Full photo coverage of the very first appearance and welcoming ceremony of Duffy

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
LOL, you seem bent - and I use that word deliberately - on picking a fight with me. What I said is not contradictory in any way. Yeah, I'd prefer original Disney characters in the parks, as opposed to worn-out castoffs created by some other entity - but those original Disney characters should be GOOD characters. If you can't grasp the difference between Duffy, a generic bear meant to sell merchandise and nothing else, and Figment, a character created as part of a Disney attraction, well, I can't say much about your level of discernment. It is what it is. Duffy may be an original "character" (depending on your definition of that word), but he's not a very good one, and THAT was my point. Why should Disney bother with something so contrived when there's already a memorable character available, one that people already like, one that's a lot more original and that's being, in my opinion, tragically underused?

But hey, enjoy the bear. To each his own.

I don't think Tigger is bent on picking a fight... I think Tigger's message is that everyone complains when Disney uses Pixar characters, or their own characters, in rides all the time and never creates anything new.. here, they have created a new character, and what do we have??? People complaining... If Duffy was put inside an attraction, would the complaining be less? I doubt it... Fanboys complain about anything that is and here is the key, NOT GEARED TO THEM!!!!!

You say Figment was created for a ride.. Granted, he was.. But ever check out the gift shop at the end of the ride??? Ever walk through Mouse Gear??? Last time I remember, Figment plushes were being sold.... Merchandising at it's finest cause it's Figment right??? So, let's see... Disney can create Figment and capitalize on merchandising the dragon cause he was created for a ride... But Disney cannot create Duffy for merchandising cause he/she wasn't created for a ride????? Or better yet, he wasn't created for YOU???

Hypocrisy at its finest... But then again, we are dealing with Disney fanboys here... Not exactly the freest of thinkers in the world... :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
I don't think Tigger is bent on picking a fight... I think Tigger's message is that everyone complains when Disney uses Pixar characters, or their own characters, in rides all the time and never creates anything new.. here, they have created a new character, and what do we have??? People complaining... If Duffy was put inside an attraction, would the complaining be less? I doubt it... Fanboys complain about anything that is and here is the key, NOT GEARED TO THEM!!!!!

You say Figment was created for a ride.. Granted, he was.. But ever check out the gift shop at the end of the ride??? Ever walk through Mouse Gear??? Last time I remember, Figment plushes were being sold.... Merchandising at it's finest cause it's Figment right??? So, let's see... Disney can create Figment and capitalize on merchandising the dragon cause he was created for a ride... But Disney cannot create Duffy for merchandising cause he/she wasn't created for a ride????? Or better yet, he wasn't created for YOU???

Hypocrisy at its finest... But then again, we are dealing with Disney fanboys here... Not exactly the freest of thinkers in the world... :rolleyes:

Ding ding ding. We have a winner. First it's "Disney should use only original characters" then it was "well it should only be characters from Disney movies or books" then it was "well if it's a character from an ORIGINAL Disney attraction, that's ok" now it's "They should only use them if it's a "good" character" whatever that means. Contradictions all around. The bear is made for children, who I'm sure will enjoy it (and judging by the reports of merch sell outs in both DL and WDW, they are). I'm not buying one, but it's hilarious to see "adults" moan and groan over it, especially when they give contradictory reasons for it.

Figment is being used to sell merchandise and has been since the 1980s, I have the vintage plush to prove it. If you don't think one of the big reasons behind his creation was to move merchandise then you're a bit delusional.

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
I don't think Tigger is bent on picking a fight... I think Tigger's message is that everyone complains when Disney uses Pixar characters, or their own characters, in rides all the time and never creates anything new.. here, they have created a new character, and what do we have??? People complaining... If Duffy was put inside an attraction, would the complaining be less? I doubt it... Fanboys complain about anything that is and here is the key, NOT GEARED TO THEM!!!!!

LOL! Well, if that's how you see it, more power to you. Have fun with the bear. But I wonder...did anyone complain about Figment when he was created, and put inside an attraction?

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
Ding ding ding. We have a winner. First it's "Disney should use only original characters" then it was "well it should only be characters from Disney movies or books" then it was "well if it's a character from an ORIGINAL Disney attraction, that's ok" now it's "They should only use them if it's a "good" character" whatever that means. Contradictions all around.

I said that when park guests see Duffy they're likely to think "what Disney movie was HE in"? since most of the Disney walk-around characters - in case you haven't noticed - are based on Disney movies. I didn't say that every character in the parks SHOULD be based on Disney movies. Obviously the Pirates of the Caribbean characters aren't, nor the characters in the Haunted Mansion. Or even the broken Yeti (thank goodness :lol: ) But they are Disney creations nonetheless, and much more fitting to be in the parks than a character like Spiderman (yes, I'm aware that you're eager to restart THAT argument. Well, forget it. I've moved on. And you know, people are allowed to have opinions that differ from yours, and to post them here, as long they do so civilly. Just a reminder). The complaints here about Duffy are that, to some of us, he's kind of, well, stupid. And we were discussing it like "adults" until you jumped in here and tried to insult people. Maybe you should try to act like an "adult" and learn to tolerate other people's opinions. And the same goes for you, dxer07002. If you disagree, say so, but there's no reason to act like other people seeing things differently from you is a threat to your validity. Lighten up!


