Garcia: With MyMagic+, Mickey will watch where you go, what you do


Resident Curmudgeon
No, I know theres a lot of things that Jason wants to examine/look at/write about, its just being able to prove things. Its one thing to hear a rumor, have a source that tells you something, but its another to actually ahve the proof.

Does the Data Mining and Tracking bother me? Very much so. Can I prove what theyre going to do? Nope. But I'm concerned.

I really don't think TDO knows or cares about the damage to the Disney brand they are creating with the veil of secrecy they have around NGE, The persistent issues they have with the system also are not spreading the love either.

I get the feeling the TDO guys and TWDC team are guys that have their admin assistant print out their emails and they really don't GET technology and they clearly do not understand the value of a frictionless technology experience. It's why Amazon and Apple are in the dominant position they are today. And its because their stuff just WORKS.


New Member
Dude, you have six posts and you're gonna start an argument? You're gonna get all condescending? It was on my wrist YESTERDAY; it has two radios in it. One is NFC, the other goes a bit farther.
Please understand that I meant no disrespect. If I came off as condescending, than I apologize. I make no claims of being and expert in Disney or Theme Parks (something that is especially important to note here, as there are quite a few people who frequent this forum that I would consider experts). I know that I am new to posting here, and I have no desire to offend or upset anyone. This (The technology application side of MM+) is a subject that I am simply passionate about, and unfortunately I get a little too excited when I get going (espessialy on the internet....where a lack of one on one contact means that being passionate can easily make you look like a butt-head). A quick look at the FCC filing (or what pieces I can find of it during the shutdown) will indeed show that both you and Flyinnibus are correct, there is a 2.4GHz transmitter in the Magic Band. Despite what I thought was a well researched response, I missed a very important piece of info. I would very much like to continue this discussion (as I believe I still have valid points to make, even about the transmitter.), but I will wait until after I have actually used these fancy new bands (I have them, but I don't get to use them until November) before I try talk to about them.
So.....speak to you in November?


Well-Known Member
I spend upward of 200 nights per year at Marriott properties for business, as I'm sure many others on these boards do as well. I should be treated better than the vast majority of other guests at the hotel. That company appears to appreciate all the money they are receiving from me and reward for my loyalty to their brand. If they didn't, I'd be staying at Starwood hotels instead.

Disney has never treated its highest spenders and most dedicated customers with any semblance of respect.

Your analogy doesn't quite match the reality in Orlando.

You are a white collar road warrior whose company pays for you to stay in bland corporate hotels in office parks and urban centers around the country. Marriott has to pretend to "reward" you with upgrades to King Studio rooms and a glass of boxed wine in the lounge because they know you could just as easily get your secretary to book you in to the other cookie-cutter Starwood hotel down the block.

Disney is not in that same position. You are at Disney World because you want to be at Disney World, and you spent your own money to take the wife and kids there on purpose.

Now, one could argue that Universal is on a track to be a legit alternate to the full WDW experience within 5 to 7 years from now. Disney would be Marriott and Uni would be Starwood in that scenario, and a future family could choose to spend a week in either one if Uni continues on their current path.

But if being rewarded with a room with a view of the pool instead of the parking lot at the Indianapolis Courtyard is your idea of being "treated better", then go ahead and get down with your bad self. Crack open another box of wine, we've got an Elite Rewards member checking in! :D


Resident Curmudgeon
Your analogy doesn't quite match the reality in Orlando.

You are a white collar road warrior whose company pays for you to stay in bland corporate hotels in office parks and urban centers around the country. Marriott has to pretend to "reward" you with upgrades to King Studio rooms and a glass of boxed wine in the lounge because they know you could just as easily get your secretary to book you in to the other cookie-cutter Starwood hotel down the block.

Disney is not in that same position. You are at Disney World because you want to be at Disney World, and you spent your own money to take the wife and kids there on purpose.

Now, one could argue that Universal is on a track to be a legit alternate to the full WDW experience within 5 to 7 years from now. Disney would be Marriott and Uni would be Starwood in that scenario, and a future family could choose to spend a week in either one if Uni continues on their current path.

But if being rewarded with a room with a view of the pool instead of the parking lot at the Indianapolis Courtyard is your idea of being "treated better", then go ahead and get down with your bad self. Crack open another box of wine, we've got an Elite Rewards member checking in! :D

That's true but the glass of boxed wine and some appetizers are more than any DIsney guest receives for their loyalty.


Well-Known Member
Quick question. What makes anyone think Disney does not already have access (and keep track of) this info already? As of right now resort guests are the only ones who will be utilizing the full MM+ system.

So before MM+: Key to the World card is your room key, park ticket, and charge card.
After MM+: Same thing.....but with bands.

Add to that that Disney already has records of every credit transaction that takes place anywhere on property, and anyone entering the park does so with a non-tranferable ticket that requires biometric scan. The point I'm trying to make here is that none of this is new info to Disney....MM+ just streamlines exisitng data mining. The overall system has many problems and valid reasons to dislike it.....

The first part of your post is the part that I constantly repeat. I find it funny that so many people treat the features of this new system as something completely unheard of and not currently possible at WDW.

I also think it's funny when people talk about how convenient the bands are compared to the previous way of doing things. Because taking your KTTW card out of your pocket was apparently BRUTAL.


