Premium Member
Iger is more clueless about Star Wars than anything else
No director in Disney’s employ has actually wanted to make a Star Wars yet…except maybe gareth edwards.Probably just means that she wants to make something great and make male directors say "dang!". But again, people will look way too into statements.
People will find every last reason to hate on anything new from LFL.
1. IgerI can't really blame you for that. It was really more a commentary on the inconsistent story between the 3 parts. I would have rather had JJ do all 3, than play pass the baton. The whole process was extremely dysfunctional. If I had to rank the problems with the sequels, I'd say JJ was 4th in line. I'd say Iger, Kennedy, then Rian then JJ. For me it always starts at the top.
2. Abrams
3. Ford
4. Fisher and Hamill for going along with the other 3
The rest are all just morons who don’t get Star Wars at all