Well-Known Member
And we were discussing it like "adults" until you jumped in here and tried to insult people. Maybe you should try to act like an "adult" and learn to tolerate other people's opinions. And the same goes for you, dxer07002. If you disagree, say so, but there's no reason to act like other people seeing things differently from you is a threat to your validity. Lighten up!

Go back to the first page and look at some of the responses, if you consider things like vomiting emoticons "adult" discussion...well then you have a different idea of what adult discussion is. Sounds like child's play to me.

And people aren't allowed to point out the numerous contradictions in your arguments? Riiiiight


Well-Known Member
But they are Disney creations nonetheless, and much more fitting to be in the parks than a character like Spiderman (yes, I'm aware that you're eager to restart THAT argument. Well, forget it. I've moved on. And you know, people are allowed to have opinions that differ from yours, and to post them here, as long they do so civilly. Just a reminder).

What about moving on from your Muppet hatred?

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
I said that when park guests see Duffy they're likely to think "what Disney movie was HE in"? since most of the Disney walk-around characters - in case you haven't noticed - are based on Disney movies. I didn't say that every character in the parks SHOULD be based on Disney movies. Obviously the Pirates of the Caribbean characters aren't, nor the characters in the Haunted Mansion. Or even the broken Yeti (thank goodness :lol: ) But they are Disney creations nonetheless, and much more fitting to be in the parks than a character like Spiderman (yes, I'm aware that you're eager to restart THAT argument. Well, forget it. I've moved on. And you know, people are allowed to have opinions that differ from yours, and to post them here, as long they do so civilly. Just a reminder). The complaints here about Duffy are that, to some of us, he's kind of, well, stupid. And we were discussing it like "adults" until you jumped in here and tried to insult people. Maybe you should try to act like an "adult" and learn to tolerate other people's opinions. And the same goes for you, dxer07002. If you disagree, say so, but there's no reason to act like other people seeing things differently from you is a threat to your validity. Lighten up!

Act like adults?? you seriously need to go back and read other comments posted by people who are doing the complaining.... Disney fanboys act more like children than children do... They whine when they don't get an e-ticket.. They whine when a meet and greet is being built... They whine when a ride goes down for refurbishment... They whine when a slight change is being made to an attraction...

So, since people don't agree with you, they are acting like children...

Duffy was created to be a merchandising tool.. No one disputes that... Figment was created to be in a ride AND as a merchandising tool... But that is OK since Figment is in a ride???? You never did answer this question in my original post... Why?? Cause you will be proven to be the hypocrite you and 99.9% of Disney fanboys are???

So, what is it??? Do you want Disney to create original characters and NOT merchandise them??? I can see the complaining on this board now if Disney created a character and didn't sell a tee shirt LOL... Disney fanboys are the worst kinds of immature there are...

Best part about this comment is, we are allowed to have disagreements and argue them civilly, yet he or she takes a shot at Tigger and me as being childish... yep, that's an adult way to handle things... Take shots at people directly, mock them, make fun of them.. Call them names... Yep.. That's adult!!!

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
Go back to the first page and look at some of the responses, if you consider things like vomiting emoticons "adult" discussion...well then you have a different idea of what adult discussion is. Sounds like child's play to me.

And people aren't allowed to point out the numerous contradictions in your arguments? Riiiiight

Magenta has dug herself or maybe himself into a hole... Wait for the childish response to my "less than adult" post... :rolleyes:

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
LOL! Well, if that's how you see it, more power to you. Have fun with the bear. But I wonder...did anyone complain about Figment when he was created, and put inside an attraction?

When Figment was created, there wasn't this internet forum for people to complain.. I'm sure someone would have been on here whining about Disney creating Figment plushes to capitalize of Figment's cuteness and marketability...

Heavens forbid a business TRY to make money... Unheard of...


Well-Known Member
Back on topic, The Duffy thing was pretty big this week. Maybe because I was at Epcot on Thursday and Friday, but everyone wanted to know about him. Here's how it played out with the kids in our group -

Girl 12 - Loved him, bought merch, did meet-n-greet
Girl 12 - Liked him a lot
Boy 10 - Could care less
Boy 10 - Didn' like him
Girl 8 - Loved him, bought merch
Girl 5 - Loved him.

So I guess if they were looking for something that would appeal to girls, they found a winner. The 15" bears were going for $26, throw in another $15 if you didn't want "bear naked".

