Fussy children at WDW? Heaven forbid!

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Q: Iam spending my honeymoon at WDW and would like to know where I can take my wife for a quiet, romantic dinner, with no "overstimulated" cranky children......

A: JAMAICA! Sandals resorts are couples only!

(ummmm....can I post a possibly controversial topic here?) Too often lately I have heard and read questions and comments similar to this (not necessarily in this exact forum). It has become my pet peeve! On my last visit to WDW as we were leaving AK on a bus a very young little girl (maybe 3) had a complete meltdown. She screamed at the top of her lungs the entire ride to the Poly. Several of the other riders became horribly rude and voiced their dismay. The mother was in tears and trying anything to quiet her child. The worst of the firing squad was a woman (maybe in her 50's) who had no children with her. She was downright ugly to this poor young mom. When we reached the Poly and the family got off, the bus erupted in applause! UNBELIEVABLE! And frankly, disgusting!

Why would anybody who was sensitive to other peoples children go to a place like WDW? Would you go on a romantic date to a "G" rated movie? I doubt it!

Honeymooners ask these questions regularly...about privacy and quiet and romance. Never have I seen a response that says "go someplace else!", its the same over and over......

To the parents of these "overstimulated" children....

"1. DON'T take a tired, cranky or "overstimulated" child to a restaurant. Remember others have paid the same amount of money as you and would like to enjoy their meals without fussy children around!" I also read a comment that suggested WDW have an "adult hour" to be observed in all sit-down restaurants. HA!

OK....so you get rid of all the families with tired children at dinner. Im sure the higher powers at Disney would be thrilled with the revenues from that venture! But then again I guess they could just cut down the restaurant staff to one cook and one waitress and get rid of the characters all together. And hey it would probably only require one restaurant in the entire place to serve the masses that travel there without children.

"2. DON'T take tired, fussy or "overstimulated" children on the Disney transportation systems. If you are travelling with young children you should seriously consider renting a car! Remember others have paid the same amount, yadda, yadda, yadda!"

I travel with my children and last I checked I was the "majority". If tired, fussy children offend you.....you rent a car!

"3. Same comments have been applied to attraction lines, parade viewing and even resort pools!" And ALWAYS with this rediculous comment about someone paying the same amount as me. Hmmmmm......A couple travelling alone, no children vs. my family of five, 2 hotel rooms, 5 plane tickets, meals, snacks, souveneirs, park hoppers, souveniers, souveniers, and more souveniers (you know how kids are!)....I feel pretty confident that my donation to WDW was ASTRNOMICALLY higher. And IF they paid the same amount as me to go to a place made for children and families with children and still got upset about normal child behavior then they have noone to blame but themselves!

I honestly believe that ANYONE who loves Disney should be there. I cant imagine how romantic it would be to be married there in Cinderella fashion. I plan on visiting WDW even after my children are all grown up. But I will always know and accept that this is a place where children are abundant, even fussy, cranky, hyper and overstimulated ones (and I wouldnt want it any other way!).

Soooo, if you are sensitive to children, please dont go and be ugly! Hawaii is beautiful!


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When we went to Disney World my little sister was a perfect little lady. She was really active at night time. She jumped all over the place with excitement. It was very cute when we noticed. We were all still rubbing our feet from MK and Epcot.
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Well-Known Member
OK coming from a child-less single young lady....I cant help but agree with most of the people here. There are parents who are really out there and will force the child to go on rides, running around thru a hot park all day, forget about nap time because "I paid all this money and you are going to enjoy this trip"
Um hello Parent?? I got news for you....the kid in question will not enjoy it, neither will you and neither will the people around you. I had made a comment once after hearing a child have a meltdown in the food court at the CB that "child needs to go home now" When I came home I was telling my best friend about it and she actually agreed with me but not for the reason I thought. She thought that the child may have been overstimulated and didnt know how to handle it. Her advise to the parent would have been to have the parent take the kid back to the hotel room for a little while, soft or no lights, a nice backrub, and then try again. The down time may have fixed it!!! Coming from a mother of three wonderful kids Ill take her word on it. The following summer I went with her, her DH and the three kids and we all had a great time, because she is sensitive to her kids needs and doesnt make an attempt to push them beyond what they can do comfortably!! I was lucky as these kids were awesome and quite the little troopers, We did EVERYTHING!!! Goes to show you it can be done!!!! and with nary a tear in sight it really can be the happiest placein the World!! Belle
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I don't know if I LOVE kids. I spent 5 years as a pre-school teacher and more as a summercamp counselor. Belive me I KNOW kids.

