Frozen Ever After opening day


Well-Known Member
Not for a ride that was just opened you didn't walk on. TSM and 7DMT all had long lines. However, that is exactly why they should not issue too many FP's. Give out enough of them and FP becomes Stand-by, Part I.

Right. I meant if you get a fastpass first thing for toy story and use it when the time rolled around at say 1030 or 11 the fastpass line was never that long. So Frozen lines are already 90 minutes when the park opens for fastpass? Thats crazy.


Active Member
Right. I meant if you get a fastpass first thing for toy story and use it when the time rolled around at say 1030 or 11 the fastpass line was never that long. So Frozen lines are already 90 minutes when the park opens for fastpass? Thats crazy.

The issue is that the ride keeps breaking down. So the reason the FP+ is 90 minutes right now is because of all of the previous FP+ people coming back that didn't get to ride it at their allocated time. The ride was down for two hours this morning, meaning 2+ hours of FP+ are all coming back to ride it right now.


Well-Known Member
I like the AAs, but can't help thinking the ride lacks imagination.

Imagine if Pirates of the Caribbean was done in the style of Frozen Ever After?

Instead of action scenes of burning towns, battles, bride auctions and treasure hauls, you had a series of rooms featuring pirate animatronics doing little more than waving at you. Jack Sparrow waves at you, Barbosa waves at you, an amazing animatronic of Davy Jones waves at you, and then they invite you to a meet and greet.

Likewise, imagine a Frozen ride where instead of the AAs just standing around gawping at the guests in the boats, we witness the characters actually doing something - maybe the snow creatures running amok as Elsa's powers get a bit out of hand, maybe have the reindeer slipping around on a pool of ice, a scene of Olaf trying to dodge a fire... imagine a ride where each scene is a carefully constructed sketch of story, 'business' as Walt Disney used to call it.

But instead they just stand there, singing and waving.


Well-Known Member
Agreed, I'd love to see more Fantasyland style rides around the World Showcase. It would make the place far more palatable for families. Perhaps then they'll have to stop pandering to locals/drunks for half the year and have people enjoy the theme park attractions at the theme park.

But that level of pandering is very profitable for a company that is starting to see attendance wane. The BOD will argue they need every ounce of liquid generated profits to prop up the quarterly reporting.


Well-Known Member
I think it will be months before this dies off. Hopefully they can get it down to like 2 hour waits instead of 5. In other news Gran Fiesta Tour is about a 5 min wait at the moment.

Maelstrom, in the mid 2000's, if my memory serves, had standby waits ranging from 40-70 min during the average attendance seasons. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong.


Well-Known Member
Agreed, I'd love to see more Fantasyland style rides around the World Showcase. It would make the place far more palatable for families. Perhaps then they'll have to stop pandering to locals/drunks for half the year and have people enjoy the theme park attractions at the theme park.
I agree, but let's hope they actually fit World Showcase over Fantasyland next time around.

Mike S

Well-Known Member
Honestly, I doubt they could have done much better. All Frozen needed was an exposure to the Characters, which it has, to accomplish everything that they, or even we, should have wanted it to be. It seems to have been designed to represent the movie not re-show it. I think that is a good plan, if you consider that one of the big complaints, other then the ceiling showing, at Mermaid is that favorite parts were left out of the story. It would have taken the entire park to go through every key scene and make the story flow. I was truly impressed with the video.
Think of it this way: compare Pirates of the Caribbean in MK to DL, TDL, or DLP.
I'm honestly surprised by all the positive reception here, given how much flack the ride got when it was first announced.

I'm just gonna say right now that I'm not a huge fan of Frozen. I'm sorry, but aside from Olaf the film just doesn't do much for me. I'm also still confused as to why this attraction took so long to build.

As for the ride itself... Meh, it's okay. The best part, in my opinion, is the first scene with Olaf, Sven, and the Trolls. The animatronics and queue look pretty good, too. The "Let It Go" scene could've been done better (the projection effects look good, though).

So all in all, while it's really not my thing and I honestly don't see how it's the most spectacular thing ever as most are making it out to be, it's definitely the best of the Frozen attractions that we've gotten so far (which, yeah, really isn't saying much) and a lot better than something like Little Mermaid or Ratatouille.
I think most are just saying it's a lot better than expected. In the end it's a solid D Ticket imo.
This is the first video I've watched where both Sven and Olaf work in the beginning.

Looks good. I gotta say though that the "Frozen Fun" line from Anna sounds more forced every time I hear it. Just a small little thing.
Frozen evac walk off tweet with pictures.

MAGIC RUINED!!! :arghh:
I actually got back from a Norway trip a few weeks ago and I can tell you that they had something related to trolls in pretty much every store we visited. There were little dolls and statues of trolls all over the place. We even had a tour guide tell us a story about the Three-headed troll. They are a very important part of Scandavian folklore.

Just for the record, I've long gotten over the closure of Maelstrom, I just thought I'd tell you that. I think Frozen Ever After looks like a huge improvement as an actual ride, but Maelstrom represented Norway much better, there's no question.
I'm gonna miss that Three Headed Troll... So, so much... :(
What’s this? How dare you come here?!


Stop! This is troll country.

Look away—be gone!

I’ll cast a spell.

Yes! Yes!

You’ll disappear.

Disappear! Disappear!

Back! Back! Over the falls!
Last edited:


I bet soon Disney comes up with a Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner type Deal....Dine at the Restaurant, Meet Anna and Elsa, and ride Frozen Ever After...if they do it in the morning, you can even meet Olaf.


Well-Known Member
Ok they split my family of 4 into two rows. Our boat had 10 people on it.

Every boat I saw had the same number on it or less. So how many can actually ride on this an hour?
I'd be interested to know as well... I wonder if anyone at Epcot could informally time the average dispatch time for us.

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
The fact that Tony believed so deeply in him and went way out of his way to get him in WDI should speak volumes about his talent.


( Michel with Tony at the opening of Disneyland's 'Fantasy Faire' which they both worked on together - March 2013 )

The mentorship relationship between two creatives is a personal development process that has always meant a lot to Tony.

A mentor outstretches his hand to a young mentee and they collaborate to help encourage the already present creative skills.

The mentor / mentee relationship swings both ways, as the older mentor passes down what he has learned through his years to the younger mentee and vice versa.
It is a mutually benificial exchange for both the 'old veteran' and the 'new recruit'.

Michel is one such mentee.

This is something that Tony wanted to be a part of in his later years and still is in some respects.
It's what I lament the most about regarding his 'retirement' a few years ago....purposely being put out to pasture and thus being somewhat forcibly distanced from partaking in the mentorship opportunities he likely wants to be actively a part of.

He himself is the direct result of a excellent mentor / mentee relationship so can relate to the situation on a personal level.
It was the great Claude Coats who was Tony's mentor all those years ago....back when he first began at WED.
Claude saw the creative potential in that skinny college kid and gave him the chance to make his mark....and wow, did he ever!
We have all benefitted from that.

Here's hoping for yet more to come from folks like Michel!



Well-Known Member
Ok they split my family of 4 into two rows. Our boat had 10 people on it.

Every boat I saw had the same number on it or less. So how many can actually ride on this an hour?

If they do 2 boats a minute, that's 20 people per minute, or 1200 per hour.

If it's 45 seconds that's 4 boats every 3 minutes, 40 people every 3 min = 800 per hour.

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