General Star Wars News


Premium Member
That's... that's not the post you quoted in the post I was replying too. You were quoting 155, not 146, which you quote here. You have confused yourself. Go back and take a look and take a minute to think.

You post a lot and have given everyone a very clear idea of who you are. Don't get mad at others, look at yourself.

You’re right…I did that…

But 146 is still crap. Kindly don’t do it again and this isn’t the first time. I like your comments - even if I don’t agree with them - this one is beneath you.


Premium Member

For reference here is where I'm coming from:

I'd probably amend it to say that nothing exists after #12 on this list :)

I got…

4/6 (for different but important reasons)
Solo (I guess)

Rest were bad…but last place is a 3 way tie between 1/8/9


Well-Known Member
TROS was a Hail Mary after an absolute atrocity. If they were going that route, they should have made 2 more movies: one to set up TROS (episode 9) and a more explained actual TROS (episode 10). Or even if they added a few things at the end of TLJ and/or added a few things at the beginning of TROS. If they threw in a few more things here and there, it would have been better. But it was a sequel to a movie we never saw. But they wanted to get it over with. Go look at what FANS did to add Force ghosts at the end of TROS and it makes it 10 times better.

The biggest battle LFL has with SW is that there are people (like folks here) who have already made up their minds what they will think about any future movies. Sad and pathetic really. But then again, it's the same folks who are just like those on Yahoo! who respond with tantrum-filled negativity to every article.


Premium Member
On the patty Jenkins thing…I reread her bio…

Jenkins father was an Air Force pilot - highly decorated in Vietnam - who died at 31 in a NATO training exercise…

She saw Superman and was enthralled with it and decided that was for her…

And yet…couldn’t cut it for LFL?

That’s on THEM. Which will become clear one day. As will the treverow story.


Well-Known Member
11 male directors in the series. A woman pointing that out is the sexist one.

The men she wants to make uncomfortable are the ones whining in threads like this. As a man, I feel pretty confident that unless she unexpectedly delves into Cronenberg-Ian body horror, I’ll be quite comfortable.

This is pretty standard corporate boilerplate that’s going to cause an interminable argument.
11 male directors and not a single one of them purposely wanted to make anyone uncomfortable. Let alone proudly preach it to the world.

She's a sexist, disgusting person.

Oh, and do you feel better with your veiled jab about 'ones whining in threads like this'? Whatever makes your fingertips tingle dude. Keep typing away.

Casper Gutman

Well-Known Member
11 male directors and not a single one of them purposely wanted to make anyone uncomfortable. Let alone proudly preach it to the world.

She's a sexist, disgusting person.

Oh, and do you feel better with your veiled jab about 'ones whining in threads like this'? Whatever makes your fingertips tingle dude. Keep typing away.
She's won two Oscars for films highlighting brutal, violent misogyny in Pakistan, but she's "disgusting" because she believes sexism exists.

I'm a guy. I don't feel the least bit threatened or insulted by her comments. Why do they bother you so much? If its any consolation, I pretty much guarantee the film will lack any overt politics.

This is an old tactic - the people who acknowledge sexism exists are the REAL sexists. The ones who acknowledge racism exists are the REAL racists. You want to frame yourself as the victim.

And the jab wasn't particularly veiled. It's about posts like this.


Well-Known Member
I'm a guy. I don't feel the least bit threatened or insulted by her comments.
I don't care what you are or what you feel.

She's won two Oscars for films highlighting brutal, violent misogyny in Pakistan, but she's "disgusting" because she believes sexism exists.
I don't care what she has won. She's sexist and disgusting for wanting to make men uncomfortable and boasting about it.

And the jab wasn't particularly veiled. It's about posts like this.
It's well known around here how you act.


Premium Member
She's won two Oscars for films highlighting brutal, violent misogyny in Pakistan, but she's "disgusting" because she believes sexism exists.

I'm a guy. I don't feel the least bit threatened or insulted by her comments. Why do they bother you so much? If its any consolation, I pretty much guarantee the film will lack any overt politics.

This is an old tactic - the people who acknowledge sexism exists are the REAL sexists. The ones who acknowledge racism exists are the REAL racists. You want to frame yourself as the victim.

And the jab wasn't particularly veiled. It's about posts like this.

You’re lecturing again? I’d take a break…

Anyway…of course sexism is real and Hollywood more than any group outside of one other I won’t mention needs to do the most work to eliminate it.

But Star Wars is not and never was. If you look at the context and study it…it’s closer to progressive.

But that director…Impressive in her realm…obviously doesn’t understand what she’s talking about and called her intentions into question by behaving like a complete ***.

It’s fireable…certainly if they want Star Wars fans to like them…which hasn’t gone well.


Well-Known Member
Yes, and your paraphrase isn’t accurate:

"Oh, absolutely. I like to make men uncomfortable. I enjoy making men uncomfortable ... it is important to be able to look into the eyes of a man and say, 'I am here' and recognize that. And recognize that I am working to bring something that makes you uncomfortable, and it should make you uncomfortable because you need to change your attitude.

And it's only when you're uncomfortable, when you are shifty, when you have to have difficult conversations that you will perhaps look at yourself in the mirror and not like the reflection and then say, maybe there is something wrong with the way I think or maybe there is something wrong with the way I am addressing this issue."

This is far beyond “making men think about their approach to issues.” It’s confrontational and presumes the other side (men) are inherently wrong in their views.
It’s worth watching the actual clip of her giving this response. Her delivery is very different from how it may come across in a transcript like this without context (your transcript actually omits a funny “not you” that she adds by way of reassurance to Jon Stewart after she says she enjoys making men uncomfortable).



