Funny moments


Active Member
A trip to WDW definitely comes with some of the funniest moments. One that sticks out to me is when my family and I were eating dinner at the Coral Reef. During the dinner we recognized that two turtles came to the front of the tank where they were visible from around the entire restaurant. We acknowledged their presence and took pictures and then got back to eating dinner, it wasn't until later that we realized that a show actually came with dinner. :p A few minutes later we looked back at the tank and noticed the turtles on top of one another mating haha. Also later our waitress told us that for those two the girl was always on top :p. So yeah it was a hysterical dinner and very memorable in a kind of weird way. :lol:


Active Member
I kissed the mad hatter on the nose and he looked at me like this


I did not draw this. Bri-Chan drew this (the artist of When Curiosity Met Insanity)

Afterwards he was he said,

"D-Do you want me to sign your hat? "

He signed my hat and I kissed his nose again and he walked off like he was the luckiest person in the world!

My BFF's reacted the same way he did.They just said,"Let's go ride SM."

They are totally getting used to my Hatter obsession


Active Member
I hate when parents lie to their children. I was at MK and there was a young boy getting a little fussy with his mom and she told him, "If you don't be good, Mickey Mouse is going to ask us to leave." I was about 20 feet away and I started yelling, "That's not true! She's a liar! He won't ask you to leave!"

I hate it too! We were waiting in line for splash mountain and this boy punched his dad because his dad said,"on this ride, you go underwater" After the kid punched his dad he said ,"It's just splash mountain" The little boy just ran off and I don't know what happened after the boy ran away
A trip to WDW definitely comes with some of the funniest moments. One that sticks out to me is when my family and I were eating dinner at the Coral Reef. During the dinner we recognized that two turtles came to the front of the tank where they were visible from around the entire restaurant. We acknowledged their presence and took pictures and then got back to eating dinner, it wasn't until later that we realized that a show actually came with dinner. :p A few minutes later we looked back at the tank and noticed the turtles on top of one another mating haha. Also later our waitress told us that for those two the girl was always on top :p. So yeah it was a hysterical dinner and very memorable in a kind of weird way. :lol:

It seems like every time we go on the safari there are animals mating.


New Member
Oh goodness, I have a bunch of these. The ones that come to mind:

At MILF, I was with two of my friends and we all had our Mouseketeer ears on. The very last joke of the day? "Why look, we have three humans with four ears!' So we talked to Marty for awhile while he interrogated us, but we accidentally said the same things at the same time! The person next to me asked if we rehearsed that but we definitely hadn't. Afterwards, a CM chased us to tell us it was the funniest thing she'd seen since working there.

Another incident was when the ride stopped in Dinosaur but the audio was tripped for the next spiel...which happened to be the finale. So we sat there listening to the climax while we just sort of hovered. Then we started up and it was silent; I know the script so I acted it out for everyone. Luckily the guests in our vehicle enjoyed my performance :lol:


New Member
Last August was the first visit for my 3 younger children. So after a long day at Epcot, we are watching Illuminations and my then 4 yr old who was sitting ontop of my husbands shoulders starts to bawl. We all asked what was wrong, thinking maybe he was hurt or something, and he said "this is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, I'm so happy I'm crying". He continued to cry the almost the whole way to the front gate, we were hysterical. I think he was just totally exhausted from a long day and was just overcome with emotion but to this day when I point at the picture of him on his dads shoulders crying (yes, you know we had to take pics) i ask him why he was crying and he says I was so happy :)


Last August was the first visit for my 3 younger children. So after a long day at Epcot, we are watching Illuminations and my then 4 yr old who was sitting ontop of my husbands shoulders starts to bawl. We all asked what was wrong, thinking maybe he was hurt or something, and he said "this is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, I'm so happy I'm crying". He continued to cry the almost the whole way to the front gate, we were hysterical. I think he was just totally exhausted from a long day and was just overcome with emotion but to this day when I point at the picture of him on his dads shoulders crying (yes, you know we had to take pics) i ask him why he was crying and he says I was so happy :)

This is actually really sweet. Even after a long exhausting day, it's the rare child that can be moved to tears by beauty. Especially at that age. Plus, clearly you've got him hooked young. That's the way to train 'em.

