food poisoning at Disney?


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So HH6 and I went to DLR this weekend. We ate one meal at Goofy's Kitchen and walked around then came home. Shortly after getting home I revisited my meal the hard way. I contacted Disney to let them know, just so it's on record. Anyone ever have this happen to them? Or ate something that made them sick? If so, what'd you do?


Active Member
It didn't happen to me but it did happen to my Uncle during our Grand Gatherings trip in 2005. He ate something somewhere (they still won't tell us) and ended up really, really sick. He and my Aunt reported it, then took him straight to the hospital where he spent one afternoon getting fluids and ect.. because he had become so dehydrated! He was fine and after one more days rest pool side was back in action. The funny thing about my Aunt was she got him settled in the hospital and said "see ya later, my cell phone is on!" and went off and running straight back to the parks and had the time of her life!?! We had dinner plans for later that evening and she showed up all happy and said she had the best day ever! (We still talk about that!) It didn't stop them from coming back with us on our trip this past April, they still won't spill the beans ( no pun intended) and tell us where they ate in 2005 because they feel it was a fluke thing and don't want to ruin it for anyone!


Well-Known Member
Happened to me on our honeymoon in 2005. Last thing I recall eating was a funnel cake. Next day, I was violoently sick.

Food poisoning effects usually start within an hour or so of ingesting the bad food.

With all of the food/meals Disney prepares on a daily basis it would be a miracle if no one ever got sick. They do a great job and are inspected on a regular basis, just like every other restaurant in the US. If you become sick, report it to the hotel &/or the restaurant.


New Member
My 4 year old son had the fish at Harbour House, they rest of us had the chicken. He began having stabbing pains in his stomach and was sick most of the afternoon. He had no fever, just stomach pains and :hurl:.
He fell asleep that night and the next day he was perfectly fine, enjoying Donald's Breakfastasaurus. It was as if he just had to get rid of the bad food in his system and then he was better. It was cool that November, so it wasn't the heat. My sister is an nurse and said it looked like food poisoning to her.

The only thing we can figure was that he got a piece of "bad" fish. To this day, he is very wary of fish. :lol:


Well-Known Member
My 4 year old son had the fish at Harbour House, they rest of us had the chicken. He began having stabbing pains in his stomach and was sick most of the afternoon. He had no fever, just stomach pains and :hurl:.
He fell asleep that night and the next day he was perfectly fine, enjoying Donald's Breakfastasaurus. It was as if he just had to get rid of the bad food in his system and then he was better. It was cool that November, so it wasn't the heat. My sister is an nurse and said it looked like food poisoning to her.

The only thing we can figure was that he got a piece of "bad" fish. To this day, he is very wary of fish. :lol:

Same thing happened to me with fish at an Olive Garden in VA on my way to WDW. I barely made it back to our hotel room before :hurl: . Was fine the next day to continue our trip.


My roommate and her dad got food poisoning in January. They both had the same meal from WCC (prime rib) so they figured that was it. They let Disneey know (they were staying at WL, in case you're curious) and Disney comped their meal, as well as any room service they ordered. This happened on the second day of their trip, and they were pretty much sick for the rest of the trip. (which, granted, was a shortish one--- only 4 nights, but still.)


New Member
My mother got VIOLENT food poisoning from Japan in Epcot (I cant off the top of my head remember the name of the restaurant) she ended up in the hospital for a few days. Needless to say it was the worst Disney trip ever.

My husband had an Ice cream sunday at the 50's prime time and with a half hour he was VERY sick, he got it all up (sorry lol) and within an hour he was fine.....was that food poisoning? I don't know, but he never had a problem with ice cream before.
During our last trip, we were about to have dinner at LTT and my son started to get sick so I ran him up to the bathroom. When we got in there the 2 stalls were full and he was not going to wait any longer so I told him to just throw up into the trash can which he did. While he was puking, this lady came running in the bathroom and looked at me and said did he eat the turkey too? I said no we haven't even got a chance to eat yet. He just isn't feeling well. The lady then proceeded to tell me "my husband and I had the turkey and we have both been sick twice since we ate it. We are afraid to leave because we aren't sure we'll make it back to the hotel." Needless to say we didn't eat there because my son was sick but I was kind of glad, so that I wouldn't have to take my chances with the turkey. But I guess with the thousands of meals they make daily it is bound to happen sometime.


Well-Known Member
Sean, don't know if you remember when my mom got sick from Hard Rock Cafe somewhere up around Gatlinburg or on the way home. She ate chicken that didn't taste right. The food poisoning had some sort of crazy name that I couldn't repeat or spell if I wanted to. After being violently ill for several days she went to the doctor. The doctor sent her home with strict instructions and contacted the health department. The health department was in touch with Mom, the restaurant, and the powers-that-be in that area. She was seriously in bed or the bathroom sick sick sick for over a month. It took her a good 6 months to regain her strength. Then her balance was off for about a year (which explained her issues with falling up and down the steps at their house breaking her feet). It was bad. Be careful. And anytime something tastes "off" don't eat it. If you ever ever order chicken make sure it's completely dead-done. It took years for Mom to eat chicken again and you have to practically burn it to get her to eat it. LOL!