I LOVE my kids, not so much other peoples. They always seem to be running over, hitting, pulling her hair and running into my kid (still too young to defend herself much, but she is learning.:lol: ) Funny becasue now my almost 2 year old yells at other kids when at McDonlad play land to slow down. I guess that is my fault.

My hubby and I have taken many a trip to WDW before we had kids and for the most part really enjoyed waching other people's kids feel the magic of WDW, and we enjoyed not having to be a parent at that time.

However I can't wait to share all WDW has to see and do with our DD and yes she, will have naps and plently of quiet time. We have also vowed that if she gets older and isn't well behaved, she can stay home and we will enjoy it with out her.
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Imagineer Jer

New Member
Originally posted by pixieintraining
Q: Iam spending my honeymoon at WDW and would like to know where I can take my wife for a quiet, romantic dinner, with no "overstimulated" cranky children......

A: JAMAICA! Sandals resorts are couples only!

(ummmm....can I post a possibly controversial topic here?) Too often lately I have heard and read questions and comments similar to this (not necessarily in this exact forum). It has become my pet peeve! On my last visit to WDW as we were leaving AK on a bus a very young little girl (maybe 3) had a complete meltdown. She screamed at the top of her lungs the entire ride to the Poly. Several of the other riders became horribly rude and voiced their dismay. The mother was in tears and trying anything to quiet her child. The worst of the firing squad was a woman (maybe in her 50's) who had no children with her. She was downright ugly to this poor young mom. When we reached the Poly and the family got off, the bus erupted in applause! UNBELIEVABLE! And frankly, disgusting!

Why would anybody who was sensitive to other peoples children go to a place like WDW? Would you go on a romantic date to a "G" rated movie? I doubt it!

Honeymooners ask these questions regularly...about privacy and quiet and romance. Never have I seen a response that says "go someplace else!", its the same over and over......

To the parents of these "overstimulated" children....

"1. DON'T take a tired, cranky or "overstimulated" child to a restaurant. Remember others have paid the same amount of money as you and would like to enjoy their meals without fussy children around!" I also read a comment that suggested WDW have an "adult hour" to be observed in all sit-down restaurants. HA!

OK....so you get rid of all the families with tired children at dinner. Im sure the higher powers at Disney would be thrilled with the revenues from that venture! But then again I guess they could just cut down the restaurant staff to one cook and one waitress and get rid of the characters all together. And hey it would probably only require one restaurant in the entire place to serve the masses that travel there without children.

"2. DON'T take tired, fussy or "overstimulated" children on the Disney transportation systems. If you are travelling with young children you should seriously consider renting a car! Remember others have paid the same amount, yadda, yadda, yadda!"

I travel with my children and last I checked I was the "majority". If tired, fussy children offend you.....you rent a car!

"3. Same comments have been applied to attraction lines, parade viewing and even resort pools!" And ALWAYS with this rediculous comment about someone paying the same amount as me. Hmmmmm......A couple travelling alone, no children vs. my family of five, 2 hotel rooms, 5 plane tickets, meals, snacks, souveneirs, park hoppers, souveniers, souveniers, and more souveniers (you know how kids are!)....I feel pretty confident that my donation to WDW was ASTRNOMICALLY higher. And IF they paid the same amount as me to go to a place made for children and families with children and still got upset about normal child behavior then they have noone to blame but themselves!

I honestly believe that ANYONE who loves Disney should be there. I cant imagine how romantic it would be to be married there in Cinderella fashion. I plan on visiting WDW even after my children are all grown up. But I will always know and accept that this is a place where children are abundant, even fussy, cranky, hyper and overstimulated ones (and I wouldnt want it any other way!).

Soooo, if you are sensitive to children, please dont go and be ugly! Hawaii is beautiful!

Well, sorry, but Disney is a place for kids of all ages! I can understand that you want to have a romantic night out, but inless you get real lucky, I don't think you can find a place with out kids! lol
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New Member
Once you've had kids, fussy kids aren't a problem. You just sit back, relax and think "I'm glad they're not mine."

And those families with out of control kids are more miserable than they'll ever make you. Just think about that and it'll help you calm down when you see them.

Kid lovers are the best kind of people that's why there are so many great people at DW. Kids are like a$$ho%^^ repellant.
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New Member
Dreamer like you said You just sit back, relax and think "I'm glad they're not mine." We enjoy doing that to

Unfortunately we all have those 2 or 3 times whenthey are yours.

