Funny things "tourist" say


Active Member
Chrismtas Eve morning, this year. (well, technically last year)

Me: At Space Mountain fastpass machine putting in our APs to ride later
Guy running into standby queue, yelling to CM as he passes: "Hey, how much is fastpass?"
CM: "What?"
CM: "It's free"
Guy: "Then how does it work?"
Me: Rolls eyes and leaves fastpass machine to meet back up with family.
Tells story to DH, and neither of us can fathom how someone can visit WDW at the busiest time of year, and yet not have done minimal research to learn that fastpass is included with park admission.

I hear that at least once or twice every trip !:ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
Just got back 3 days ago. Here's what I heard two parents telling their child as they entered Hollywood Studios:

Dad: What do you want to do first?
Son: Harry Potter.
Dad: I thought you wanted to ride the Spiderman ride.
Mom: Well they just got the Simpsons too.
Son: Spiderman!

I really would've liked to run into them again later in the day. But my favorite from the same trip. A mother talking to her son:

Mom: We're not going to see the Osborne lights, that man does nothing but bite bats heads off and worship the devil.

Wow - my son was disappointed knowing IN ADVANCE OF THE TRIP that Star Tours was going to be closed - imagine those people trying to explain to their kids that NONE OF THE RIDES EXIST AT THAT PARK!! Again - I don't understand how people shell out for a vacation they know nothing about.


Active Member
Ok I have 2 for the day.

First one . Turnstiles at epcot. Man tries to walk in to park and is stopped by the turnstile.
Cast member "sir did you put in your ticket?"
Man "I didn't know I had to for each park"
Cm "yes sir you do."

At imagination
Man in line right before you board " is this journey into imagination"
I was so tempted to go " no sir this is test track"

Tinkerbell 8

Well-Known Member
Was on the bus back to pop century the other night and two guys sitting behind me saw the sign for espn wide world of sports. Guy one says "hey, I wonder what that is" guy two says "oh i think that's where all the golf courses are, I'm glad I brought my golf shoes, maybe we can swing by there tomorrow."
Not Disney related but still funny- a girl in Philly is talking about spring break with her friend the first girl asks "are you going to Florida for break?" other girl responds "hell no I'm not going to Florida, I'm going to Miami"

Burning Metal

New Member
This was quite a few years back in Epcot...World Showcase actually. We were there waiting for Illuminations (along with about 1 zillion other people!) and there were a couple little British girls kind of whispering and giggling, we over heard them say (imagine this in a VERY British accent) "ewwwww, he picked his bum and ate it"!!! My Wife, Stepson and I almost died laughing! We still joke around about this to this day!:ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
I remember when they were redoing the Bathrooms by Pinocchio's Haus.. and two CMs were standing outside and a BILLBOARD side (4' x 3') saying Pardon our mess, our restrooms are under construction... I was chatting with a CM I knew and in the 5 minutes I was there... at least 25 people came up and asked.. Are the bathrooms closed? :brick:

I probably would get fired! Cause I would be the one that would point with two fingers at the sign and say DUH! :ROFLOL:

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