First Pregnancy @ WDW


New Member
Hello all! Could those of you who have been to Disney during their first pregnancies please tell me the good things about it.

I am not pregnant yet(I hope to be VERY soon!), however let me say that I am THRILLED with the idea of being at Disney during my first pregnancy. I just can't get past not being able to go on all the mountains.

Please advise...thank you! :)


Well-Known Member
Drink lots and be prepared for a slower pace. I hit "Dave's favorite ride" quite a bit during my pregnancy visit (aka the park bench). Also, you might want to bring along some of your favorite snacks to munch on.
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Premium Member
I went during my second pregnancy but was only 12 weeks along. It really depends on how far along you are, and if you have any morning/all day sickness on how you will feel on the trip. I was so early that my doctor said I could still ride all the rides, and I did! We had a great time, and the only things that were different for me were that I didn't have any yummy mixed drinks, and I was very tired and took naps mid day and was still ready for bed by 9. Even if u are furthur along and can't do some rides, there is still so many things to do! Just remember to not push yourself, get plenty of sleep/rest, and stay hydrated!
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Well-Known Member
I went twice when pregnant back in 08' The first time I didn't know we were expecting the second three months later and I was about 12-14 weeks.

Everything was fine. I had no issues, sure there were rides I couldn't go on and I had to take my time and breaks a little more often than normal. But for the most part I really enjoyed being able to look at things I hadn't taken time to do in the past. I saw things in a different light.


Take your time, go at a slower pace.
Take breaks..
Know where the restrooms are, and use the baby centers if you need to. They are great resting places.
Make sure to drink plenty of things.
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Well-Known Member
I was a little over 12 weeks pregnant when I went to Disney for the first time. I spoke to my doctor and like a previous posted said that since I was still so early one in my pregnancy that I could still ride all the rides, which I did! I did avoid ToT and RnRc. Both other then that, take it slow and drink plenty of water! I will say the heat really got to me especially in the morning when I was feeling a bit queezy! Know where the bathrooms are in case that happens to you. I found myself running for the bathroom quite a few times!!! Enjoy! :ROFLOL:
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Well-Known Member
Being a guy, I have no first hand knowledge, however....the last time I went, my wife and I went with my cousin and her husband. She (my cousin) was 3 months pregnant. Her doctor told her she could do everything as long as she felt OK to do it. We went to every park, including the water parks, and she went on every ride except for Mission:SPACE and Summit Plummet at Blizzard Beach (because she was too afraid to go on both).

Now her their son is almost 6 months old, and from the looks of him, he turned out just fine.
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Well-Known Member
I don't have any firsthand experience with being pregnant at WDW (we had to skip our trip this year due to scheduling issues *sniffle*), but I will say that as a currently-pregnant person, the things that I would have had to contend with the most (mostly during the first 12 weeks or so) would have been A) feeling queasy and B) feeling tired.

The exhaustion hit me like a ton of bricks very early in my pregnancy, and for a few weeks there I was basically ready for bed at about 9PM (or earlier, depending on how early I'd had to get up). This definitely wouldn't have kept me from having fun in WDW (could anything?!) but it would have been something I'd have had to take into consideration when planning. That, and the fact that basically nothing sounded good to eat. :hurl:
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I just came back a few days ago from my first trip to the world pregnant (2nd pregnancy however). I am just rolling into my 30th week. I didn't have any problems at all. I found out quickly that I couldn't go at my normal pace and had to keep telling DH not to walk so fast. I really didn't miss going on most of the thrill rides, as I knew we would be visiting again. I would try to avoid the very busy times as you probably would be uncomfortable on your feet waiting in long lines for the rides. Going when you are pregnant gives you an opportunity to do other rides and attractions you might not ordinarily do. As everyone else as said, make sure you stay well hydrated and if you need to sit, sit. Don't try to kill yourself and get everything done all at once. DH and I tried to get back to the resort to have a nap or relax in the afternoon and we would go back out in the evening when it was cooler. Good luck with everything!
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Well-Known Member
I went in June of 2008 at 6 months pregnant. I had a great time. Disney World is the best place to be food-wise. My advice is this. You can't be a WDW Commando when you are pregnant. Going when you are pregnant is great practice for going with an infant/toddler because you learn all types of new things to do. It teaches you a different pace and perspective.

Just don't ride it if you feel unsure. The parks will always be there. Your baby's health, as well as yours, isn't worth it.
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We went with my whole family of 17, and Tanya (3rd baby, age 35) was 3 months pregnant. She stayed off RRC and Space Mountain, but she even admitted she was just being cautious. (Which is your complete right as a mom!) But she did Splash and Thunder and ToT and felt just fine after - and everything was just fine! To me, just look at the ride, and think, Is this my absolute favorite? Am I worried it will do damage to the baby? If you think you'll be fine and it's your favorite - do it. If it's just so-so and you're worried - stay off. :)
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Mrs. Jobson

Active Member
I will be about 12 weeks when I go next month. I was wondering the very same thing. I think I am gonna take it real slow and take a lot of breaks and spend a lot of time at the pool! We had our first ultrasound yesterday and we are so excited. We even got to hear the heartbeat. This is our first pregnancy. Any other advice would be greatly appreciated.
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I am also pregnant, and will be so during our trip in September. This information is great. :D, and I would love to hear more.

I will be about 12 weeks when I go next month. I was wondering the very same thing. I think I am gonna take it real slow and take a lot of breaks and spend a lot of time at the pool! We had our first ultrasound yesterday and we are so excited. We even got to hear the heartbeat. This is our first pregnancy. Any other advice would be greatly appreciated.

Congratulations ladies! :) ;):wave:
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wife was 8 weeks on our 4/08 trip and her Dr. told her to stay off anything with the warning, obviously we knew the big stuff, but even Kilimanjaro Safari. We stayed away from a lot, good way to get used to it though if you return with a 1 year old, then with a 2 year old and so on and so forth, til your child is old enough to ride the good stuff!!! enjoy
p.s. I for one hate the baby rooms, they are always as far away as possible from where you are when you need one!!!
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New Member
The parks are absolutely magical pregnant or not! I have done many trips pregnant. And even at 7 1/2 months, I was able to enjoy almost all rides. Space Mtn, ToT, and Big Thunder were all wonderful- just stayed away from Mission Space and Rock and Roll that trip. It will all depend upon how you are feeling. It was hard to not get on and ride with my 7 and 4 year olds. Take your time and don't go at a race pace. And enjoy all of the moments on the benches "people watching". I also have always loved the serene moments stolen away in the baby centers. They are quiet, clean, and air conditioned. Best of luck and enjoy!!
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