Happened to us last year we were having lunch in the world showcase(germany). Our two daughters (5/3) are great kids, great to take out, quiet, you know what I mean. We rarely ever have a small problem, let alone.....

So we sit down to have some lunch and all hell broke out. I can not even recall why. First the oldest one starts, then the little one. Things were goin down hill fast. Soon of course my wife and I get started on each other.

My folks are with us, so you know what that leads to.

We will be heading down on 2-6. Hopefully(knock on wood) we will not have to relive that.
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Original Poster
Thank you all for so many intelligent responses. Its nice to know Im not alone on this.

And Yes I was referring to fussy overtired children NOT ill-mannered ones! There is no excuse for that. In fact when we visit WDW our family practices the "personal space" rule: "Always give the people around you 2 feet of personal space!" Theres nothing worse than having someones kid embedded in your back in ride lines! LOL!

Loucifr.....I will be at WDW on 2/6 also, so if I see someone with 2 little girls freaking out, dont worry! You wont bother me! I'll just be grateful that its your turn and not mine :animwink: .
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Original Poster
One more thing....Dont be so quick to blame parents for kids freaking out on rides. When my daughter was 6 she finally got up the nerve to ride Big Thunder Mountain. It was the one ride she always wanted to do but was always too afraid to try. We never tried to talk her into it, it was completely her idea! Well she made it to the train and sat down and as soon as the lap bars locked she freaked out! My husband was sitting with her. The crying immediately got the attention of the CM's and my husband was thoroughly chastised by several of them and kicked off the ride (with my screaming daughter in tow). Poor guy! He was humiliated and he never said a word to our daughter about going on this ride. He was just there for moral support. So it isnt always the parents, sometimes the kids just innocently bite off more than they can chew.

(btw...she returned the next day for one last try and it instantly became her favorite ride at MK)
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Control of kids

It's funny when my kids were little and we went to Disney it was so much different!! The very first time we took them, my son was 5. We drove down and the first day we had at MK was a disaster. He cried on everything!! What I didnt' realize was he was so exhausted from the car trip that he couldn't cope. I finally told him to lay his head on my lap when we went on a ride. My daughter was fine but he just couldn't handle it. When he laid his head on my lap, I rubbed it and he calmed down soooooo much. He just needed that and it worked. Now when he goes (he's 21) he just looks at all the kids and says, I'm glad their not mine and I remind him of how he was his first time. He laughs!! It's a total different experience. One thing I do have to say is when we went in December we actually went back from one of the parks and took a 2 hour nap (a first for us)!!! I felt a thousand times better and we went back to the park!!! It's not a bad idea for a lot of people, not just kids>..........lol!
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Originally posted by pixieintraining
One more thing....Dont be so quick to blame parents for kids freaking out on rides. When my daughter was 6 she finally got up the nerve to ride Big Thunder Mountain. It was the one ride she always wanted to do but was always too afraid to try. We never tried to talk her into it, it was completely her idea! Well she made it to the train and sat down and as soon as the lap bars locked she freaked out! My husband was sitting with her. The crying immediately got the attention of the CM's and my husband was thoroughly chastised by several of them and kicked off the ride (with my screaming daughter in tow). Poor guy! He was humiliated and he never said a word to our daughter about going on this ride. He was just there for moral support. So it isnt always the parents, sometimes the kids just innocently bite off more than they can chew.

(btw...she returned the next day for one last try and it instantly became her favorite ride at MK)

I'm surprised you had that experience with the CM's. When our kids were younger we had several experiences like that with our DD. She wanted to do the ride but when faced with the reality.....ooops! (This pretty much went on until she was 12!) At Disney we always had CM's who were so nice about it, they would get her out of her seat, joke with her and make her feel better. More than once they offered to let her stand with them while the rest of us rode the ride. When she was older, I took them up on their offer and I think she had a better time with the CM's than we did on the ride.

We were so used to this kind of treatment that once when we went to Six Flags and our son decided (very loudly) he did not want to ride Bat Wing after we were strapped in, we totally freaked out when it appeared the ride operators were not going to release him from the seat! My DH had to assume his "command voice" (which comes from 20 years in the Coast Guard) and basically order them to stop the ride and let the hysterical little boy out of his seat! Don't think those boys were used to following orders, but hey let me and my son off.:lol:
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New Member
I'm just surprised at the amount of time some people spend paying attention to what other people are doing. I mean, sometimes you can't help it ( i.e. on a crowded bus, or in a restaurant) but I tend to ignore them and focus on what's really important.


