Free Dining Plans = No avaliability


Well-Known Member
Knowing the OP like I do I would trust the tipping numbers. I can pretty much guarantee he is not embellishing them and I doubt he would post them if for 1 second he thought they were not correct. The numbers do add up and it is just they type of accounting trickery that a large corporation wold pull to to help the bottom line especially on a loss leader promotion like this.

For the seating it is a tricky situation. Like you said you don't want empty seats but you also don't want to over book. Maybe after a few letters and some number crunching they can find a balance for how many dining plan, non dining plan and day of ARD's to allow for, thereby preserving the high level of quality and service we have come to expect from Disney dinning while still remaining profitable.
If the tipping number is correct and we can get some others saying it's true -- not that I don't trust the OP... just that some things can be misconstrued in communications -- then I'll be sending a letter myself.

Take for example our meal at Le Celleir. It was a $120 meal and I was under the impression the server received an 18% tip, or about $21. But if they only received $10, that's annoying!

I'm sure the ADR's are continually "tweaked" and I bet it will get better as the free DDP expires. IF they have it return in the future, I'm sure any problems they've had will be worked out to better server all their customers.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
So did anyone confirm about the tipping on the DDP? They only get a $5 tip regardless of the total bill??? How is that possible? :veryconfu
No one has confirmed yet but the numbers posted by the OP do make sense at least from crazy bean counting accountant world. If the restaurant only receives $27 for an entrée, appetizer, desert and beverage regardless of their menu price it is very conceivable that all the CM is going to receive for a tip is 18% of that $27.

What I would love to know is if over the course of a week are the overall tips received by the CM's more, less or the same as prior to the promotion. $5 a person is not much especially at the higher end restaurants but it is at least something. I know plenty of servers that do an excellent job only to get stiffed at the end and on the opposite side of the coin I also know that some guests on the DDP will tip extra.

Hey Alicia stop padding and give us the low down!:lol:

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
If the tipping number is correct and we can get some others saying it's true -- not that I don't trust the OP... just that some things can be misconstrued in communications -- then I'll be sending a letter myself.

Take for example our meal at Le Celleir. It was a $120 meal and I was under the impression the server received an 18% tip, or about $21. But if they only received $10, that's annoying!

I'm sure the ADR's are continually "tweaked" and I bet it will get better as the free DDP expires. IF they have it return in the future, I'm sure any problems they've had will be worked out to better server all their customers.
So very true on both accounts.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Keep in mind that's $5 per person... not overall. And no, it's not confirmed.

It was. Scroll up. 18% x $27 = $4.86, or rounded up to $5.00.

The biggest complain that I have with this whole issue is how they're making their ADRs. They want to give away meal plans and cause a loss leader as a product? Fine, i can understand how it increases occupancy at resorts and resturants and looks good on the balance sheet.

What i have issue with is some voice on a phone or some college kid at a podium saying "You can book 180 days in advance," as if i have some magical control over when i have a free evening that far out. They need to allow for some spontanious or day-of ADRs for same day booking.

As for the DDP? Probably a good idea, if you can figure out how it works. I'm beating up on it mainly because the resturants that i want to eat in are booked up by people who have gotten these plans for free! If you want to use the DDP, fine. I really could care less about people's dining options just as so it doesn't make a substantive impact on my own plans.

Plain and simple, they need to take the needs of guests who are short term planners or spontanious guests into account. ADRs shouldn't be all about people who booked up in advance 6 months ago. Then i guess people might be able to actually get into the Castle, or Chef Mickey's or Le Cellier, etc.


Do they not save any room for walk ins on the day at all then?
They should release more seats in stages, up to the week before, and save some walk ins.
People who ring earlier and are told that there aren't seats left at the moment could then me told the next date more would be released.
Just an idea, might not work in practice....


Well-Known Member
Do they not save any room for walk ins on the day at all then?
They should release more seats in stages, up to the week before, and save some walk ins.
People who ring earlier and are told that there aren't seats left at the moment could then me told the next date more would be released.
Just an idea, might not work in practice....
But why should they hold tables?

If they can book the tables in advance, they should do so. Cancels and no shows will be available for the walk-ins.

Plus, by holding tables and telling advance callers there's no availability, you still have a disappointed guest. Why disappoint a guest early in the process while having available tables so you MAY not disappoint a guest later? It just doesn't make good business sense. Disappointed guests and open tables is much worse than disappointed guests and full tables.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
But why should they hold tables?

If they can book the tables in advance, they should do so. Cancels and no shows will be available for the walk-ins.

Plus, by holding tables and telling advance callers there's no availability, you still have a disappointed guest. Why disappoint a guest early in the process while having available tables so you MAY not disappoint a guest later? It just doesn't make good business sense. Disappointed guests and open tables is much worse than disappointed guests and full tables.
Your are correct, there is no really good way to do it. Bottom line filling tables is their number one priority.

