? for EyeGlasses Wearers


Original Poster
Do you take off your glasses before getting on the rides? If so, what do you do with them? I know this sound silly but I'm trying to cover everything. Only 6 more days!!!!


New Member
I will tell you what not to do.Do not put them in a shirt pocket as my dh did.On expedition everest,he slid them in his front pocket.they slipped out,he bent over the whatever contraption holds you in( i cant recall if it was a bar across the lap or overhead shoulder bars),and promptly broke two ribs,2nd day of vacation-1st park we went to -3rd ride we rode.
Spent an afternoon with doctors,got some painkillers,which in turn made him stomach sick and he moped around the next day due to pain and nausia.Finally,i sat him down by the swiss family robinson tree house,got him a dole whip and took the kid through the tree house.For the rest of the trip(he didnt take the painkillers after the first day because they were making him to stomach sick)he avoided all the "big" rides,which he was not happy about.But,he still says it was the best vacation he ever took.Hows that for disney magic?:)


Well-Known Member
I will tell you what not to do.Do not put them in a shirt pocket as my dh did.On expedition everest,he slid them in his front pocket.they slipped out,he bent over the whatever contraption holds you in( i cant recall if it was a bar across the lap or overhead shoulder bars),and promptly broke two ribs,2nd day of vacation-1st park we went to -3rd ride we rode.
Spent an afternoon with doctors,got some painkillers,which in turn made him stomach sick and he moped around the next day due to pain and nausia.Finally,i sat him down by the swiss family robinson tree house,got him a dole whip and took the kid through the tree house.For the rest of the trip(he didnt take the painkillers after the first day because they were making him to stomach sick)he avoided all the "big" rides,which he was not happy about.But,he still says it was the best vacation he ever took.Hows that for disney magic?:)

Terrible that happened!! Awesome he still had a great time! That sounds like something I would do if it wasn't for the fact that my sight is bad enough to where I'd be nauseated on the rides with my glasses off. I keep them on. Let your DH know I've ridden EE numerous times with my glasses on, which I recommend for a better view of the Yeti! Never had any issues with my glasses.


New Member
Do you take off your glasses before getting on the rides? If so, what do you do with them? I know this sound silly but I'm trying to cover everything. Only 6 more days!!!!

I wear contacts, but I had a strap for my sunglasses and never had a problem.
I didn't ride RnRC or TOT, but I did ride BTM and SM.

If all else fails, wear cargo shorts....they have tons of pockets.

Hold Tight!


Well-Known Member
I never take mine off and have never had a problem. If you do feel them slipping, you can always just grab them.


Well-Known Member
Before my Lasik surgery, I always took off my glasses. When I was a kid, my mom made me, since I had extra prisms and stuff and if they were lost they would cost a fortune. I guess as an adult I was too afraid at the possibility of losing them. I would just stick them in my backpack or whatever.


I have ridden just about everything there is to ride at DW and have never taken mine off. I have been to many other parks and have ridden some of the most intense coacters made. I have never taken them off.

So far... I haven't lost a pair yet.
I too, have had lasik (best money ever spent!), but when I was younger I hardly ever took my glasses off. I had extremely bad vision (almost legally blind) so without my glasses I couldn't see a thing. We live in Southeastern Michigan and frequently took trips to Cedar Point in Ohio. There they have huge roller coasters, and even then I usually left them on.
I think you will be ok leaving them on, except for maybe on RnRC, just because of the loop de loops. Maybe just get the strings for a little extra insurance. We'll be down in 5 days so maybe we'll see you there! I have a yellow WDWMagic Tshirt so maybe you'll recognize me! I hope you have fun on your vacay:wave:!


New Member
Terrible that happened!! Awesome he still had a great time! That sounds like something I would do if it wasn't for the fact that my sight is bad enough to where I'd be nauseated on the rides with my glasses off. I keep them on. Let your DH know I've ridden EE numerous times with my glasses on, which I recommend for a better view of the Yeti! Never had any issues with my glasses.[/quot

Considering,i also wear glasses and kept them on and did not have any problems and let him know it,he was even more upset!!
:ROFLOL:But i did stay off the larger rides with him,broken ribs and space mt. do not go well together,so my two children recieved the great benefit of 4 fastpasses for every ride.SO,they were able to ride 2x in a row for ee,btm,space mt. and a few others.so all was not lost.


You can buy elastic strapes to hold your glasses on. They sell them in all of the parks. They slip right over the ear piece and stem of the glasses. I use them all the time for the rollercoasters and they work GREAT! Worth the three bucks.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
Usually, I just reach up and grab one stem if a ride takes a tight corner or loop...more out of habit than need, probably.

Not a big deal at Disney, because thrill rides are scarce. At a place like Six Flags, I find myself holding onto them a lot. :lol:


New Member
I carry an eye glass case in my small bag and always take my glasses off on all the coasters. Just too afraid that if something happens to them I will not be able to see anything the rest of my trip. I'm totally blind without my glasses.:ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
I carry an eye glass case in my small bag and always take my glasses off on all the coasters. Just too afraid that if something happens to them I will not be able to see anything the rest of my trip. I'm totally blind without my glasses.:ROFLOL:

I know glasses can be expensive, but you should either carry a second pair or have your prescription with you at all times (they will give it back if you ask).
Also to those who wear contacts, always keep your glasses handy in case you lose a contact or, god forbid, develop a problem and you cannot wear them.


Well-Known Member
You can buy elastic strapes to hold your glasses on. They sell them in all of the parks. They slip right over the ear piece and stem of the glasses. I use them all the time for the rollercoasters and they work GREAT! Worth the three bucks.

This is exactly what I do...I would never dream of riding some of the attractions without them. Truth is, you never even know they are there. It is worth the investment.


I should pick them up for my dh, he's blind without the glasses so nervous nellie here makes him take them off for the big rides,

He probably wouldn't mind that!


only 19 days to go!:sohappy:


New Member
The CM's made me take them off for Summit Plummet Slush Gusher and Humunga Kowabunga. once I was Asked to hold them on RNR btu I put them back on right before takeoff.

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