Premium Member
It’s worth watching the actual clip of her giving this response. Her delivery is very different from how it may come across in a transcript like this without context (your transcript actually omits a funny “not you” that she adds by way of reassurance to Jon Stewart after she says she enjoys making men uncomfortable).

Ok:..I’m gonna agree with you here. The presenting is very different.

However…that attitude still isn’t right for Star Wars for what they need right now. Bad business decision.

I am disappointed that Stewart…who made a career out of no BS talk…pandered so much there. Oh well.


Premium Member
You’re absolutely OUTRAGED that she wants to make sexists uncomfortable by talking about sexism.

You might want to examine why this bothers you so much. But then, we’ve seen what you’re willing to defend on these boards. I may be too hard on Raleigh, who just REALLY hates Iger and can get a bit carried away, but you’ve quite clearly demonstrated your positions.

Again…stop making labels via innuendo as a tactic.

That’s like the 5th time on this thread alone.

When I say “stop doing it”…I wasn’t talking about just me. I am willing to debate these things…nobody else should have to on a non-political forum by rule.

Let’s work the problems…not try misdirect like a pundit show


Well-Known Member
You’re absolutely OUTRAGED that she wants to make sexists uncomfortable by talking about sexism.

You might want to examine why this bothers you so much. But then, we’ve seen what you’re willing to defend on these boards. I may be too hard on Raleigh, who just REALLY hates Iger and can get a bit carried away, but you’ve quite clearly demonstrated your positions.
Outraged lol!!!!! I'll go have a convo with my therapist tomorrow morning to delve deep into my psyche. Can you please call in to provide character references? It'd be much appreciated being you know me so well.

You have a pleasant evening, keep those fingers tingling and keep defending your disgusting sexists ;)


Premium Member
How did he pander?

She directed two episodes of the excellent Ms Marvel and there was no effort to make misogynists “uncomfortable.” There won’t be any in her Star Wars movie. This is a very transparent attempt to drum up hate against a female Pakistani director. Don’t fall for it.

I didn’t realize that…which makes this choice far worse. Marvel stream experience in no way qualifies you for Star Wars features. More stupidity from the house of mouse.

Stewart was kissing A…which he never does…except for Bruce’s


Well-Known Member
Again…stop making labels via innuendo as a tactic.

That’s like the 5th time on this thread alone.

When I say “stop doing it”…I wasn’t talking about just me. I am willing to debate these things…nobody else should have to on a non-political forum by rule.

Let’s work the problems…not try misdirect like a pundit show
I just wanted to copy and paste this one. Extremely well said.

Tha Realest

Well-Known Member
As far as I know, Obaid-Chinoy’s Oscar-winning docs have focused on gender inequality IN PAKISTAN, which I suspect you might agree is an ongoing problem.

And as the guy who found Barbie a bit too preachy, I can tell you what will happen. The Star Wars film in question will be entirely inoffensive outside of having a female lead and MAYBE a clueless or bigoted male character. It will have NO overt politics. However, leading up to it, the Culture War noise machine, amplified by countless posters such as yourself, will take every opportunity to present it as a Marxist male-hate diatribe, often reaching back and misrepresenting the comments currently under discussion and sometimes just making stuff up out of whole cloth. This depiction will have no similarity to the actual film, but it will impact its box office - to what extent is very debatable, but even if small, there will be an impact.
I have doubts this film will actually get made. I dont think her experience lends itself to a successful, big tentpole film.

Her recent comment that she’s glad a female voice finally gets to shape the Star Wars universe is woefully ignorant of 1) the franchise history, and 2) the stewardship of it in the Disney era. It diminishes the contributions of various directors, producers, and show runners for other areas of the SW universe like Kennedy, Bryce Dallas Howard, and Deborah Chow. It’s offensive and risible.


Well-Known Member
The actual question I have for @Casper Gutman, @LittleBuford, and anyone else defending this director - do you think her comments and her approach will help sell tickets for Star Wars? This was the entire reason I brought up the interview but nobody wants to address that.
I have doubts this film will actually get made.
I agree with this. How many Star Wars movies have been announced now that were canceled? There was the Josh Trank Boba Fett movie, the Rian Johnson Trilogy, the Benioff and Weiss series, the Patty Jenkins movie, the Taiki Watiti movie... All of these projects announced, and not one was actually produced. Lucasfilm has a habit of putting the cart before the horse.


Well-Known Member
Then that’s what your analysis tells you…privately…it’s not license to air it on the boards. Because it’s a hunch…not a fact.

And are we talking about the same person?…because the bigot label doesn’t fit. Sarcastic…yes…but I have it on good authority you can joke with near anyone and not hate them for differences
I don’t hate him, but I dislike many of his posts and what they’re driving at.

I’ve said nothing about him here that I haven’t said directly in response to the posts I’m referring to.


Well-Known Member
The actual question I have for @Casper Gutman, @LittleBuford, and anyone else defending this director - do you think her comments and her approach will help sell tickets for Star Wars? This was the entire reason I brought up the interview but nobody wants to address that.
Nobody's going to know or care about those comments. And nobody is going to care who she is. People don't buy tickets for the director unless it is someone like Nolan. Even Spielberg doesn't have that effect these days. But for the next SW movie, people WILL look at reviews and word of mouth. Those are going to be more important than ever before because there is and will already be hesitance from the base both hardcore and even casual. Skepticism will be at an all time high and they will NEED amazing WOM. Sharmeen isn't running for president and she didn't say anything racist or illegal. Making people "uncomfortable" because you want them to think is not a bad thing.

People need to stop talking about "defending" someone when they haven't really done or said anything needing defending. Anyone who was offended may NEED to look inward and ask why.

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