First night tradition???



Original Poster
Anyone besides me have a first night of your Disney trip tradition that you live by?

Every first night of the trip. I take a nice walk around the Marketplace. We always go to planet Hollywood for dinner, and have a couple drinks while we're there. Then, hit Planet Hollywood for a toast to another Disney vacation.

Anyone else got one?


Original Poster
It's a pic from the movie A Clockwork Orange. I saw that movie for the first time when I was about 21 and scared the heck out of me.

Then again, any movie by Stanley Kubrick will give me nightmares for months. :lookaroun
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Well-Known Member
Originally posted by joviacdan
It's a pic from the movie A Clockwork Orange. I saw that movie for the first time when I was about 21 and scared the heck out of me.

Ahhh, that movie lost me after about 15 minutes. I think it had been hyped up in my mind so much that I was expecting an immediate out of body experience or something. :lol:
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Well-Known Member
"A Clockwork Orange" scared me, too - for years, if the truth be told!

As I posted earlier, we usually go to Downtown Disney our first night - but a couple of times, we had annual passes. Those times, we immediately headed for the Magic Kingdom, took our family picture in front of the train station, took our annual picture of our kids with the Indian on Main Street, and then headed for Splash Mountain! And on our fist night, who cares how long the line is?!?:lol:
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Premium Member
We usually unpack. And then go to the pool and then go have a GREAT meal at Ohana! Sometimes we watch the electrical parade after that.

only about a year and a half left until disney! yay! :wave:
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Ping: disneytati

sorry to hijack this thread, but disneytati sent me a PM about no one in the IRC channel and I tried to reply to let her know she is on a split and just needs to reconnect to a different newnet server to see everyone, but here WDWmagic e-mail box is full and my reply was rejected. Hopefully she subscribed to this thread.. back to your regular thread...
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Well-Known Member
Our day goes like this: we leave at 3 am, and arrive WDW around 2pm. Check in and chill out for a couple of hours. Then we head to Wal-Mart and get a case of beer, cold drinks, snaks, and whatever else we forgot at home. Then we relax around the pool and get a good nites sleep.
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New Member
Re: Ping: disneytati

Originally posted by DisneyJedi
sorry to hijack this thread, but disneytati sent me a PM about no one in the IRC channel and I tried to reply to let her know she is on a split and just needs to reconnect to a different newnet server to see everyone, but here WDWmagic e-mail box is full and my reply was rejected. Hopefully she subscribed to this thread.. back to your regular thread...

Thanks a lot, jedi!!! You guys are really great friends!!!:D
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We leave the U.k.around 11.15.a.m U.K. time; the flight can take up to 9 hours -- all depends on the head winds. One year the was a thunder storm in Orlando so we were diverted to Jacksonville ,and then had to refuel!! Hopefully we get to Orlando International around local time.Then there`s claiming bags and going through immigration which can take nearly two hours!! Then off to car hire and a 40 minute drive to WDW. So when we arrive it could be around 6pm local which is 11pm U.K.time.We quickly un pack and find any where to eat as we`re all so tired. We then have to try not to go to sleep too early or else we`re awake around 4am the next day !!
Is it worth it ?? You bet we wouldn`t miss it for the world it is the best and only vacation to have.
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