First inside look at SGE!


New Member
I notice the Pod is completly different for the main attraction. In AE, the pod glass extended all the way out to the floor, for stitch, there seems to be a nice space between the glass and the floor (even though the glass isn't on display).

But those pictures have made me miss Alien Encounter Dearly.

Just think 4 attractions in about 33 or so years. That chamber has seen more changes than probably anything else at Disney.


Account Suspended
Kevin. (Although Im more than likely reading your post wrong) I dont think they can get any more of a comparison than what they have in there (Skippy, the X-S signs, the whole fact that most of the stuff inside is still the same (The seats mostly).

Again, Ill say it right now, more than likely Im reading your post wrong.
Wow, after all of these rumors I'm so amazed, and excited, to actually find out that 626 is real. Great pics btw. And the best part about it is...

Skippy survived!!!!!!!!!

I got so worried! So many sleepless nights! :sohappy:


Active Member
Ooooooooohhhhh.... COOL!

I got some strange looksthis past Saturday when I had my ear against the construction wall listening for Stitch... but I heard him a couple times!

Oh, and I actually saw a fewAlien Encounter pins still for sale in the Emporium.


Well-Known Member
aimster said:
Oh, and I actually saw a fewAlien Encounter pins still for sale in the Emporium.

I got another one at Star Traders a few months ago. It was even after the rehab of the store. I would grab some more if I could. They are selling pretty well on eBay.


Account Suspended
Hehe, yeah. I do that all the time just to listen to Stitch and get the weird stares.

I doubt that we'll ever see all of the AE pins sold. Seriously, because whoever didnt know about the ride (How you wouldn't is beyond me) wouldn't know what the pin stood for. Other than some kind of Encounter with an Alien.

Oh well.


Well-Known Member
IndyandMarion said:
Hehe, yeah. I do that all the time just to listen to Stitch and get the weird stares.

I doubt that we'll ever see all of the AE pins sold. Seriously, because whoever didnt know about the ride (How you wouldn't is beyond me) wouldn't know what the pin stood for. Other than some kind of Encounter with an Alien.

Oh well.

You could be right. All the other AE merchandise FLEW off of the shelves though. I was at WDW 2 months after closure and there was nothing left at the outlet stores except for a few action figures and about 10 T-shirts. You would think that pin would be gone by now too.


Premium Member
IndyandMarion said:
I doubt that we'll ever see all of the AE pins sold. Seriously, because whoever didnt know about the ride (How you wouldn't is beyond me) wouldn't know what the pin stood for. Other than some kind of Encounter with an Alien.

True....I find the pins everywhere and still wonder why they have 'em.


Account Suspended
Well youve got to figure it this way. Whoever wanted that pin, has it by now. And with a gagillion-million-zillion pins out there, I doubt one pin will jump out and say BUY ME DANG IT!

General Grizz

New Member
IndyandMarion said:
Well youve got to figure it this way. Whoever wanted that pin, has it by now. And with a gagillion-million-zillion pins out there, I doubt one pin will jump out and say BUY ME DANG IT!
I bought an AE mug, pen, keychain, Skippy, and Alien plastic toy from an outlet store back in the summer, but I'm sure it's all gone now. The cashier never thought they'd sell -- until now!


Account Suspended
This character corner store. Is it inside that big building next to that hotel? That discount shop or whatever it is?

I drove by that set of stores there and didnt see a shop or anything for it. Or did I just manage to miss it?


New Member
The WDW outlet shops are in an outlet mall between the Mary Queen of the Universe Shrine and Dolly Parton's show and I think the other one is in an outlet mall on International Drive but that may be the Universal Outlet. (I really really hate outlet malls).


Account Suspended
Ah, so that's were it is.

Everyone I talked to said that the store was over by the adidas store with the soccor ball and athelet shoe, oh well, guess I shall take a trip over to the store on EPCOT.........

er, Every Pay Check Comes on, Thursday. (For those who didnt know the joke)


New Member

"I notice the Pod is completly different for the main attraction. In AE, the pod glass extended all the way out to the floor, for stitch, there seems to be a nice space between the glass and the floor (even though the glass isn't on display)."

Actually Darkmeasures...the pod is actually the same. There was a 5-6 foot tall base that concealed lights and special effects and prevented guests in the first row from interfering with the special effects. There were actually sensors that surrounded the top of the base (approximately where you Stitch's feet are) that would E-stop AE if a guest "escaped" from the restraint and tried to touch the alien or the glass. The picture titled SGE4 shows a cylinder like box with two tubes coming out of it. The box actually contains a speaker that projected sound off of the glass and into the audience.

I opened AE when they reopened it with more intense special effects. It's truly amazing just how technologically advanced AE was. Another interesting tidbit (and SPOILER) intensify the effect of the alien landing behind your seat...the imagineers created an effect utilizing magnets that would bounce back and forth between two plates under each seat at a very rapid fast you couldn't even see them move. The movement would create a really intense THUD under each seat.



Well-Known Member
chris15358 said:
I opened AE when they reopened it with more intense special effects. It's truly amazing just how technologically advanced AE was. Another interesting tidbit (and SPOILER) intensify the effect of the alien landing behind your seat...the imagineers created an effect utilizing magnets that would bounce back and forth between two plates under each seat at a very rapid fast you couldn't even see them move. The movement would create a really intense THUD under each seat.


Thanks for that spoiler! I never knew how they did that. Thanks for revealing that little tidbit.

I miss it too, so you're not the only one :wave: And seeing these SGE pictures makes it that much worse. Oh well.


Account Suspended
Wow. That is pretty cool.

Oh and dx (although I really dont care for it). Gators would have had a chance had it not been for the officials. And you cant say "Yeah whatever" because the officials themselves said it was their fault with the clock situation. They might have had a chance if the officials wouldnt have screwed up./end drift


New Member
You're welcome...It was a great attraction to work at...Not as great as 20K but very close.

Another tidbit...unless you went on AE very shortly after the attraction opened the 2nd time you probably never saw one of the most dangerous special effects. In three locations of the theater there were metal rods that extended out and over the audience. When the alien was being teleported to Earth or sent back to his planet, these rods would shoot electromagnetic arcs of energy between each other creating "lightning." It was an amazing effect and while not dangerous for the guests it could have been dangerous for the cast member that performed as the "maintenance man" in the catwalks above the audience. Everytime we stepped onto or off of the catwalks we had to press a button that would deactivate or activate the rods. Soon after the attraction reopened they stopped using the special effect because it caused damage to the computers that controlled the attraction.

I know a number of members of this site have expressed dislike for AE, but it truly was the most unique attraction ever created by Disney. No guest would leave that attraction without saying that something was scary, or cool, or intense or exciting about the attraction.

Yes it may have scared some children...and even adults...but the attraction was designed to excite people. It wasn't designed as "just another kid's attraction"...and it certainly wasn't "just another clone." We should be delighted that Disney gives their imagineers the freedom to create attractions such as AE...And we should let Disney know that that type of freedom and imagination is what keeps us coming back to Disney!!!

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