This was the kids first time doing KP, and I have to give HUGE kudos to those who implemented it. My first night through WS I didn't even notice it. The kids did KP in France and United Kingdom the second day and each country had bout 8-10 different things for them to do. I'm not one to let the kids run free, so I got to see most of what they did. It was all very nicely done.

As for Figment, I'm sad to report that he is all but retired. There was almost no merch to buy. I think there were 2 different t-shirts and about 10 other items that were for sale. I only saw 3 pins unless you count the set that CMs have for trade, and there were only 5 or 6 in that collection. The selection was really pitiful. I can't see him lasting much longer. Is there an update on the work inside the pavillion? All of the image-works photography stuff was still walled off, but it didn't look like any major work was being done over the wall.

Brian Noble

Well-Known Member
Fanboys complain about anything that is and here is the key, NOT GEARED TO THEM!!!!!
More simply: fanbois complain about anything, just because.

I admit that my own reaction was: "Who is Duffy, why do I care, and is the Mouse this naked in his ambitions?" But, seeing the throngs line up to meet him, and reading toolsnspools' experiences, I'm reminded of Mencken's observation---nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
More simply: fanbois complain about anything, just because.

I admit that my own reaction was: "Who is Duffy, why do I care, and is the Mouse this naked in his ambitions?" But, seeing the throngs line up to meet him, and reading toolsnspools' experiences, I'm reminded of Mencken's observation---nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.

Or this... Complain about anything and everything...

I too couldn't care about Duffy... But whatever... It is not an item being marketed to me...

However, I understand about business and why companies make such business decisions... I hope Duffy is successful for Disney...


Well-Known Member
What bothered me more than Duffy was the dimishing of the Disney experience for the regular customer for the sake of selling tickets for events above and beyond the regular admission price. But that is a subject for a different thread...

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
What bothered me more than Duffy was the dimishing of the Disney experience for the regular customer for the sake of selling tickets for events above and beyond the regular admission price. But that is a subject for a different thread...

That seems to be the new Disney way... The one thing I think everyone can agree about is Disney has started a culture in the company/business where anything new opening or something old closing will be a ticketed event, adding to the bottom line...

Is this a smart or dumb business decision? Seeing the success they have had, we cannot argue it is a smart decision... But, you are right... This is done at the expense of the regular customer...

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
Go back to the first page and look at some of the responses, if you consider things like vomiting emoticons "adult" discussion...well then you have a different idea of what adult discussion is. Sounds like child's play to me.

And people aren't allowed to point out the numerous contradictions in your arguments? Riiiiight

You're allowed to try, I suppose. Whatever floats your boat, hon.

Here's the thing: if you insist on trying to attack people instead of having a grownup conversation, then I'll simply report you to a mod, and leave it at that. :kiss:

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
When Figment was created, there wasn't this internet forum for people to complain.. I'm sure someone would have been on here whining about Disney creating Figment plushes to capitalize of Figment's cuteness and marketability...

Heavens forbid a business TRY to make money... Unheard of...

I daresay the direct-to-videos cheapquels made money too. Which one is your favorite?


Well-Known Member
You're allowed to try, I suppose. Whatever floats your boat, hon.

Here's the thing: if you insist on trying to attack people instead of having a grownup conversation, then I'll simply report you to a mod, and leave it at that. :kiss:

Yeah, I'm not breaking any forum rules so try all you like, but DISCUSSING things on the DISCUSSION forum isn't going to get me banned. Any attack you see is all made up in your head.

The only one who can't seem to handle "grownup" discussion is you, someone finds holes in your argument and you can't keep discussion going without threatening to call mods? And neither dxer07002 nor myself had to try too hard to point out your contradictory arguments, it was quite easy.

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
I daresay the direct-to-videos cheapquels made money too. Which one is your favorite?

Which one?? Hmmm... I am partial to Hunchback 2.... though a few of them were enjoyable...

However, you are still avoiding my questions...

Why is it OK for Disney to create Figment and then capitalize on his popularity by making tee shirts, pins, hats, plushes, antenna toppers, etc... And to do the same with Dreamfinder, a character that is, for all purposes, considered dead... But it is a crime to create Duffy and capitalize on his (I'll assume Duffy is a boy teddy bear) cuteness and popularity??? How is one OK and the other isn't??? How is not this not hypocrisy by Disney fanboys?? And how is this not typical Disney fanboy whining??

Just answer these questions... They are easy to answer...

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'm not breaking any forum rules so try all you like, but DISCUSSING things on the DISCUSSION forum isn't going to get me banned. Any attack you see is all made up in your head.

The only one who can't seem to handle "grownup" discussion is you. And neither dxer07002 nor myself had to try too hard to point out your contradictory arguments, it was quite easy.

Tigger, there was one issue you and I did not see eye to eye with, and I forget what it is, but our conversations were civil... No one attacked the other... However, who did the attacking here by calling both you and I childish??? Yea, that is what I thought.. :)

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