Premium Member
Thinking out loud: How about using the hand stamp system, and "for insurance purposes" each DAS holder must be accompanied by at least one non-DAS guest? I don't know this answer which is why I'm asking but are there insurance rules? Surely 4 DAS cheaters couldn't just rock up in their hired ECVs and get on one boat at PotC for instance? Only one "red stamp" per ride vehicle?
Could, in theory, a DAS "family" take up a whole boat?
Disney could use safety exceptions to enforce limits like that.. but operationally you'd probably cause more havoc than you gained.
IMO - the simplest model is timecards for everyone in a DAS party, allow anyone to take multiple cards to a kiosk to get their next stamp, and methods to prevent giving out multiple timecards to the same person. Again.. MDE would make this easy

The biggest challenge is still registration and handing out cards.. especially early in the day. I could foresee Disney having to do things out on the esplanade before the parks open to help alleviate this.