Free Dining Plans = No avaliability


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Well, thanks to the briliant geniuses that came up with the concept of free dining plans being handed out, those of us who live local and are members of the Disney Dining Experience can't seem to get into any of the major resturants due to overbooking. The entire off season seems to be booked into November.

The only line i can get from Guest Relations is that i "can book up to 180 days in advance." Well my job doesn't let me know what day i get out of work early 180 days in advance. I have no reason to book that early; i live locally and like to eat in the parks.

What astounds me is that a place like Le Cellier gets reimbursed $27 dollars per meal and the server gets $5 per person as a gratuity. Where they are making money on this, i have no idea. Between a steak, glass of wine, appetizer and dessert, My meal is running close to $40-50 dollars per person. I just don't understand how they can make money on this. (And i have no qualms about paying the price, i'm just using that as a sense of comparison.)

What's even more bizzare is why you can use the meal plan at every top of the line resturant. Why is that? Why would you set up a system to turn away business from people who are willing to pay top dollar at your resturants just to in turn give away meals?

What should be amusing is when all the locals come out to Food and Wine and then can't get into a Disney resturant due to all the meal plan bookings. I'm sure when the Sentinel picks up on it, It should make for great press.

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
Eh, what can you do? THe deal was offered last year, and they got a bump in attendance, they probably assumed a comparable bump this year and were left off guard as to how many people would take advantage of the offer. Probably all the people who took advantage of it last year, and all the friends and family members who found about it from last years' visitors after it was too late to take advantage of it.

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if it never happens again, not in its current form, anyway. I could see offering a variation, one free meal a day, or free dining to people staying in the absolute highest-end resort rooms, but not free dining to a family of 4 staying in Value or Mods.


Active Member
I just don't understand how they can make money on this. (And i have no qualms about paying the price, i'm just using that as a sense of comparison.
1) The markup on food is enormous. Compare the price of a good steak at a restaurant to what you pay at the butcher at your local super market. Disney doesn't even pay a price that low because they buy in bulk.

2) In order to get free dining, you have to stay at a Disney resort. So those who otherwise might stay outside will stay at a value or moderate. Those who would stay inside the property already, might be enticed to upgrade. Do you really think its costs 4 times as much to operate a room at the GF than the AS? Again, the margin here is huge (especially in the deluxe resorts)

3) Because you're saving so much money to begin with, you might be inclined to part with more of you money at the gift shops, even to a disproportionate level of what you're saving. I've heard that Disney barely breaks even on park admission, but more than makes up for it in merchandise sales.

And i'll admit, this year, i wouldn't have even gone to WDW if it wasn't for free dining. I'm really glad that i could take advantage of it.


... Disney Dining Experience can't seem to get into any of the major resturants due to overbooking. The entire off season seems to be booked into November.

What astounds me is that a place like Le Cellier gets reimbursed $27 dollars per meal and the server gets $5 per person as a gratuity. Where they are making money on this, i have no idea.
Interesting thoughts. I have a DDE card, and recently had some trouble booking a few places for October, but managed to find something most days. Just not always the times I wanted. Regarding the F&W festival, I wonder if Disney reduced the number of ADR they'd accept in order to accomodate the high demand for walk-up seating. If not it's poor planning on their part. Also:

  • I don't think it's not just the "free" dining, though it's a major player. The DDP seems to be growing in popularity due to the value, and it's filing up the restaurants. The issue is that while Disney has opened up the reservation window to 180 days, and expanded dining hours some places, they don't seem to have addressed the other concerns. Staffing is an issue, making it high pressure on the servers to turn tables faster to seat stand-by guests.
  • I am curious about the $5 per person tip for the server you mentioned. I just discussed this with someone the other day. If that is accurate, then I now understand some of the comments and posts I have read about a decline in service for DDP diners. Not just crowds and a busy (thus slower) kitchen, but the treatment of the waitstaff too.
    [*]Based on the perfect example you gave, what a person would pay for their app, nice steak, and dessert at Le Cellier is considerably more than the "bill." A tip of $5 per person is undertipping. Paying full price for that meal, it's easily $45-$60 a piece. That should be $8-$12 per person for the tip. Add beer and wine, even more. If people are not adding additional for the tip (which I always do, tip on what the meal cost before the coupon/discount) ... that's an issue.​
I don't understand why there is so much difficulty getting ADRs but when you read the trip reports it sounds like most rides are walk on or minimal wait?

