's my turn!


Active Member
After all these months of saving money, asking questions, reading reviews, etc, it's finally MY turn!! This time tomorrow...we'll be on a plane! :sohappy:

It's been 7 years since my last trip to Disney! And it's my daughter and husband's very first trip ever! SOOOO excited! :D

Just hoping that the rain and storms pass and we have good weather!

My brain is mush right now...just hoping that I don't forget to pack something!


Naturally Grumpy
Have a wonderful time!
It will be almost like your first visit as well with the number of changes that have taken place.
We'll look forward to a good trip report.
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Well-Known Member
I know you'll have a great time. It was 8 years between trips for us, and there was so much new stuff, it was being there for the first time all over again. 87 more days and we're there for the 2nd time in 2 years!!
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Active Member

You must be there right now! :sohappy:

I hope, with all my heart, that you and your family are having a wonderful time! I'm sure you are!

On behalf of the many visitors who are only able to go once every several years: "I am there with you in spirit!"

Please let us know about your trip when you return!!!
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New Member
Hope you have a fun filled sunshine trip.
Say hi to Donald and tell em I'll see him in 7 days!!
But really Get some rest and get ready to have a great time!!
And I am very excited for your first timers as well!! Im taking someone (My Mom)
for her first WDW experience...better get out the Credit Cards..cause
we might have to stay a little longer. :)
:wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave:
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Craig & Lisa

Active Member
I can say this with out hesitation, even if it rains while I'm there, I'm not home or at work. And I always have a great time. As you will too no doubt. Alot has changed since you last trip so it will be a first time for all of you. Enjoy. 45 days till visit 17................... CAN'T WAIT :sohappy: :sohappy:
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