What a low attempt at a try, jt!

:lol: Quite wrong.
Do tell? The Declaration was signed on July 4th, 1776. FACT. America began then- Subjective Fact. Was that really the birth of our United States of America, or would that come later- with the signing of Constitution for all 13 Colonies/States? You'll find a billion opinions on it.
Acutually most historians believe the declaration was singed on August 2, 1776. Congress voted to declare independence on July 2, 1776, and they finalized and approved the text of the declaration on July 4, 1776.
Thanks for the economics lesson. I'd save it for more worthy rightwing causes like 'you can't afford healthcare or insurance, then go die, this is America where nothing is free unless you're a bank, corporation or wealthy individual!'
As an aside, as a gun toting, right-wing, family doc who treats people from all walks of life, including those who have no insurance and who have medicaid and medicare, the idea that people regulary die due to lack of health insurance, while true in some instances I'm sure, has been greatly over exagerated and in many instances completely false. Health care definately needs reform, but what the Obamacare/Kennedycare is offering isn't the answer.