Tim G

Well-Known Member
Well, thanks to the briliant geniuses that came up with the concept of free dining plans being handed out, those of us who live local and are members of the Disney Dining Experience can't seem to get into any of the major resturants due to overbooking. The entire off season seems to be booked into November.

The only line i can get from Guest Relations is that i "can book up to 180 days in advance." Well my job doesn't let me know what day i get out of work early 180 days in advance. I have no reason to book that early; i live locally and like to eat in the parks.

What astounds me is that a place like Le Cellier gets reimbursed $27 dollars per meal and the server gets $5 per person as a gratuity. Where they are making money on this, i have no idea. Between a steak, glass of wine, appetizer and dessert, My meal is running close to $40-50 dollars per person. I just don't understand how they can make money on this. (And i have no qualms about paying the price, i'm just using that as a sense of comparison.)

What's even more bizzare is why you can use the meal plan at every top of the line resturant. Why is that? Why would you set up a system to turn away business from people who are willing to pay top dollar at your resturants just to in turn give away meals?

What should be amusing is when all the locals come out to Food and Wine and then can't get into a Disney resturant due to all the meal plan bookings. I'm sure when the Sentinel picks up on it, It should make for great press.
I completely share your opinion... I've been experiencing this for 2 weeks now... and I'm angry... very angry... :mad: :mad: :mad:

Irrawaddy Erik

Well-Known Member
Dave, I feel your pain. I know a lot of CMs and locals are upset at this new addition. During the summer we tried to make a reservation for my birthday (July 2) at Hoop. It's been a tradition for the past six years. Well we call a month (early June) in advanced to place it and low and behold everything is booked. The Disney Operator told me the first seating available was mid-September. :brick:


Account Suspended
Small parties can only be reserved at small tables... don't forget that...

But, restaurants still seat smaller parties who show up when they booked for a larger party..
Dave, I feel your pain. I know a lot of CMs and locals are upset at this new addition. During the summer we tried to make a reservation for my birthday (July 2) at Hoop. It's been a tradition for the past six years. Well we call a month (early June) in advanced to place it and low and behold everything is booked. The Disney Operator told me the first seating available was mid-September. :brick:

To be fair, if Hoop was booked for the night you wanted, it had nothing to do with free dining. That didn't start until August 12 or 13. The show is just that popular.

We love Hoop and I make our (annual) reservations months in advance. This past August 29th's show was booked in March.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Dave, I feel your pain. I know a lot of CMs and locals are upset at this new addition. During the summer we tried to make a reservation for my birthday (July 2) at Hoop. It's been a tradition for the past six years. Well we call a month (early June) in advanced to place it and low and behold everything is booked. The Disney Operator told me the first seating available was mid-September. :brick:

HDD has always been popular dining plan or no. I remember when you could book 2 years in advance because it was ALWAYS full.


New Member
I'm going to WDW for the first time Oct 2nd- 9th on a tight budget. I just moved to Georgia a year ago from California and am so close now I MUST go to WDW whilw I have the money to do so. If Disney had not offered the DDP I would be constantly worrying everyday how much I'm spending on meals and would be more stressed than relaxed. Thanks to the DDP all my meals are prepaid and I can have a relaxed trip without worrying. I just booked the trip Mid-September and was worried all the ADR's were taken for all the restaurants that looked good. I come to find out when I called a few days ago that I got all the restaurants like Boma, Chefs de France, Tony's, Coral Reef, etc. The ONLY restaurants I could not book were Le Cellier (was booked my entire stay and is supremely popular) and any Character dinners. So that put my worries to rest I'm not gonna have to wait to eat and just enjoy my vacation. But I do agree that more people are dining in the parks because of the dining plan and it is making for more reservations.


