Frozen Ever After opening day


Well-Known Member
Know why?... they don't exist. They are nothing but random determinations made either by Disney, in the day, or todays expert using their own criteria. The only fault with 7DMT is the perceived needed length, the rest is detailed, and technologically tuned in. That would mean that an E must be longer to be good? If people line up for hours to ride it, my friend, it is an E ticket full scale.
What about rides like The Haunted Mansion, which were designed to accommodate the amount of people who would want to ride and therefore never see hour long waits? Does that mean it's somehow not an E-Ticket?

For the most part, Wait Time makes a statement about a ride's capacity first, it's popularity second, and its Ticket status almost never. People used to line up for an hour or more for Dumbo. It had atrocious capacity, but it was popular, and never, EVER anything more than the C-Ticket it was designated as (which seems crazy, since Snow White, Toad, and Pan were also all C Tickets).

Seven Dwarfs is a great example of this - it has a lousy hourly capacity, but it's the newest attraction in the Magic Kingdom and presents an appealing offer to lots of different factions of theme-park goers, so it ends up with tons of people waiting in a long line to ride the new, well done ride. Still doesn't make it more than a nice D-Ticket. It doesn't over-deliver on anything. I look forward to the day that its line evens out with what the attraction actually brings to the table, because this ride does not command 90+ minute waits on it's merits. There are more factors at play.


Well-Known Member
After reading a lot of the responses here in regards to overall satisfaction and location, there are a lot of things to consider. Initially I said this ride "exceeded my expectations," simply because there are AA figures and not just screens. Honestly I thought the ride would be mostly screens of the characters seeing as how gran fiesta is next door and Nemo. So seeing the AAs pleasently surprised me and exceeded my previous expectations. Also I didn't know they were adding more ride space, I thought the original maelstrom layout would be the new layout. I couldn't help but think how upset people would be after standing in line for so long for such a short ride, but with the small addition they made to the layout, I think people will be ok length wise. When you think about it, people line up for hours for some of the most popular roller coasters in other parks. Coaster that are 30 seconds, 1 minute, maybe 2 minutes top. Of course people generally expect a roller coaster to be shorter than a dark ride, but if people willingly wait that long for them, can't blame them for waiting for a dark ride, not to mention a FROZEN dark ride.

With all of that mentioned and out of the way, the obvious two things that have been discussed in this thread before have to mentioned again. It doesn't fit in Epcot, and the fact that it was shoehorned in to a location that has horrible capacity is a huge problem. Epcot needed something to bring more people to that area of the park, but it needed something that would bring more people to that area of the park to check the new ride out as well as riding and seeing other things. Isn't gran fiesta still just a 5 minute wait? People aren't going over there and doing anything else but Frozen. And it looks as if when the line is too long they would just venture back to future world. If they had updated maelstrom enough to spike it's popularity to a manageable 30 or 45 minute wait, maybe other areas would see some foot traffic too. But people are going back there just for Frozen, which makes sense because it's so popular. But I doubt they would stay in WS after waiting 5 or more hours for one ride. They're gonna want to do the popular future world attractions.

Another big problem with the location other then what was talked about above, is the fact that the blueprint for maelstrom was something they couldn't get away from. The short backwards portion made more sense in maelstrom, but makes no sense in Frozen. It was mostly empty with little to look at(except the polar bear) but it didn't really need a lot to look at. With frozen the first part works, seeing Elsa in her castle singing and flinging her hands works, but the backwards portion is too barren with not enough to look at. It's not much they could have done in this space, but overall this part cheapens the entire attraction.

If it were possible for them to have kept maelstrom and placed this ride either way in the back of Norway, or have built an entire new subland in fantasyland, it would have worked much better. The MK doesn't really need a popular attraction like frozen as it's attendance is always through the roof, so I understand their reason for sticking it in Epcot. But if Dumbo could have stayed where it was before new fantasyland and they built an entire Arendale land that totally immersed you like cars land and with a ride that could handle the capacity and 300 minute waits without being too noticeable elsewhere, then we would have a much better solution.

So in all I understand people's gripe when it comes to location. It's not so much that it's in Epcot, but more so because it was built in a space that not only couldn't properly handle the crowds, but also couldn't be as good as it should. The backwards portion couldn't be erased and it's the worse part of the new ride. So like another poster said, it's whats right and whats wrong with current Disney.

