Pre-Trip First trip in 10 years for Mom & dad, Baby's first trip! Sept 15


Welcome to my Pre-Trip report!

Admittedly, it's taken me awhile to get excited about this trip. The countdown started with about 400 days (and I still pregnant!) but here we are! My Daughter is ONE tomorrow, and we are 88 days out!
My Husband and I haven't been since we were teenagers. It's been 10 years for me and 11 years for him. We have no idea what Disney is like now, and don't really KNOW what to be excited about if that makes sense? My mother and her husband go at least twice a year, and are "taking" us this year. They will be able to show us around and explain magic bands and such. They are bringing my nephew who is 5 and has been to Disney 5x!!!

Britt (ME!)
Anthony = DH
Harper = Our daughter(will be turning 15 months on the trip)
Gigi= My Mother
Pap= My step dad
R = My nephew (5)


Animal Kingdom Lodge!

We live in Maryland and are driving down :eek:
I'm kind of afraid of what the drive will be like with a toddler, but I guess we'll see! We are leaving Friday 9/18 about 2pm and driving as long as we can make it before we stop for the night. We will be in two different cars.

I have Celiac Disease and I'm anxious to see how the gluten free dining will be.

So that's it for now! :D



Well-Known Member
I have 6.5 days of work left!!! But pretty close! I am getting so excited. I can't believe after this weekend we will be leaving at the end of the week! Our trip countdown started in the 400's too, so it's been a long time coming!
Ok you have inspired me. I guess I can say I have 4.5 work days left! I never thought of the .5 part! EXCITING!!! THANKS! :)


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Next week at this time i'll be leaving work in 1 hour and 20 minutes and then I'll be on the road to Disney!!!!! I can't honestly say that 've ever wished the weekend was over and I was back to work more than I do right now. I just want it to be next week!!
We DO have to get packing done this weekend! We still need to buy Diapers/Wipes & swim diapers for the trip. My Daughter's luggage is still not completely packed, nor is mine. So we have a lot to do. We also have to attend a birthday party this weekend, and my Dad is coming to visit on Sunday.
Naturally, work has been picking up as it always seems to right before vaction. yesterday was super stressful and it will only get worse next week!



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here is some progress pictures of what I've done so far with packing.. My luggage, my pile o' healthy snacks for the car ride down, and our toiletries!

Anyone who might want to follow my trip can follow on Instagram. I'm "BBurg" (no quotes...)

Just let me know if you are adding me because I am private!


Well-Known Member
I just realized something else. Do you know when the last time my family went to WDW was? 9/18/2005. Seriously...we are like kindred spirits lol. I can't even believe the coincidence. We need to become best friends and meet up to get like matching tattoos to commemorate this vacation hahahahaha. I am even more excited for you now just because I know exactly what you are feeling. :D
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Premium Member
We DO have to get packing done this weekend! We still need to buy Diapers/Wipes & swim diapers for the trip. My Daughter's luggage is still not completely packed, nor is mine. So we have a lot to do.
Dont sweat it. Wife and I always make such big plans to be packed and have everything super organized and ready days in advance. "Its not gonna be like last time", is what we always tell each other, then when we are about two days out we realize that we did none of the things we planned on doing, lol. We have just learned to enjoy taking an afternoon and going around town getting the various things we need. My wife usually cant sleep the night before and just does ALL the packing from 7pm until about 3 am which is when we usually depart. Im like @lostpro9het in the sense that I can just throw my clothes in a suitcase and call it a day. My wife is on military organization level for packing and organizing. Im talking printed out lists, color coded suitcase tags, everything layed out and organized in the most efficient manner, then packed, unpacked and repacked. I just sleep until she wakes me.

We traveled with our nephews and niece since they were young ones and I can tell you from experience that bringing an Ipad or tablet with movies helps. You can buy a mount for the car headrest to hold the tablet in place. They go for about $20 at Wal Mart or cheaper on Amazon.
Also, I always load up a few podcasts and stand up comedy cd's for when Im driving so Ive got something to listen to. We love to play Disney podcasts as we get closer. It really gets you pumped up. is one of our favorites and you can even play it directly from their website on your phone. Theyve recently been doing a Q&A of every land in the parks and discuss all the rides and places to eat. With a 16 hour drive, Im sure it will help.:)

Weve been in September and as Im sure you know, it gets hot and VERY humid. We just do afternoon break at room or pool from 2-5 pm to avoid the most brutal part of the day. You guys will LOVE LOVE LOVE Animal Kingdom Lodge! We hesitated for years to try it but once we did it took about 5 minutes of being inside the lobby and it was catapulted up our list of fav resorts. The sights and aromas that blast you when you walk in the lobby are unforgettable! Cant wait to see all your pics on your IG! Sorry for long post, just wanted to add my suggestions;)