Our only bad experience was at Yak & Yeti last December. Tracey and I both had indigestion some kinda bad after that meal. It was the meal that kept on giving. Indigestion is common for Tracey but next to never is an issue for me. Also, when we ate LeCellier last December Brian ordered his steak medium because he likes it the way Tracey and I eat it. The next day he was sick, like puking and fever. Tracey thought it was the steak. After we got home and I got Brian in to the doctor we found out he had bronchitis. I don't think it was the steak. It still blows when you have a sick kid on vacation, tho.


Well-Known Member
I've never had actual food poisoning at WDW. As Mad said, with the number of meals that Disney serves daily, they do a great job of maintaining healthy standards. I also suspect that most of us are not used to the hot and humid weather in Florida. Combine that with all that running around we do in the parks, throw in the number of germs we're exposed to on a daily basis just standing in line, and it's amazing there aren't MORE upset stomachs. :lol:


New Member
I've never had actual food poisoning at WDW. As Mad said, with the number of meals that Disney serves daily, they do a great job of maintaining healthy standards. I also suspect that most of us are not used to the hot and humid weather in Florida. Combine that with all that running around we do in the parks, throw in the number of germs we're exposed to on a daily basis just standing in line, and it's amazing there aren't MORE upset stomachs. :lol:

This time I'm packing PLENTY of Pepto, Tums, etc.


Well-Known Member
If you get sick from something you ate, and then feel better the next day, trust me, you didn't experiance food poisoning. You might have had a bad reaction to the food because it was greasy or because of the Florida Heat, or because it was differant from what you're used to, but it wasn't food poisoning.
If you have food poisoning, you will know it. You will be sick and misirable for at least 3 days and you will have vomiting and diarhea and cramping and you will wish you could just curl up and die.


New Member
I really think it depends on the type of food you ate and what was wrong.

I agree, Disney does a great job on preparing food, cleanliness, etc. We've been many times with no problem. I really think it was a bad piece of fish. Seafood, even kept fresh, can pose a problem if it came that way from the supplier. (we're from Louisiana and eat lots of it.:animwink:) That's why I never complain to or about Disney, it wasn't their fault. I really think it was just the fish had some kind of bacteria in it and it was probably that piece, unfortunately.

I spoke to my son's pediatrician when we got back because I was afraid he had an allergy to fish and they tested him. He was fine. The pediatrician said it was probably just a "bad" piece and he needed to get it out of his system. I have never seen my child that ill before or since.


Well-Known Member
If you get sick from something you ate, and then feel better the next day, trust me, you didn't experiance food poisoning. You might have had a bad reaction to the food because it was greasy or because of the Florida Heat, or because it was differant from what you're used to, but it wasn't food poisoning.
If you have food poisoning, you will know it. You will be sick and misirable for at least 3 days and you will have vomiting and diarhea and cramping and you will wish you could just curl up and die.

Not really. I've had food poisoning a few times. I've gone from :hurl: for a few hours to being so bad I had to be hospitalized. It really depends on what is wrong with the food (and the type of food), how much you ate and your general health at the time.
I have also taken care of people who were so bad they were on IV's for a few days because they became so dehydrated from being sick.


Well-Known Member
I have to agree. That's like saying the flu isn't the flu unless you have a set list of symptoms for an exact period of time. There are many strains of the flu just as there are many types/kinds of food poisoning. The term "food poisoning" is a generalized term. Some people could get a touch of a mild bacteria that lasts a matter of hours with mild symptoms and then others could end up with full-blown salmonella and near death. Both are considered food poisoning, just different kinds/levels. My mom had a bout (not from Disney) with something so severe it took over a month for her to stop :hurl:ing. It was such a bad type of bacteria that health services got involved and did a full documentation of her case. That's not to say the 24 hours of violent :hurl:ing my father-in-law had a year ago after eating some shellfish (again, not at Disney) wasn't food poisoning. It was just a different kind.


A small tip should you be hit with food poisoning. We ordered food into our office one time and within an hour, I was ill. It didn't take long before the whole office were heaving. We shut the office down and all went home. As soon as I walked in, I cut up a red pepper and forced it into myself. I called one of my co-workers and advised her to do the same. She did and we were the whole office the next day. I had read that a chemical in the red peppers can kill some forms of bacteria that cause food poisoning. It works.


Well-Known Member
While I admit that there are differant degrees of food poisoning, my point was I think that Disney food gets blamed for a lot of things that aren't in fact Disney food related. Some kid eats a double bacon cheese burger and a large order of fries and washes it down with a large Coke at Pecos Bills,and then proceeds to ride the teacups and gets violently ill. Whoa! It's just GOTTA be food poisoning that made my kid sick! Never mind that it's 95º F outside and the teacups are spinning! If you and your children scarf down one of those Kitchen Sinks they sell at Disney's Beach Club Resort, then run through the International Gateway on a hot summers day, I can pretty much guarantee they are going to toss their cookies and cream before they reach France. :lol: Don't blame it on the food.

My wife and I both ate some shrimp at an EPCOT Restuarant and got violently ill for 3 days. I won't mention the restuarant because it was probably an isolated incident and I wouldn't want to discourage anyone else from eating there. I realize there are indeed instances where the food at Disney World may cause someones illness, but it's too easy to blame Disney for every little tummy ache. My personal story is the all-you-can-eat-breakfast buffets. For some reason I always get food poisoning after I've just finished my 14th sausage link.:p;)

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