and just because i have been wanting to say it and she brought autism (or what i think is she is referring to autism) autism and autism spectrum are not different, they are the same. autism is a spectrum disorder, high to low. and you can not discipline autism away. very few therapies have been found to be beneficial, the most being applied behavior analysis, not discipline. Please stop perpetuating this belief of autism that children just need discipline. It just gives the public (people on here) a misconception of autism. Being a single parent of a child with a disability, I am going to be angry when I read negative things, hate me, chastise me, yell at me, I don't care. I wish I could be as calm as others, but I am not. The message is ...don't say bad stuff about people with disabilities. I don't say bad stuff about your kids. Hate me. I don't care. Don't hate my kids.