The first part is crap…the last is inappropriate and makes you look like a fool because it accuses…something…to which you have no understanding of.

So don’t do it again.

Mainly because it was more stupid the second time I read it and I don’t want any urge to try for the hat trick 🏒
That's... that's not the post you quoted in the post I was replying too. You were quoting 155, not 146, which you quote here. You have confused yourself. Go back and take a look and take a minute to think.

You post a lot and have given everyone a very clear idea of who you are. Don't get mad at others, look at yourself.

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