Le Meh
Premium Member
I'm going to WDW for the first time Oct 2nd- 9th on a tight budget. I just moved to Georgia a year ago from California and am so close now I MUST go to WDW whilw I have the money to do so. If Disney had not offered the DDP I would be constantly worrying everyday how much I'm spending on meals and would be more stressed than relaxed. Thanks to the DDP all my meals are prepaid and I can have a relaxed trip without worrying. I just booked the trip Mid-September and was worried all the ADR's were taken for all the restaurants that looked good. I come to find out when I called a few days ago that I got all the restaurants like Boma, Chefs de France, Tony's, Coral Reef, etc. The ONLY restaurants I could not book were Le Cellier (was booked my entire stay and is supremely popular) and any Character dinners. So that put my worries to rest I'm not gonna have to wait to eat and just enjoy my vacation. But I do agree that more people are dining in the parks because of the dining plan and it is making for more reservations.

In years past I would say you were missing out on something by not being able to get into Le Cellier. The past couple of years, we have not been that impressed when we go. Its still good, but we can as good or better steaks and seafood and home. If you really want to try it, get there as soon as it opens and try to be first in line for stand by. You might possibly get in.

il grande chuck

New Member
how does disney make money of this? simple. it encourages wdw visitors from across the country (like me) to:

1. stay onsite at a disney resort, instead of off-site at a non-wdw resort.

2. eat at higher-end wdw restaurants instead of counter service places. and even though the dining plan includes app/entree/dessert, people will still be paying extra for drinks, etc. the dining plan also discourages people from bringing in sandwiches and/or eating in their rooms.

3. *stay* at wdw for the whole time of your visit rather than going to the competition. for example, we were originally going to go to univeral for a day, but since we'd have to buy our food out of pocket at universal, while it's already paid for at wdw, it was an easy decision for us to skip the side trip to universal. that means one more day of us spending our money at wdw instead of somewhere else.

sorry to hear that the locals like yourself are unhappy, but from wdw's perspective, it makes a lot of sense, economically. their bread and butter isn't locals coming in for a meal, it's people like me bringing their families in for a full week and dropping $4,000 into the place.



New Member
Well, thanks to the briliant geniuses that came up with the concept of free dining plans being handed out, those of us who live local and are members of the Disney Dining Experience can't seem to get into any of the major resturants due to overbooking. The entire off season seems to be booked into November.

You can't blame free dining for that. The free dining ends 9/30/06. I think that Disney honored anyone who made a reservation on the 30 that went into October, but most people would not be there for 30 days. If the Mid October through November is booked, its not the free dining plan.


Le Meh
Premium Member
sorry to hear that the locals like yourself are unhappy, but from wdw's perspective, it makes a lot of sense, economically. their bread and butter isn't locals coming in for a meal, it's people like me bringing their families in for a full week and dropping $4,000 into the place.


I would say that might be true during peak seasons (summer break, holidays, and spring break), but I would be willing to bet that a significant amount of evening meals during non peak seasons are from local patrons.


New Member
Dave, I feel your pain. I know a lot of CMs and locals are upset at this new addition. During the summer we tried to make a reservation for my birthday (July 2) at Hoop. It's been a tradition for the past six years. Well we call a month (early June) in advanced to place it and low and behold everything is booked. The Disney Operator told me the first seating available was mid-September. :brick:

Again, you can't blame the free dining. Free dining started on August 13 - September 30. In July, the dining was NOT free.


New Member
We just got back on Monday from a 10 day stay. I had only made 4 ADR for my whole trip prior to leaving.

We did not use the free dinning but did use our DDE card. I had no problems getting any sit down meals that I wanted. Places we ate with no ADR's, just walked up and got a table within 15 minutes:

Rose N Crown
California Grill
Hollywood and Vine
Brown Derby
Tony's Town Square
Whispering Canyon

We found that most resturants were not overly crowded and we never had problems with service.

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