As many times as I've been to WDW, I can honestly tell you that I don't remember once seeing an unhappy child or a rude parent. And you want to know why? Because I'm too busy having fun with my family. Hey, that's what we're there for, isn't it!! I ignore anything or anyone that's going to interfere with my goal.

Let me just say, I like people watching as much as the next guy. I just pay more attention to the people that are enjoying themselves, not the people who aren't. It doesn't give me relief to say "I'm glad that's not my kid". It give me more pleasure to say "Look how much fun their having".

As a fairly new parent, I've learned an important lesson. Listen to your children. I don't think some parents do that enough. Listen when their cranky, tired, hungry, bored and anything else that makes them unhappy. Somethings you can't fix, but most things you can. I'm there for one reason and one reason only, to do whatever possible to make my family have the best time ever. It's what makes me happy.

Remember people,

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Well-Known Member
I have to agree, Dave! Accentuating the positive is the BEST way to ensure a good time for all ages!

In all our trips to Disney World with our kids, we encountered LOTS of hot, tired, fussy kids; the parents were generally upset and embarrassed by their kids' behavior, but it never bothered us. Hey, with kids, you can never predict precisely what they're going to do, or how they're going to react. Disney can be overwhelming! Lighten up, and have some fun.
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Well-Known Member
Originally posted by davea61
I'm just surprised at the amount of time some people spend paying attention to what other people are doing. I mean, sometimes you can't help it ( i.e. on a crowded bus, or in a restaurant) but I tend to ignore them and focus on what's really important.


As many times as I've been to WDW, I can honestly tell you that I don't remember once seeing an unhappy child or a rude parent. And you want to know why? Because I'm too busy having fun with my family. Hey, that's what we're there for, isn't it!! I ignore anything or anyone that's going to interfere with my goal.

Let me just say, I like people watching as much as the next guy. I just pay more attention to the people that are enjoying themselves, not the people who aren't. It doesn't give me relief to say "I'm glad that's not my kid". It give me more pleasure to say "Look how much fun their having".

As a fairly new parent, I've learned an important lesson. Listen to your children. I don't think some parents do that enough. Listen when their cranky, tired, hungry, bored and anything else that makes them unhappy. Somethings you can't fix, but most things you can. I'm there for one reason and one reason only, to do whatever possible to make my family have the best time ever. It's what makes me happy.

Remember people,


Good 1st post Dave!!

Welcome :) :)
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Premium Member
Originally posted by leeocean
Kids will be kids and
Sucky parents will be sucky parents.

I agree with that !:) And Good parents will be good parents, and some "child-less people will be rude, and some will be helpful and kind like hubby and I ! :animwink:
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Originally posted by dreamer
Once you've had kids, fussy kids aren't a problem. You just sit back, relax and think "I'm glad they're not mine."
Ain't that the truth!

On the rare instances when the fussy kids are mine (it happens to everyone occasionally), I've learned that most people are understanding (and even helpful) as long as I'm calmly trying to deal with the situation. And those that are rude are not worth my time, and they deserve to hear the screaming kids...
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As someone who used to be a Disney kid (my parents took me there multiple times a year till I was 15), I know what those fussy kids are going through. My parents claimed I never acted like that, but, whatever. Kids are tired, they need to go back to thier hotel and rest. Forcing them to go on rides just isn't going to help. However, sometimes the kids will just keep crying and making a fuss just because they are bored. My little sister has ADD, and sometimes she would start making a scene because there was nothing for her to do at the moment. Eventually she grew out of that...sorta.
I tend to see more fussy kids at work then I do at Disney. I work at Target, and I see sooo many cranky kids or kids who are just being pains in the . I'll have a display with hundreds of cans of vegetables or something, and some snotty little kid will almost definatly come up and knock half the thing down. THOSE are the kids I cannot stand. The ones who are just cranky and all, I can understand them being upset. The ones who were likely drug out to the store against thier will. But the ones who are just annoying, like the one who kicked another forum user in the shin, I dislike them. (I don't hate anyone, unless you reall tick me off!).
One time I was on the bus going back to my resort, and there was a little kid who was whining for a while. This was at like 10 at night, and everyone was tired. I noticed that the kid stared at me for a bit when she got on, aparently she was attracted to the MK park map I was holding. So after a while of the kid crying and stuff, I got up and handed her the map, and whatdya know...she got real quiet real fast. Her mother(who was trying to quiet her child the entire time) thanked me. It's things like that that will quiet a child. A brochure, or a paper cup with Mickey on it... stuff like that. Sad huh? Parents spend hundreds of dollars on the kid, and all she wants is a free park map!
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