Gay at Disneyworld


Well-Known Member
Question... how are 2 males in a relationship treated at disneyworld? For example, holding hands, kissing by the castle, etc. I know it is someone accepted but I do not want people starring us down when we go there. Any gay couples with advice or stories (good and bad).


New Member
as a gay man myself, we dont hold hands, and kiss, in any street in any town! not that i am ashamed of being gay, ive been in a happy relationship for 12 years, just dont like seeing any kissing in the street by any one! and i dont think wdw is an appropiate place for it, unless your going when gaydays is on there!
i think if you may act discretly you might be ok, but if your mincing down mainstreet, in your own parade, you might get some stares!
the photopass cms never seem to mind if we give each other a cuddle or arm in arm for a photo!
have fun.
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Speaking as someone who is straight, I wouldn't pay any more attention to a same ______ couple kissing or holding hands any more than a straight couple as long as they weren't being obvious and carrying on. That kind of behavior from any couple is not appropriate, especially at Disney where there are small children. I often hold hands with my husband in public and we've been known to exchnge an occasional affectionate kiss, but any type of couple hanging on each other or exchanging more than a peck is just not right. One hopes for the day when this is no longer a topic that needs to be questioned and all couples of all types are accepted without fear of censure.
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Well-Known Member
While gay relationships are a fact of modern life - a "typical" family at DisneyWorld probably isn't ready to see two men holding hands or kissing.

Be discreet and have fun
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Well-Known Member
2 cents worth

I've been to WDW with a partner several times in the past and never had any issues. Cast members in the resorts and in restaurants have been great.

Of course, while in the parks a modicum of discretion would be best, but there is nothing wrong with holding hands. And sneaking a peck along one of the trails in AK is fine by me. It's not more than any "straight" couple might do.

I'm not one to hide who I am, but I also don't want to see any couple -- gay or not -- swapping spit in the middle of Fantasyland.

Like another poster said -- one day this won't be an issue.
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Well-Known Member
I agree with the responses so far...holding hands and sneaking a peck every once in awhile is one thing...there are certain moments or songs that come on when in the park that are special to me and my gf that sometimes insight dancing (raining evenings in tomorrowland with "Strange Things" blaring in particular) But straight or gay...Disney World is not the place for public affection. There are so many little kids and families and it's not appropriate for makeout sessions and groping...just enjoy being there with each other and save the affection for the hotel room. :zipit:
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Well-Known Member
I agree with unkadug

Holding hands, hugging, little kisses etc are fine (and hard to resist during the night time shows). However, some people will still be uncomfortable seeing two men / women just holding hands.

I doubt anyone would ever give you a hard time but it is possible. I guess the real question then is - are you happy with people doing a double take and are you ready to deal with the more closed minded amongst us?

It's horrible to think you may have to modify your behavior because of a lack of acceptance though....
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Well-Known Member
Sometimes holding hands is "useful" in large crowds to keep from being seperated ;). Kissing is fun in dark rides where no one else can see (Haunted Mansion, TTA- in Space Mountain, Peter Pan's Flight), but in public should be avoided.

We usually dress alike at WDW and most of the time we're asked if we are brothers or twins. We usually say "No, we've just lived together for 20 years".
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Me and my BF are not keen on the whole Public display thing, he's more uncomfortable than i am, but its just not us anyway.

We have held hands or cuddled loosely at Wishes or something.

But i for one would take offense to ANYONE going for a good ol' kiss out anyway in public.

As people have said the above guidelines kinda apply to all people at WDW.

Its can be very romantic at times, and yes you should be allowed to act upon it, just remember there are youngling about who maybe a little two young to fully understand romance and love, let alone between same ______ couples.

As for cast, we have never had a major issues, nothing to the point where I would say they are treating us different because. Just more i guess, why are these two older guys dancing and singing in the middle of the park kinda looks.
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New Member
Gosh.......this past May, we were at MK. After wishes, right in front of the popcorn cart as your heading to Liberty Square from the hub, stood a hetero couple.........DEEP, PASSIONATE MAKING OUT FOR 10 MINUTES STRAIGHT! We're talking tongue, neck-sukking, groping, etc. Quite disturbing to see a couple dry-(the thing on a camel's back) in front of Cinderella's Castle. :hurl:

The reason I know it was that long, is because we were trying to head back towards Fantasyland, as EVERYONE and their brother was filing out down Main Street. So, here we are with a 5, 2 and 1 y/o, stuck right next to "os of the Carribean".