I visited AK the first year it was open, in the dead of summer. It was brutally hot and humid, of course, and AK isn't exactly known for indoor activities. We were guzzling water all day and spraying ourselves down with overpriced water bottle fans. The funny part was that we weren't the only ones feeling the heat: most of the animals in the park were seeking shelter of their own. We traveled the park and rarely saw an animal out and about. Kilamanjaro Safaris might have been called "Jeep Ride in the Fake Savannah." The animals were all ducked into the shade or just indoors. It got pretty hilarious. My mother and I kept paraphrasing Jeff Goldblum from Jurassic Park:

"You do plan on having animals at your Animal Kingdom?"

We still joke about it to this day.


New Member
My funniest story would be from our last trip. We finally talked my mom into riding Splash Mtn. Every trip to a Disney park since 1993, mom would take one look at SM and say "No thanks, I'll wait for you over there." Well, we talked my FiL into riding it. Mom and niece (then 6) decided to try it to after some teasing by my FiL. So, me and my mom are sitting behind my sister and FiL with DH and niece behind us. Things are going really great, mom's doing great, niece is singing quietly in her spot, then we hit the hill before the big drop. Mom decides to hold the bar, death grip really. We crest, then we're going down. At the bottom, mom looks over at me and says (her exact words), "I was afraid of that?". I started gut rolling and mom joined me - still with death grip on bar. Then the rest of the family, who didn't hear what she said, wanted to know what was so funny. It took us a minute or two to explain then we were all laughing. To this day, mom still gets mad that she waited so long to ride.

Niece wasn't as happy to have ridden it. She prefers BTMRR, or "the bumpy ride". Long story short, when she was 2, we talked her into trying it, she sat with uncle (mommy was too nervous). Going up the first hill, she asked if there was bumps on the ride. Uncle, not understanding what bumps meant, told her no. So at the end of the ride, we realize she is crying. We get off and move towards the exit. We get to a place to move out of the way and let others by. Mommy asked her what was wrong and she cried (loudly), "Uncle lied, there were too BUMPS!" Turns out, she wanted to know if the ride had hills. You would think that after that, she would not want to go near that ride again. She actually asked to ride the "bumpy ride" a couple days later when we went back to the MK. Turns out, it's her favorite.

The last funny was going to Sounds Dangerous and at the end realizing mom sat thru the whole thing without wearing the earphones. Yes, we do tease her still.


New Member
I have 2 funny moments.
1) The G.I. Joe from Toy Story was walking near our group and dropped something. Me being me, I picked it up (a plastic gernade) and he jumped into the bushes so I tossed it to him and he kept tossing it back to me.:lol::lol:

2) Also, funny now but scary at the time. A big gust of wind sent a baby stroller rolling down the walkway. I went running after the stroller thinking there was a baby inside. Needless to say, got to the stroller and thankfully it was empty. To this day our family cracks up at the stroller - aka runaway stroller!:ROFLOL::ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
My funny moment came when I saw my sister's reaction to Beverly. I've nver tried it, but I'd read enough on here to know to avoid it. Well, we were all trying the flavors, and I happened to see her get a sample of Beverly. I was torn between holding the camera up to try and catch her face, but I was afraid that would make her wary. In the end, I just stood there and waited for the reaction. She swallowed, turned to throw the cup away, then it was like slow motion. She made the most awful face! I burst out laughing, and laughed so hard I finally couldn't breathe.

Matt and Kelly

Well-Known Member
For me, we at Monsters Inc. Laugh Floor and they were goofing around with people from the audience on the big screens and all of a sudden my brother popped up on screen with the line "this guy really wants to dance".

They started playing some music and everyone was laughing and cheering. My brother's face turned bright red and after a few seconds, he got up and started dancing, which was pretty hilarious.

They came back to him a few time throughout the show and he got up and danced again. After the show, a few younger children recognized him and yelled "Hey! It's that dancing guy!". We had a good laugh at his expense. We actually ran into the same kids later on in the day and they yelled the same thing at him...It was great!


Active Member
I did Sounds Dangerous. That attraction is so bad it's funny.