Well-Known Member
Quick question. What makes anyone think Disney does not already have access (and keep track of) this info already?
Actually, the "old" WDW databases were a mess. Often developed piecemeal over decades, Disney had a conglomerate of disjointed and incompatible systems that basically didn't talk with each other. They still have the problem today although they slowly are working on integrating them with NextGen.

NextGen is not about simply collecting data but being able to do so in a way to produce useful results. NextGen allows Disney to generate an impressive array of cross-referenced information at both the micro and macro levels.

Through the use of the My Disney Experience phone app and MagicBands, Disney turbocharges its data collecting abilities by monitoring guest activity in real-time.

Quoting from the British TV series The Prisoner, "Be seeing you!"
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Well-Known Member
That's true but the glass of boxed wine and some appetizers are more than any DIsney guest receives for their loyalty.

Aint that the truth. Don't get me started on Disney's "Concierge" level hotel rooms and the "service" one receives, or doesn't receive, when staying in a Concierge room. I've posted a few things over the years here on how poorly Disney manages their "Concierge" level accommodations that are truly Concierge in name only.

Work day is done now, so I'll take that glass of boxed wine in the Marriott Courtyard lobby now. And free WiFi, too! I'm an Elite Rewards member myself, so make way in the lobby lounge for the high roller!

Yeah, I'm Elite Rewards. I own this joint! :cool:


Well-Known Member
Through the use of the My Disney Experience phone app and MagicBands, Disney turbocharges its data collecting abilities by monitoring guest activity in real-time.

Quoting from the British TV series The Prisoner, "Be seeing you!"

You get extra points for using a very apt reference from The Prisoner.

I loved that show back in the 20th century when it seemed cool but creepy. I love it even more in the 21st century when it seems cool but real. And the similarities of The Prisoner to NextGen and MagicBand stuff is getting more and more real by the day it seems.


Resident Curmudgeon
You get extra points for using a very apt reference from The Prisoner.

I loved that show back in the 20th century when it seemed cool but creepy. I love it even more in the 21st century when it seems cool but real. And the similarities of The Prisoner to NextGen and MagicBand stuff is getting more and more real by the day it seems.

Who are you?, "I am the new Number Two, you are Number Six"

"I am not a number, I am a free man"

Evil laughter...

What I want to know is what's Disney's equivalent of Rover...


Well-Known Member
The perk you get for laying out thousands for a Deluxe or DVC resort is you get to stay at that resort, and enjoy all the benefits that entails. Better pool, location, dining, transportation, etc. If you feel this isn't enough value for the higher cost...then don't stay there.

If you want an additional perk inside the park, there are various discounts food/merch for AP/DVC/TIWL etc. If you really want to throw your money around you can get a VIP tour from Disney and get to the front of every line.

Couldn't have said it better myself. No one is making you spend more to stay at the GF, Polynesion, Contemp, BLT, Y&BC, etc. That's your choice. If you stay there and expect more in park perks and aren't getting them, and you're not fully satisfied with what that particular resort offers, then you're wasting your money. Spend less for the hotel room, spend money on a guest relations personal tour guide and bam, instant in park perks.


Premium Member
How do you feel about that strategy? Your post, perhaps intentionally, presented the facts without your opinion.

Not facts, just my theory on how they could use the system and the data. I don't think anyone outside of a small inner circle at TWDC knows exactly what they plan to do with their new toy.

I am trying to keep an open mind and wait until the system is fully rolled out to judge it. That being said, execs at TWDC have stated that one of the goals of the project will be to increase guest spending and per guest profits. You have to assume some of that increase will come from increasing prices and/or cutting back on discounts. I am assuming some of this can be accomplished by targeting offers instead of offering blanket discounts. I guess some of the gains will come from people spending more using the swipe to pay bands too. At the end of the day I would prefer if they added new things or interesting merchandise that made me want to fork over more cash rather than prying it from my hands, but I don't see myself either cutting back on visits or increasing them because of the new system.

All of that is my opinion from the guest's perspective. From a business perspective this is a fascinating new tool. I am really interested to see how it all plays out. Although what they are potentially planning to do is not a new or original idea the scope and scale of this project is unprecedented. It will probably make a great case study some day.


Premium Member
Aint that the truth. Don't get me started on Disney's "Concierge" level hotel rooms and the "service" one receives, or doesn't receive, when staying in a Concierge room. I've posted a few things over the years here on how poorly Disney manages their "Concierge" level accommodations that are truly Concierge in name only.

For real. We have been loyal to Club Level for the past few years and aside from a slightly more quiet level in the morning theres not much more to it. The offerings of snacks (not food) and beverages are nice but theyre nothing to write home about. You cant get any real concierge service, i.e. hard to get dining reservations. The lounge usually gets insane in the morning with children running around whose parents obviously could care less about others trying to enjoy their morning in whats supposed to be a somewhat "classy" environment. Aside from the YC we have decided its just not worth it anymore.

The YC staff is far superior to any of the other club level staff we have encountered. We have stayed there several times and it is always great. We always hit our room for an afternoon break around 4 pm and the staff would always have a few Sam Adams ready for me even though they dont put the beer and wine out until later. They knew my wife likes the big glass bottled Evian water and they would have one sent our room every day without us asking. To us, the staff making that extra effort to help us is worth the cost of club level. NONE of the other resorts club level staff ever remembered our names let alone knew what we liked. Our most recent visit was BW and we skipped CL and used the money we saved for dining and souvenirs. Unless its YC I think we are done with paying sky high costs for nothing in return. Club Level just isnt what it used to be.

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