Floridians: Go see DL, Boycott WDW


New Member
Okay, a boycott on WDW while you live in Florida is absolutely ridiculous.

However you are absolutely rights about DL

Regardless of personal preferences, each attraction at DL is either larger, more advanced, more exciting, more magical, or any combination of the above then their WDW counterparts. That goes from everything to Space Mountain, Snow White, and even Indiana Jones to CTX/Dinosaur. As far as the attractions WDW is always many steps behind DL(and Paris and Tokyo for that matter).

Also DL and it's attractions were always this amazing even before the 50th. Pooh was not a 50th attraction. Buzz and Space were.

And last but not least I'd like to share this beautiful story.

I am a Cast Member at WDW and for the first time ever in this past week I had several families who DID NOT hate WDW but were commenting to me incessantly about how much better DL is, citing larger space with less rides that aren't as good. Even more amazing was a family from England who were very much enjoying Epcot and MGM but were dissapointed immensely with MK over DLP. DLP is the largest and most unique of the castle parks but i've never heard anyone actually say it before.

Personally I love WDW to death and I would never abandon it but lets face the facts. You can love it all you want, but it is not up to the level of it's siblings because, as stated before, of it's tourist situation which means they will never feel they have to update and put forth the effort.


New Member
here's how I see it - WDW is awesome and will always be my "home" but there are some REALLY NEAT things at DL that WDW should consider......


Well.. the way I see it, is you shouldnt go if you dislike it so much. Just go to DL from now on. I go to WDW once a year and thats not near enough for me. I think WDW is just fine and I would go each weekend if I lived in the Orlando area.


Well-Known Member
DL saw a tremendous amount of TLC before and during the successful 50th anniversary celebration of the park. If you had entered DL a few years pior that that, you would have seen a park in a state unbefitting of a Disney park and well below the upkeep MK has sustained, even with its rough edges. It got much needed and deserved attention during its 50th, including new effects and upgrades to their classics, noteably POTC, Space Mountain, Jungle Cruise and Haunted Mansion and a nearly park-wide paint job on a majority of the buildings that literally had evidence of wood rot and decay just a few years ago. MK maintenance has its problems, but the park as a whole has never fallen to a near state of disrepair DL saw itself in during the early part of this century and I hope it never gets that bad.

While WDW received a similar but lesser POTC rehab (the audio tracks still need some work imo), I imagine that WDW could potentially begin to see some of the enhancements DL has seen over the past 3 years. There are some rumors from good sources about a pending HM rehab and a Space Mountain rehab, and both of them need and deserve a nice rehab. It would be nice if they could upgrade our Buzz to the new format with removable guns as well, but I don't know if that will happen.

Even if the MK is inferior to DL proper, the WDW resort as a whole provides an array of attractions that are superior to that at DL resort. Particularly when you include rides that WDW has that DL has nothing similar to compare to, such as Rockn' Roller Coaster, Great Movie Ride, FInding Nemo the Musical, Test Track, Mission:Space, Kilamanjaro safaris, etc., etc., and better versions of some similar rides such as TOT, and obviously Everest vs the Matterhorn.

All that aside, I wholeheartedly agree its MK's turn for some TLC.


New Member
A rickety, broken down, extremely jerky wild mouse coaster inside a dome that's not nearly dark enough doesn't scream "Disney" to me...Even with the shorter Pirates, run-down HM, particle board-laced Buzz, OLD version of jungle cruise, and piece of junk SM...
Methinks you're exaggerating a bit much. Space Mountain is by no means "broken down" or a "piece of junk", and if you truly believe that it is, you need a wake-up call. Don't be so melodramatic.

I went to Disneyland last year as well, and it was fantastic. Really was. But was it pristine? No, there were still areas that needed attention. You know why? Because it's physically impossible to have everything perfect at all times. I was at the Magic Kingdom yesterday, and it was beautiful too. But was it perfect? Of course not. There will always be something to fix, replace, or update, simply due to the nature of the beast.

And really, saying that the company doesn't put money into the WDW parks is just asinine. Soarin', Everest, The Seas rehab, Monsters Inc Laugh Floor, LMAX Stunt Show, the Finding Nemo musical, et al...all within the last two years. That's an awful lot of money in improvements, wouldn't you agree?


