First Piece of the Wand for sale on Ebay


Well-Known Member
Back off topic a second... Are the laws for using someone's image similar to those for libel (stay with me)? For defamation purposes, people are categorized in three categories: public, semi-public, and private. Private individuals have the most protection, and public individuals the least.

If there are similar laws for using someone's image, that would explain why Paris Hilton can't sue over her image being used, whereas you or I could. :shrug:
This is my understanding at least...I reedited my post however because my initial response came off offensive, and that wasn't what I intended. It is however my understanding that the categorization of people is what determines who has say in lawsuits regarding usage of individuals in pictures for financial gain. I have to be careful what I use in images at work for the same reasons. If a person is in a shot and they can't be cropped out and we don't have approval to use them, I have to blur their face completely out before making the image public.


New Member

Sorry if we offended any one, we just thought that was the best photo we had seen, ours are all at night and are not as the quality as merfs thanks surpluskingdom


Well-Known Member
The only reason I would buy that junk is to blow it up myself, otherwise it just looks like something I could buy at party supply store.


Well-Known Member
Sorry if we offended any one, we just thought that was the best photo we had seen, ours are all at night and are not as the quality as merfs thanks surpluskingdom
Considering that as stated in his signature:
"Warning: Anything I post, be it pictures or information, is not yours for the taking. Do not post it to other websites or forums."
The least you could have done was ask him if you could use his photo. Or did you do that?
Well, I guess you didn't.

Have you removed the photo yet, or asked permission to use it?

Well, the photo's still there... I will check with Merf.

Remember: Don't Mess with the merf!


Well-Known Member
$66 for 4 reflectors?!?!

With how many were on there, they're going to make a MINT. I'd only buy them to BURN them. Hold my own little "Year of a Million Dreams" ceremony. :fork: :ROFLOL:

BTW: The seller needs to remove Merf's photo from the auction (Unless Merf has given permission, which I doubt). A simple, barely legible apology isn't enough IMO.


Active Member
How do these buyers know these came off the wand?????? I mean you can probably get these at any arts and crafts store.:brick:. A fool and their money....
as of a couple weeks ago when they started removing the wand, you could find these laying on the ground when the park opened in the morning, they were also all over the wonder parking lot.


Booo....and nearly 100 dollars for that P.O.S is a rip off. In the near future I will be selling Mulch from Tom Sawyers Island for 11 dollars a hand full.

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