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I just realized something else. Do you know when the last time my family went to WDW was? 9/18/2005. Seriously...we are like kindred spirits lol. I can't even believe the coincidence. We need to become best friends and meet up to get like matching tattoos to commemorate this vacation hahahahaha. I am even more excited for you now just because I know exactly what you are feeling. :D

hahahaha that's amazing!!!! =]


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Dont sweat it. Wife and I always make such big plans to be packed and have everything super organized and ready days in advance. "Its not gonna be like last time", is what we always tell each other, then when we are about two days out we realize that we did none of the things we planned on doing, lol. We have just learned to enjoy taking an afternoon and going around town getting the various things we need. My wife usually cant sleep the night before and just does ALL the packing from 7pm until about 3 am which is when we usually depart. Im like @lostpro9het in the sense that I can just throw my clothes in a suitcase and call it a day. My wife is on military organization level for packing and organizing. Im talking printed out lists, color coded suitcase tags, everything layed out and organized in the most efficient manner, then packed, unpacked and repacked. I just sleep until she wakes me.

We traveled with our nephews and niece since they were young ones and I can tell you from experience that bringing an Ipad or tablet with movies helps. You can buy a mount for the car headrest to hold the tablet in place. They go for about $20 at Wal Mart or cheaper on Amazon.
Also, I always load up a few podcasts and stand up comedy cd's for when Im driving so Ive got something to listen to. We love to play Disney podcasts as we get closer. It really gets you pumped up. is one of our favorites and you can even play it directly from their website on your phone. Theyve recently been doing a Q&A of every land in the parks and discuss all the rides and places to eat. With a 16 hour drive, Im sure it will help.:)

Weve been in September and as Im sure you know, it gets hot and VERY humid. We just do afternoon break at room or pool from 2-5 pm to avoid the most brutal part of the day. You guys will LOVE LOVE LOVE Animal Kingdom Lodge! We hesitated for years to try it but once we did it took about 5 minutes of being inside the lobby and it was catapulted up our list of fav resorts. The sights and aromas that blast you when you walk in the lobby are unforgettable! Cant wait to see all your pics on your IG! Sorry for long post, just wanted to add my suggestions;)

We actually did get our packing done this weekend! YAY!

thanks for tips! We are taking my ipad for the little one. She loves to play games, and it seems to keep her occupied for a LONG time!

I love seeing pictures of Akira!!! it's a bit of happiness in my day! :)
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Disney curse?!?!? OF COURSE, my daughter wakes up yesterday, super snotty runny nose. I am so paranoid this is going to spiral into something worse. I've been trying to keep her in a bubble (not really.. just joking) and she's still getting sick :-( I'm really hoping it's just allergies! She's in great spirits, and she's not running a fever, so that's good. I'm not going to lie, it's making the "we're leaving this week" Magic rub off a little bit. She had a HORRIBLE night last night. Up every hour, trying to breathe and coughing from all the snot. SIGH. Please send good vibes my way for a healthy tot!!!

In other news, we are 99% done with packing! We got it all done this weekend, and our luggage is all piled up on our love seat in the living room since Hubby is packing without me Friday morning. I want to make sure we don't lose any luggage. I honestly can't believe HOW much we have. We're driving in a Subaru Forrester (borrowed from my mom) and I hope everything fits! I drive an Impreza hatchback, so I KNOW we couldn't go in my car. :p

Anyway, that's all I've got right now. 4.5 days of work. I'm SO READY.


Well-Known Member
Disney curse?!?!? OF COURSE, my daughter wakes up yesterday, super snotty runny nose. I am so paranoid this is going to spiral into something worse. I've been trying to keep her in a bubble (not really.. just joking) and she's still getting sick :-( I'm really hoping it's just allergies! She's in great spirits, and she's not running a fever, so that's good. I'm not going to lie, it's making the "we're leaving this week" Magic rub off a little bit. She had a HORRIBLE night last night. Up every hour, trying to breathe and coughing from all the snot. SIGH. Please send good vibes my way for a healthy tot!!!