I swear, I thought they were going to go at it right there. The stares and laughter they drew were numerous........they were oblivious to it all.
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Well-Known Member
Like many of the posters above, I see no problem with holding hands, hugs and a kiss or two. Gay or straight. Anything more than that in a public place (Disney or otherwise) isn't really appropriate.

My partner and I were in Disney World last month, and had no trouble when we held hands during Wishes, Illuminations and such.

Whether or not we got any double takes or dirty looks, I don't know. We don't make an issue out of it, and we frankly don't care what other people think. We just had a good time being in Disney!
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Well-Known Member
As a conservative, hetero, single guy, I can honestly say that I don't care at all. Even though I do not agree with the lifestyle, I have no right to tell you or anyone else how to live their life. That said, if I was on a trip with my little cousins (2 & 3) I wouldn't want them exposed to anything too crazy whether it be with a hetero or couple.

I agree with the others that holding hands and quick kisses are fine. The problem comes when people do not act like mature adults and start acting like hormonal 13 year olds. I mean, who wants to see two people playing tonsil hockey at WDW? As long as you keep it under control you will be fine.
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Todd L

Well-Known Member
I have to say That My wife and are affectionate in Public but nothing more than holding hands and a little kiss here and there.
I have 2 kids age 3 and 14 and I just dont think that my kids need to be exposed to anything out of the ordinary at Wdw or anywhere else.
My daughter(14) has told me that she knows gay kids at school and Has no touble being friends with anyone . She is aware of people being in same ______ relationships because we are friendly with a Lesbian couple who we see from time to time.
I am open minded, liberal and have no issues with anyone being true to what they are in life. Gay/straight/bi whatever the case may be. But, I dont need to have them exposed to anything they might find confusing and maybe a little out of place.
I am offended by straight couples being too affectionate , I am offended by anyone using foul laungauge in public places and I am offended by people dressing inappropriatley- Girls with the g string sticking out, Guys with the pants down below the croutch.
Last time I was at disney a guy in line infront of us is covered in tattos and peircings evry other word out of his mouth is f this and f that. Finally he takes off his shirt and when a Cm explained to him that he needed to a) watch his mouth and B) put a shirt on the guy could not believe that anyone would have an issue with his behaivior. I am not naive- I know what goes on in the world but have enough class to be considerate to the people around you. I dont need my kids having a crash course in sexuality in the middle of disney.

Theres a time and a place for everything.
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Active Member
gay at wdw

gay couple from nyc here, together for 12 years with over 30 wdw trips and counting

funniest gay moment? our last trip this past sept
we were in epcot and were in line to meet snow white and dopey
when we got up to meet them, snow said what a couple of handsome princes, and where are your princesses at?
the photo pass guy (gay) almost ______'d his pants laughing
dopey made a fist and knocked on snow white's head to say it was made of wood
snow white had no idea what was going on, i explained to her, why do you need princesses when you have an evil queen to live with and pointed to my boyfriend

the next morning we had lunch at cinderella's castle in the magic kingdom and the same snow white was there, she immediatly recognized us
she came over and spent some extra time with us, talking and laughing, everyone was staring and were trying to figure out what was going on

dopey apparently explained things to her afterwards and she was rather embarassed about the whole thing

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New Member
wow, you guys, i wish everyone was as tolerant as you all seem to be.
the day i can go to disney and just hold hands with the one i love (my same ______ partner!) and be comfortable , and enjoy the moments that 'other' couples can enjoy together, is the day my 'wishes come true', and then ill 'celebrate!'
heres hoping you are all in the park next time i go!
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Active Member
gay at wdw

try and book a dinner at cinderella's feast in the grand floridian

lady tremaine and the wicked step sisters are there with cinderella and the prince

very very gay inside jokes, the step sisters were crazy with us and the step mother spent at least 20 minutes with us and then came back again to hang out with us for pictures

quite a few gay waiters and they were fighting with lady tremaine
where did you get your hair done today? cinnabons?

one of the sisters were told by a gay couple at another table that she looked like kathy griffon, she came running over to us to ask us if she did

she looked around and said that there weren't many people there who looked like they even knew who she was

they appreciated and interacted with all of the gay couple much more than the kids
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