The only thing I could see working at all is putting a cap on the number of free dining plan promotion seats available but even that would have a myriad of potential problems.


Well-Known Member
told you it probably wouldn't work in practice! :)
I'll think before I speak next time!
Of course not... always toss out those ideas for conversation. It may spark other ideas. :D

Such as...

Master Yoda said:
The only thing I could see working at all is putting a cap on the number of free dining plan promotion seats available but even that would have a myriad of potential problems.

Good point... the cap would only be needed during the short times they offer free dining. It would also coincide with the typical slow times when more locals are apt to want to dine at the parks. Could work.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Cancels and no shows will be available for the walk-ins.

Disappointed guests and open tables is much worse than disappointed guests and full tables.

They don't make tables available to walk-in's for no-shows. I've tried. Still gets you nowhere.

And that's exactly what's happening. Open tables and very irritated regulars.


Even more reason I'm glad we leave extra tip.
Glad to read that, but I suspect that's sadly not always the case. I'll just have to remember to tip more if I ever have the DDP.

Agree with the post upthread about the DDP being a loss-leader, kind of a break-even or small give-away to get people to come and spend more money by staying on property and all, but it is a little irksome to be struggling to make Priority Seatings, then to be sat in a restaurant with several empty tables. I guess TPTB are doing a modified version of the airline system, trying to manage reservations with walk-ups and no shows.

Tara Stone

New Member
If a $5 tip is all a server gets, then why does it state that a 18% gratuity is included with the plan? :confused:

When we visited a week ago I asked one of the servers if they really do get their full 18% gratuity... she told us that they do indeed get it and that it goes directly into their paychecks. We did however often add some cash tips when we felt we had stellar service.

To clarify: per the servers we spoke to in WDW resturants.. they receive 18% of the TOTAL bill ( if your total bill is only $27 then yes they will only receive roughly$5) in their paychecks. However if your total bill is $100 they will receive $18 dollars. We have several receipts from the resturants with the full dollar amounts, perversly, we love to see what we spent, and they reflect this as well. We personally usually tip 20% for good service so I think Disney is a little cheap to it's cast members...if you agree then slip some cash in with your little DDP receipt and be done with it!

Tara Stone

New Member
In years past I would say you were missing out on something by not being able to get into Le Cellier. The past couple of years, we have not been that impressed when we go. Its still good, but we can as good or better steaks and seafood and home. If you really want to try it, get there as soon as it opens and try to be first in line for stand by. You might possibly get in.

I agree with you completely about Le Cellier. We were very dissapointed in the food, small portions, overcooked steak, and unimaginative menu. We didn't even think the much hyped cheddar cheese soup was all that! I would have much rather been at Chefs or the Pub!:brick: :brick:

Tara Stone

New Member
I am just not sure what is going on with ADRs and the DDP.
The DDP has been around as long as I can remember...we used it even in the early 90s. We just returned from 8 days @ the GF on platinum plan. We got every reservation we asked for--even Hoop de doo, which the itinerary planner booked for us us about 80 days in advance with a table just a few back from the stage. We never waited for our table longer than 5-10 minutes, and we have a party of 6!
Perhaps during this month or so of the "free" promo everywhere was a little congested but we didn't experience any problems whatsoever. Even when we were late (usually it was the baby's fault:lol: ) we were always seated quickly. I will say that aside from Tea at the Garden View at the GF, we had ADRs for every place we went.
I am happy to see this promo was annoyning to be asked if we were on the "free" plan when we paid for our plan!


Well-Known Member
I agree with you completely about Le Cellier. We were very dissapointed in the food, small portions, overcooked steak, and unimaginative menu. We didn't even think the much hyped cheddar cheese soup was all that!


Add to that the expensive sides we paid for that arrived in very small sizes and barely warm, and a waitress who dispapeared after she took our order and never showed up again until she brought the bill, and it's a REAL disappointment! :mad:

By the way....we were CASH paying customers!

Good thing the waiter for the table next to us kept us in Diet Coke and Pretzel Bread all night! :lol:

I just don;t see what all the fuss is about at this place.......:veryconfu


Well-Known Member
Well, this is interesting. We just decided to go for the meal plan on our upcoming trip in Dec. over the Christmas/New Years holiday. With a grand gathering of 12 I had to spend about 1 - 1 1/2 hours on the phone getting meals set up. Still not sure if we are 100% satisfied. I was fortunate enough to know what the EMH are at this time as we like to hit them often. We didn't get all the places we wanted and on two occasions ended up going for places we've never been to : 1900 Park Fair and Ohana's. We hope those will be good experiences. Also with a grand gathering they automatically add on 20% but with the dining plan they only get 18%, so we will probably add some to our meal at the end, as long as the service is if they say "Oh dining plan, I'll focus on the paying customers" then they won't earn much extra.

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