Well-Known Member
I am a Fla Res. Annual Passholder and have been one proudly for years! My family and I visit WDW once or twice a month and to be honest, I don't have too much of a desire to be anywhere but Walt Disney WORLD. Sure, it would be nice to visit Cali but my home...my magic...my family LOVES WDW. The decline that the OP speaks of I have not seen. I have seen WDW build and grow which will cause alittle "Please Pardon Our Pixie Dust". You are entitled to your opinion and I respect it.

Boycott if you will which will leave one less person in the WDW parks for us to worry about in line.

Happy Holidays!:xmas:

Very nicely said. Even though I am very jealous of your proximity to the Magic. Being from PA, it's hard for us to get down more than once a year. :wave:


Well-Known Member
Most of the updates you are speaking of were due to the 50th celebration. Prior to that, DL was hurting from what people have said to where they were compairing it to Six Flags and such.

So are we expected to wait until MK's 50th to finally get an updated Mansion, Jungle Cruise, Space and new lighting and sound on Pirates :brick:


Well-Known Member
While the rides at Disneyland are almost always better than their WDW counterparts, Disneyland is also laid out better in my opinion. Disneyland manages to have many more rides and attractions than WDW has in a smaller place. That fact alone in my opinion shows that Disneyland was thought out better. Not to mention that the theming of the lands in Disneyland is far superior to that of WDW. Just compare the two fantasylands. In Disneyland each ride in Fantasyland has its own unique facade, in WDW with the exception of Pinocchios Village Haus (Or however you spell it) all the facades look somewhat like the castle with colorful banners on them. I think I should also point out that WDW's Magic Kingdom was built with very little room to expand considering the fact that it is bordered by water on three sides and the tunnel entrance borders the other. Disneyland while surrounded by roads, did have some room to expand towards the parking lot as well as backwards(where Toontown was built) Disneyland's Magic Kingdom is significantly better than WDW's and while maintence does play a part in this and so do the rides, I believe it is mostly just how the parks were thought out. I love WDW and go there all the time, mainly because I can't afford to fly to California all the time, but in most ways Disneyland's Magic Kingdom is a better park, California Adventure, on the other hand isn't. Again, just my opinion.


New Member
While the rides at Disneyland are almost always better than their WDW counterparts, Disneyland is also laid out better in my opinion. Disneyland manages to have many more rides and attractions than WDW has in a smaller place. That fact alone in my opinion shows that Disneyland was thought out better. Not to mention that the theming of the lands in Disneyland is far superior to that of WDW. Just compare the two fantasylands. In Disneyland each ride in Fantasyland has its own unique facade, in WDW with the exception of Pinocchios Village Haus (Or however you spell it) all the facades look somewhat like the castle with colorful banners on them. I think I should also point out that WDW's Magic Kingdom was built with very little room to expand considering the fact that it is bordered by water on three sides and the tunnel entrance borders the other. Disneyland while surrounded by roads, did have some room to expand towards the parking lot as well as backwards(where Toontown was built) Disneyland's Magic Kingdom is significantly better than WDW's and while maintence does play a part in this and so do the rides, I believe it is mostly just how the parks were thought out. I love WDW and go there all the time, mainly because I can't afford to fly to California all the time, but in most ways Disneyland's Magic Kingdom is a better park, California Adventure, on the other hand isn't. Again, just my opinion.
See, now these are very well thought-out points. In addition to what you've said, I think that Disneyland also has the benefit of being around for 16 years longer than WDW. Perhaps by 2022 the Magic Kingdom will have a similar appearance to Disneyland today.


Well-Known Member
Well... I hate to break it to you... but you will probably be waiting for a very long time.

DL brings in more locals then tourists. As a result, Disneyland has to keep things updated and fresh in order to maintain interest from their primary demographic. WDW, on the other hand, makes their money with tourists who will come once, maybe twice in a life-time. They aren't going every year and have the opportunity to compare to what is or isn't there.

Different demographics... different management styles.

It ain't gonna change...

I've been SIX times and counting! As for the demographics and management styles and that it won't change, are you saying that WDW is NEVER gonna recover? At all?


Well-Known Member
While we're on the subject, listen to this: I once saw on MiceAge a few years back a contest of sorts to see which Disney park (not just the MK-style parks but ALL parks) was the best. The author of that article wrote this contest in three rounds: 1) Pitting the then-four MK parks against each other; 2) Pitting the non-MK parks against each other; 3) Pitting the two champion parks (the supreme MK park and the supreme non-MK park) against each other.

