It was actually the complete opposite for me. Before I make my comment though, I just want to say that mentioning how many views one thread on a tragic event has vs. another as I saw previously mentioned by someone is just tacky to me. First, this event happened IN Disney World. Yes, the Pulse shooter may have targeted WDW, but this event actually happened there. It happened somewhere where I'd wager at least 90% of us have walked at one point. Many of us have children, and, as my mother has said to me countless times, burying a child is the most horrifying thing a parent can imagine. It is their worst nightmare.
That all being said, I do not have children, and other than feeling upset for the parents and imagining how my own would have felt, I do not feel a truly personal connection to this story. I did, however, find it completely engrossing due to its proximity within a destination I have visited many times and the amount of time it took for a conclusion to be drawn (sort of, anyway). This, I suspect, is the reason this thread is more "popular." I have nothing but sorrow for the family and I hope they are able to find an appropriate way to greive.
I am not able to read anything about the other (or should I say *one of* the other) tragedy that happened in Orlando this week. It broke me, and it is the reason why I cannot frequent threads or read news about it. Again, I suspect I am not the only one who feels this way. Everyone involved was around my sisters' ages and my age, and I completely broke down when my mother called me crying telling me of a victim who texted his mother that he loved her as he was waiting to eventually be hunted down by that lunatic. I am very close with my mother, and we text or call each other every day. I am tearing up writing this now.
Everyone grieves differently, and I am actually surprised so many parents were able to chime in here today. I hope all of you are squeezing your children tightly.
As someone who almost lost a sister to the point of planning out what I was going to say at her funeral, and going through two weeks of hospital visits not knowing if she'd be alive when I walked in the door, I have some idea of what the injured Pulse victims' families are suffering through. I haven't a clue what this family is dealing with, however, and I hope that none of us here (or any present or future visitors to WDW) ever have to experience it. I wish everyone, both involved, not involved, and on these boards, the safest thoughts.