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
Is ride capacity ever judged by how many guests can ride without interrupting/affecting the ride's narrative flow? Because the narrative for Haunted Mansion, for example, has been butchered for years now because of CMs hurrying guests through the ride, plus the frequent stops for handicapped guests. I just hate that. You're supposed to stand in the foyer and watch the portrait change and hear the greeting and story setup, and then proceed through the rest of the ride. Instead, guests are herded right through the area and into the stretching room. I think Walt would blow a gasket over stuff like that. True story - he once rode the Jungle Cruise at Disneyland incognito, and then asked the CM on duty how fast he was taking guests through the ride. Then he said, "That's TOO fast! I couldn't tell if I was seeing rhinos or hippos! SLOW IT DOWN!" :)


Premium Member
I just do not understand why people have to keep churning over and over and over and over on the location of this attraction. We've known it was going to be in this location for a very, very long time now and folks had plenty of time to get that angst out of there systems. It's now open for guests. Why is it necessary to waste all this time and energy churning over this topic of it's location. It is not going to change, it is not going to be moved it's here and based on the lines so far- it's going to be pretty popular going forward. Folks really need to learn to move on and just accept it for what it is and not keep complaining about what it isn't. If you don't like it, don't ride but incessantly pushing the same whine for years at a time is kind of the definition of insanity


Well-Known Member
I just do not understand why people have to keep churning over and over and over and over on the location of this attraction. We've known it was going to be in this location for a very, very long time now and folks had plenty of time to get that angst out of there systems. It's now open for guests. Why is it necessary to waste all this time and energy churning over this topic of it's location. It is not going to change, it is not going to be moved it's here and based on the lines so far- it's going to be pretty popular going forward. Folks really need to learn to move on and just accept it for what it is and not keep complaining about what it isn't. If you don't like it, don't ride but incessantly pushing the same whine for years at a time is kind of the definition of insanity

I don't know if this was in reference to me, but if it was I'm not whining about it's location. I've come to the realization after watching the videos and taking all things into consideration the problem of the location. Forget the discussion of whether it fits or not, my new beef with it relates to Disney not fully utilizing the IP. Had this been built from the ground up, it could have truthfully been a full E ticket. They could have built an area that manages 300 minute waits, without having to "disturb" the flow of WS. By this I mean walking through China and seeing wall to wall people lined up for a ride that isn't in China. Granted I haven't ridden it yet, and the ride from what I see looks good, but now I'm picturing cars land and imagining Arendalle instead of radiator springs. If they had approached Frozen like that, then I don't think anyone would have a problem with the ride. I mean this is Disney World, it's not like they have a shortage of land. But I guess you are right, no amount of discussion is going to change what is done, but hopefully it can shed some light on why people feel the way we do.


Park History nut
Premium Member
I just do not understand why people have to keep churning over and over and over and over on the location of this attraction. We've known it was going to be in this location for a very, very long time now and folks had plenty of time to get that angst out of there systems. It's now open for guests. Why is it necessary to waste all this time and energy churning over this topic of it's location. It is not going to change, it is not going to be moved it's here and based on the lines so far- it's going to be pretty popular going forward. Folks really need to learn to move on and just accept it for what it is and not keep complaining about what it isn't. If you don't like it, don't ride but incessantly pushing the same whine for years at a time is kind of the definition of insanity
I do not understand why people have to complain about complaints about location.

It's not angst. It's anger at shortsighted management.

Disney Analyst

Well-Known Member
I do not understand why people have to complain about complaints about location.

It's not angst. It's anger at shortsighted management.

I think complaining about complaints on locations is odd; but I think the point some are making is, do people now complain about that for the rest of days? Is there a point when people stop discussing that aspect of it... and move on? Nothing can be done now, seems like wasted breath and this point.


Premium Member
I do not understand why people have to complain about complaints about location.

It's not angst. It's anger at shortsighted management.
Its also enabling on behalf of those who accept its placement and waste the time and energy to complain about complainers rather than attempt to understand what they are complaining about. The complainers attempt to preserve integrity. The enablers could care less.


Park History nut
Premium Member
I think complaining about complaints on locations is odd; but I think the point some are making is, do people now complain about that for the rest of days? Is there a point when people stop discussing that aspect of it... and move on? Nothing can be done now, seems like wasted breath and this point.
Indeed. It will always be a mistake.


Well-Known Member
But when does the conversation move on from that?

Where does it say that a forum conversation has to "move on" after any given amount of time, or after any given number of posts?

What is gained by constantly harping on it?

The same thing that is gained by complaining on any internet forum about anything that any corporation does wrong which its customers wish to complain about.

The complainers attempt to preserve integrity. The enablers could care less.

Exactly. "Time to move on," "You're beating a dead horse," "Just accept it" and "Quit complaining and get used to it" are internet forum-code for Shut Up -- thinly-veiled attempts to censor the content of a conversation.

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