Im all fairness, although it may have been, but it probably was not a water moccasin.
I don't want everyone reading this to think Big Snake = Deadly. Because most snakes that you will see, at Disney or most places in Florida, actually aren't deadly at all, or even dangerous.
I will say that when I've gone to Telluride or Aspen, I've never once received a pamphlet on wildlife from the lodge or chalet company. I bet if people really think about places they travel to, you'll realize you never receive it.. And aren't "warned" of it. Anywhere from California to South Carolina. Maybe certain national parks, or a select few certain places, but not the majority.
Where I live now has Deer signs on the side of certain roads. But not downtown and not on most busy streets or highways. Deer still run onto the highway, and still cause accidents. It's just rare, and it happens more than a gator attack- but still no signs- because it is considered such a slim chance.
Bottom line- Disney, and even Florida, aren't any less safe today than they were 5,10,20 years ago.