Well-Known Member
That's my point. The church was done originally in a way that was respectful to Norway. Not so much now because the Frozen references detract from the original appearance. True story: I just asked my dh, who has no background in this discussion, if he remembered much about the church at Norway from our trip. He asked me what church and said he didn't remember a church at all, and I even have a picture of him in front of it! When I showed him the picture, he said, "oh, you mean the place that is a shrine to the birthplace of Frozen? That wasn't a church." My husband is a very detail oriented kind of guy, so the fact that he didn't realize that was a church because of all the attention going to the movie is very telling for me. I wonder how many other people who are visiting WS for the first time miss the fact that the church was not intended to be a place dedicated to Frozen.
To be fair, you could have had the same conversation two years ago and he might have responded "oh, you mean the place that is a shrine to Vikings? That wasn't a church." It wasn't like the interior was housing religious ceremonies in the past.
I'm not disputing your greater point, but the Stave Church has always AFAIK been there for the exterior place-setting and not really advertised that it is a church.