I did Dinosaur alone, as in there was no one else in the car with me. I joked around with the CMs before the car got off load, and I did the entire speil with the ride. When I came back to load, I told the group to get on that the rest of the passengers on my car didn't make it.

When I did the ABD Backstage Magic Tour in March of 2008, during one of our character breakfasts some of my friends had taken the desert and put it on another one of my friend's plates. Alice came along and saw the dessert. My friends blamed it on me. I was put on trial and found guilty. She was with us for a good 10-15 minutes. It was epic amazing hilarity.


at worldshow case i was looking at some displays (i think norway) behind glass screens, the lady next to me leant in for a closer look and smacked her head on the glass, had to walk out for laughing!!

oh and telling DH that the dinosaur ride was really like riding through a boring museum ( it was his 1st trip and didnt do his research)


New Member
The funniest thing that has happend in one of our most recent trips was in 2007 when we took the kids. We went to the 50's Prime Time and before our trip we were trying to tell the kids the in's and out's of the joint. Well Kevin the oldest has reached the age where he thinks he knows all and does his own thing.

He started out testing the cast member Loukili and eventually got to the point where the CM gave him away to another family so our family wouldnt have to put up with him anymore. He then asked our room and us if we wanted him back and the room filled with a large NO!!!!. Everyone except his younger brother who screamed I want my brother back!.

Of course every minute of everyday they both fight with each other and we have to remind the younger one he had his chance to rid himself of his brother. :lol:

We return with the kids in 2009 and the 50's Prime Time is definatley on the list for dining! :ROFLOL:


New Member
A lot of these are pretty funny; thanks for sharing them with us!

The best one I can think of right now was in the queuing area for Soarin'. We were right about to board (the pre-show video was right about to start), and right in front of us was this family with two small boys. I don't know about the kids, but the parents had obviously ridden before. The dad was telling one son (the kid was probably 5 or 6) how great the ride was, but that "near the end, the ride is going to drop us and you'll have to flap your arms to stay up". It was obvious the dad was just messing with the son, but it went a little over the kid's head. He gave his arms a few trial flaps, and his dad told him he was going to have to flap a lot faster if he wanted to fly. We thought this whole transaction was hilarious and joked about it for the rest of the trip.

On a separate occasion, we were waiting for Soarin' behind a family that had obviously not ridden before. The dad in this case was looking fairly nervous, and proceded to tell his kid repeatedly to "not worry, because it's not real. It's just pretend." We didn't find that as funny; the only thing the kid was concerned about was how much longer they were going to be stuck in line.

Also, once, on one of the Star Wars weekends, a Storm Trooper followed my brother around for probably close to twenty minutes. For the first little bit, the trooper would duck behind a garbage can or whatever else was available every time he turned around, but eventually he was just following blatantly. My brother was terribly embarassed, especially because the longer this went on, the more people noticed. We passed a CM, who said he heard a rumor that my brother was wanted on five planets and two moons.


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Original Poster
1) The G.I. Joe from Toy Story was walking near our group and dropped something. Me being me, I picked it up (a plastic grenade) and he jumped into the bushes so I tossed it to him and he kept tossing it back to me.:lol::lol:

OMG! That's really hilarious! You definitely have to watch out for hilarious moments in WDW! When Captain hook stole my autograph pen from me, it was hilarious! I'll have to tell more funny moments!


New Member
Oh there's so many. When we first moved to Fl. my 3yr. son kept telling us & anyone we met how he couldn't wait to meet Pocahontus. "She doesn't have a prince & I'm gonna marry her. She's so beautiful. The prettiest!" He'd say. My dad's cousin works at ak and set up a meeting for my son. As we were walking over to her, he burst into tears & ran off. We caught him & calmed him down. He was too nervous he said. He finally got the courage to go over but was so overwhelmed he started crying again. Pocahontus being resourceful asks if he'd like to see her pet snake over by the tree. He hates snakes, is terrified & says "I love snakes." My dh & I were lol. After that he felt better especial when they left the snake. He drew on a smile with his finger & posed for a picture. He didn't ask her to marry him but maybe another day he says.

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