In other news, we are 99% done with packing! We got it all done this weekend, and our luggage is all piled up on our love seat in the living room since Hubby is packing without me Friday morning. I want to make sure we don't lose any luggage. I honestly can't believe HOW much we have. We're driving in a Subaru Forrester (borrowed from my mom) and I hope everything fits! I drive an Impreza hatchback, so I KNOW we couldn't go in my car. :p

Anyway, that's all I've got right now. 4.5 days of work. I'm SO READY.
She will be fine by the time you leave! She has 4 days plus a little more to get it out of her system. I know the feeling...I have been popping Halls' Defense drops and chugging Airborne for over a week now because my family has had colds since almost 2 weeks ago. I am actually taking my son to the doc today at 2:30...hoping it's not strep, but also knowing if it is he should be better by Thursday if I get the antibiotics started today :) You have waited too long for this will be great!!! :) :)


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She will be fine by the time you leave! She has 4 days plus a little more to get it out of her system. I know the feeling...I have been popping Halls' Defense drops and chugging Airborne for over a week now because my family has had colds since almost 2 weeks ago. I am actually taking my son to the doc today at 2:30...hoping it's not strep, but also knowing if it is he should be better by Thursday if I get the antibiotics started today :) You have waited too long for this will be great!!! :) :)

I'm hoping she will be okay!!! The last time she got like this she got a DOUBLE ear infection, which would be the worst timing EVER. She does seem to be pretty susceptible to allergies, and her poor little eyes have been all red, so I think that may be what it is. I have to admit, after jumping on here this morning, my excitement is climbing again!!! I hope you son doesn't have strep. I used to get it 3x a winter, and it was awful. However, if it is, those meds will have him feeling good pretty quickly!


Well-Known Member
Disney curse?!?!?...

When I first read this I read it as "Disney Cruise" and was all excited for you for a split second, then reality set in :(. Finger's crossed its just the changing of the seasons! We had a true first day of Fall for us yesterday, low in the high 40's and a high just barely making 70. So we opened the windows all day and turned off the central heat/air. This morning it was 41 out!! So we've got a couple stuffy noses in the house too.


Premium Member
She's in great spirits, and she's not running a fever, so that's good. I'm not going to lie, it's making the "we're leaving this week" Magic rub off a little bit. She had a HORRIBLE night last night. Up every hour, trying to breathe and coughing from all the snot. SIGH. Please send good vibes my way for a healthy tot!!!
Ive been at WDW with my sis and brothers kids when they got ill , but being in the parks had them so excited with the sensory overload that it seemed to subside the effects. Granted, night time at the hotel room was a bit rough, but the parks seem to be a good remedy to make them feel better! Im sure she will be ok by the time you leave though.


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I know she is a year old now but maybe this may still help. Have you tried the NoseFrida? It is AMAZING!! It is so much better than the bulb syringe. I know nasal congestion is what causes ear infections sometimes so maybe if you can keep it suctioned it might help. The NoseFrida is a life saver in regards to congestion. Basically you are using your mouth to suction out the snot with a tube but there is a filter so you won't get the snout in your mouth. Plus it is so much gentler than the syringe and you have much more control over the amount of suction. Some people think it sounds too disgusting to try but I wish I found it sooner when my son was a baby. They sell them at a lot of places for about $15...Target has them for sure and I think it's worth a try if her congestion is bad and she can't blow her nose yet.


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I know she is a year old now but maybe this may still help. Have you tried the NoseFrida? It is AMAZING!! It is so much better than the bulb syringe. I know nasal congestion is what causes ear infections sometimes so maybe if you can keep it suctioned it might help. The NoseFrida is a life saver in regards to congestion. Basically you are using your mouth to suction out the snot with a tube but there is a filter so you won't get the snout in your mouth. Plus it is so much gentler than the syringe and you have much more control over the amount of suction. Some people think it sounds too disgusting to try but I wish I found it sooner when my son was a baby. They sell them at a lot of places for about $15...Target has them for sure and I think it's worth a try if her congestion is bad and she can't blow her nose yet.
I actually have one!!! BUT, she won't let me get NEAR her with it! At all. So there is no chance of me getting it to work. I've tried many many times! I get so worried about the ear infection part of it, and only have a few days to decide if I should take her to the doctors or not. Considering it just started yesterday, I think I'm going to have to wait a few days.


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When I first read this I read it as "Disney Cruise" and was all excited for you for a split second, then reality set in :(. Finger's crossed its just the changing of the seasons! We had a true first day of Fall for us yesterday, low in the high 40's and a high just barely making 70. So we opened the windows all day and turned off the central heat/air. This morning it was 41 out!! So we've got a couple stuffy noses in the house too.

Oh I wish it said Cruise! We are in Maryland, and yesterday was a pretty chilly day for us as well, so was Saturday. It rained all day. I am hoping very hard it's jus the season switch. Of course we'll get back to Florida, and it'll be 100 again. So confusing on the body!

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