Fixing Epcot


I didn't even bother to stop at the Outpost the last time I was there. I just think it's odd that they tried to stuff an entire continent (with the exception of Morocco) into a couple of gift shops when the rest of World Showcase is so well-done. What's the point? :veryconfu


Fine points all...

Henning: Yup... there's a ridiculous amount of space there that is going completely unused. It's awful. They need to use that space, and soon. It's a great area. they could build, like, two countries in that area. That space is not only going to waste, but it's being used for probably one of the most infuriating areas of WDW. SOmething must change.

Diva: Hehehe... yeah. Great minds think alike. I hope somebody is listening. The outpost needs to be done away with.

Erika: I agree... And, after a few adult beverages between Mexico and the Outpost, I usually start mouthing off about it... not so loud that kids can hear it, but just to whomever I happen to be at the park with. The big joke amongst my friends is, "but, they have Morocco..." Doesn't count.


Originally posted by jrashadb
Fine points all...

Henning: Yup... there's a ridiculous amount of space there that is going completely unused. It's awful. They need to use that space, and soon. It's a great area. they could build, like, two countries in that area. That space is not only going to waste, but it's being used for probably one of the most infuriating areas of WDW. SOmething must change.

Diva: Hehehe... yeah. Great minds think alike. I hope somebody is listening. The outpost needs to be done away with.

Erika: I agree... And, after a few adult beverages between Mexico and the Outpost, I usually start mouthing off about it... not so loud that kids can hear it, but just to whomever I happen to be at the park with. The big joke amongst my friends is, "but, they have Morocco..." Doesn't count.

Hey Jrashadb, what offends you so much about the outpost???
Please explain


New Member
imho: The outpost is a strange mixture of Australia and Africa - two continents that are so interesting that they would need a lot more space. And even more so there is no information about these continents whatsoever - just some shops...

To cut it short: not enough "pixiedust".

I personally would like to see Australia being represented in Animal Kingdom, but if they want to have it in EPCOT then they should take the opportunity and make some magic...



... why is the Outpost offensive you ask? Hmmm...
How do I put this...
OK, look at it like this. Not counting the aforementioned Outpost, World Showcase has 11 countries. Of those 11 only one of those, Morocco, is a country in Africa. Of those 11, there is no real representation of African or African American culture at all. So, when Epcot realized it had ignored a significant portion of the population, they put up a Coke stand, a few drums, a few people in Dashikis and some "ethnic" looking knick-knacks and called a day.
I like to call the Outpost, the Black Folks Corner.
Anyway, before you fire up your keyboards and say something like, "Well, I'm from (insert country here) and we don't have a country, take into account that while your particular country may not be in Epcot, there is a good possibility that your culture is represented in a fairly thorough way. I understand we all want our particular country in WS, but it would be nice to be represented by more than a few funny hats and a rain stick.
Other the natural patriotism I feel in the American Advanture, I don't get that anywhere.
Maybe I'm being uptight, but that's how I feel.
Which is why I think a post-apartheid South Africa pavilion, one that would have white, black and even Asian people (all of whom are natives of South Africa) working there together would be a perfect addition to WS.
Anyway, I hope that answers your question, iluvepcot.

And, Diva... you would love hearing me wandering toward the Outpost, Margaritta in hand making jokes about it... it's good theater. :lol:


Well jrashadb, u just offended me.

Let me see: "there is no real representation of African or African American culture at all"
Have u not been the american adventure?? Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, etc are all represented there. How can you say that??? What do you want? a white american adventure and a black one??? How sepratist is that?? Why cant we all just be Americans? Im not german american. Im american. Why cant we all be americans instead of being SO preoccupied with race??

What else: "I like to call the Outpost, the Black Folks Corner."
Ok the outpost is called the Outpost, not the african outpost, not the black people outpost, The Outpost. How the hell can you complain about the outpost, when you dont even know if its african or not!! that could easily be Austrailia, you have no idea. So let me get this right, your offended by something that you have no clue what country it actually does represent. Maybe because it dosent represent a country. Its a damn coke stand, yet you somehow take offense to this cuz it degrades black people??? you are way over the top, dont complain unless you know what your complaining about. and the way you blatently throw racism around makes me sick. Thats a serious accusasion and you should think twice before you just throw it around.