He took into account these four things: attractions, atmosphere, dining and intangibles. He used them to see which park would be the supreme champ. He gave the attractions and atmosphere 15 points each and dining and intangibles five each, for a total of 40 points each. The more points the better. Here are the results...

ROUND ONE: Magic Kingdom park statistics
1) DISNEYLAND: 32 points
2) MK @ WDW: 31 points
3) TOKYO DISNEYLAND: 31 points
4) DISNEYLAND PARIS: 31 points

That one was quite close. Disneyland beat the other MK parks by just one point while the other three are locked in a tie.

ROUND TWO: Non MK parks statistics. I'm kinda fuzzy on the details, though.
1) TOKYO DISNEYSEA: 38 points
2) EPCOT: 32 points
4) DISNEY-MGM STUDIOS: 18 points

So, as you can see, if it were just the WDW parks against each other, Epcot would have been the supreme champ.

Then for Round Three, Disneyland ultimately beat Tokyo DisneySea!

Being a Californian and being able to visit Disneyland once a year, I'm quite pleased to learn that Disneyland is the ultimate Disney Theme Park champion!!! :D :sohappy:


Active Member
while in DL let me know how there mission space is. Oh sorry not there. But atleast you can gives a heads up on how they laid out there test track oops not there either, well atleast the Everest must be great... three strikes. My point being is that there is so much more to WDW then just MK. THere are four parks two water park, a huge DTD area and too many resort to count right now


Well-Known Member
mharrington said:
Then for Round Three, Disneyland ultimately beat Tokyo DisneySea!
hmm... so they ultimately figured out that 32 was somehow greater than 38. :veryconfu

Guess that's Lutz math. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Well, back in the real world, where it's only a tank of gas to get to WDW and it's 3,000 miles away, airfare for two, hotel, rental car, food and expenses to go to DL...yeah, hrm....tough call on which I'm going to pick. $30 versus a couple grand. Not a tough choice.

Tim G

Well-Known Member
I've decided. I'm boycotting WDW until they put money into the parks - enough so that the WDW parks are caught up with DL.
Do your boycotting thing, but no need to instigate...

So... Don't forget to close the door behind you... :D

Good luck with your boycotting... or whatever... :lol:

Bye! :wave: :wave: :wave:



Well-Known Member
So are we expected to wait until MK's 50th to finally get an updated Mansion, Jungle Cruise, Space and new lighting and sound on Pirates :brick:

I wouldn't think that is the case. It is simply a fact that most of the upgrades/enhancements to their classic attractions that makes them a bit more superior to their MK counterparts happened ONLY within the last 2 years. Prior to that, the park as a whole was well below the standard of care that MK was receiving and at that time many DL fans complained how WDW got all of Disney's attention and according to them that DL was being left to rot. With the appropriate attention DL got for its 50th, that tide has obviously changed.

I think it will be sooner than later that the MK will begin to see some upgrades. During the time DL was upgrading attractions, WDW was building or opening Soarin' with a full Land pavilion rehab, LMA stunt show, SGE, Expedition Everest, Crush n' Gusher, a full Small World rehab with completely new loading area, several ongoing improvements to PI, our own (although lesser in scale) POTC rehab and some other perhaps less noticeable things such as a full rehab of MK's train station, and a full rehab of the rooms and gathering areas at the Polynesian, Contemporary and Wilderness lodge.

I hope some of the DL improvements to the classics come to MK. But to say Disney isn't pouring money back into the parks or resorts at WDW is far from accurate.


New Member
I don't think boycotting is the best answer...

Given that both parks are a part of the same company, having a segment of their target market (or in other words, everyone that visits the parks) boycott may do more harm than good. First, it may inadvertently cause dissention between Cast Members of each park, which is a bad idea. Competition between the parks is healthy only up to a certain point.

Second, the dissention will probably lead to upper management failing to create powerful coalitions with lower management to get things done (one of the biggest errors companies can make when attempting change), and I think that is why the OP feels that DL is better - because good decisions were made during the 50th celebration.

Now, I know that sounds academic, but you must consider things carefully before you advocate action.

Simply put, DL and WDW were Walt's babies. I think it's only fair that you take care of each one as they come, and DL was first.

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