Lets see what else: "So, when Epcot realized it had ignored a significant portion of the population, they put up a Coke stand, a few drums, a few people in Dashikis and some "ethnic" looking knick-knacks and called a day."
How ignorant is that statement. Yea i bet all the Disney execs got together and said, "hmm how can we best offend black people. O i know, lets put up a coke stand and make it resemble somthing african." Why does everything have to be about you, why cant you celebrate humanity instead of complaining how they dont represent you. We're all humans here, not black, white asian, etc. Why do you put so much emphasis on race? Sounds pretty afrocentric to me. Before you get so offended, maybe you should look at ur own perdjudice before complaining about others.


Well-Known Member
Hey iluvepcot: Kinda reminds me of that thing written in the quad a few weeks back. :lol:

Can't we all just get along?! WS is about all the countries coming together and "celebrating the future hand in hand!" okay.. now I'm sounding like a goob! :hammer:



Y'know... I knew I would get a reply like this from someone and I figured it would be from you. You asked me a loaded question with the full intent of jumping on me when I answered it. The fact is, you're jumping to conclusions.
Let me clarify a few points here you obviously missunderstood me on.

Your paragraph about the American Adventure... If you look at what I wrote, I mentioned the American Adventure and what I called the "natural patriotism" I feel when I watch it. I love the show. As for being preoccupied with race, I'm not. Seing as you know nothing of my background, my friends or my situation, you can't say that. If, in fact, you did know anything about me, you would see how ridiculous a statement that is. For the record, I'm a little more than just African American. I have a lot of different cultures flowing through my veins, but I consider myself an American first, so find something else to hitch your feeble arguement to.

Second of all, the Outpost itself... Have you ever actually
been to the outpost? With the black people playing drums and telling old proverbs and such? Where there is a man carving canes and figures in a traditionally African manner? I think it is fairly safe to say Africa is being represented there. And I'm not throwing racism around. I never did... not once. I never said the Outpost is racist, nor did I say Epcot is racist. I think the Outpost is silly and unnecessary and a poorly executed effort, but I don't think it's racist. Calling me a racist (as you just did) is a pretty serious accusation... I'd like it if you thought once before throwing it around.

Further, I don't think Disney execs tried to decide how to offend black people. That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. But, I think in their effort to create something that would represent African culture, they did not do as thorough a job as they could have, that's all.

As for the rest of your post, you blather on about me being prejudiced and afrocentric and such which is, again, ridiculous. I'm neither. I was brought up to respect all different kinds of people... to the point that I couldn't care less about someone's background at all, as long as they're cool people. My desire for the outpost to be torn down has more to do with the huge parcel of land behind it than the nonsense that is currently there.
OK... I'm done here.


Well-Known Member
Please don't take the next statements the wrong way.

Isn't Africa well represented at AK? I thought it was, so do we really need to have anything at Epcot? The countries of South America have very little if any representation anywhere within WDW. It would seem more logical to give a nod to Spanish culture, more so than just Mexico. Also i think India could be a great addition.

Countries, continents and areas don't have to just be at Epcot in order to get a fair shake.

Just my thoughts.:)


New Member
Just curious, but why did the Africa pavilion get scrapped? I remember they had an Africa sign up where the Outpost is now for years after EPCOT first opened. I have a couple old EPCOT books claiming that Africa was to be built shortly after the park opened; before they even announced a Morocco or Norway pavilion.


Well-Known Member
I remember an old TV show, quite possibly EPCOT's opening ceremonies, that aired on Disney Channel way a while back. If I remember correctly, the host of the show (whom I forget), proceeded to greet some African man in the WS area. Then, the host and African man began to showcase some of Disney's (the company - not the man (he was dead)) plans for EPCOT, which of course, was a full-blown African themed pavilion. The closest Disney ever got to this was the Outpost.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by SirNimajneb
I remember an old TV show, quite possibly EPCOT's opening ceremonies, that aired on Disney Channel way a while back. If I remember correctly, the host of the show (whom I forget), proceeded to greet some African man in the WS area. Then, the host and African man began to showcase some of Disney's (the company - not the man (he was dead)) plans for EPCOT, which of course, was a full-blown African themed pavilion. The closest Disney ever got to this was the Outpost.

Yup, the author of "Roots" was telling us all about it!


New Member
First of all if u wanna go talk about ftball get out of here...secondly u suck the gators r great just because they have one tough season doesnt mean anything bet u werent sayign that last year now were u u werent so keep your ftball nonsense out of here...and think before u talk anymore because in case u forgot disney is in florida:mad:


Well-Known Member
I have a feeling this post is going to be moved to "chit chat" soon... And you gators... HA! That's all I have to say

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