Trip Report Finally back home. That is my WDW home.

Magical greetings, my fellow Disney freaks!
Some of you will have followed my countdown and now the counting down is about to become a reality.
Where else does anyone understand our passion for all things Disney other than here on this site?
My friends are starting to understand that Disney is part of my life. I don't know what's happening most of the time in the real world but in the Disney world I know what's happening daily!
I am going to attempt live (well daily reports) throughout our stay using Disney wi fi either at the end or beginning of the day - well that's the plan but if it gets too much I may need to pick up on my return but I will let you know.

I am a PA for work so I do need to be organised but I feel a bit over planned for this trip in terms of fast pass etc. I just hope it hasn't affected queue times too much in the parks but will feed back my thought. At the moment I have embraced it. Whilst it was in use last year the old fast pass ticket machines were still there.

I will be in Disney every one of our vacation days. In some cases hours rather than days. So we will see who makes it through to the end with me!
I have lived through others trip reports and thought I would return the favour to those feeling the Disney blues. - welcome aboard.
I hope I can inspire some of you (lurkers) to join to comment like Nicole @prfctlyximprct did to me! I got so into her report that most of my friends know about her and Chris asked when she was coming to stay! (And she's just got back from another trip) so especially for you Nicole I hope this helps you with those Disney blues.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Enjoying your trip report. I share your love of POR. We stayed at the FQ then PO and the following year in 92 we were there for the Grand Opening of POR/Dixie Landings. We would stay in the fall for 2 weeks or so annually like you guys so you have made me ponder how many days over the decades we have stayed at the resort, it has to be up there too. I look at your photo's of your and know exactly where your are standing except for that tree with the snake. We always looked for the wild turtles.

Have fun today!

You should tot it up, I bet you would be surprised and we still call it Dixie Landings sometimes. Thanks for following

Still enjoying your report. Count me in on the chocolate fountain for breakfast! I will definitely tag you in on the pre- trip and trip reports when my sister and I run our Princess 5k race. We will be going in 2016 so I think registration will be this summer. Looking forward to more.

Yes definitely tag me so I can see your outfit and how you do. And nothing beats chocolate fountain or ice cream for breakfast. :)

Following along and very much enjoying your TR. Did not care for the dead photo, but loving everything else. My wife does the Princess half marathon every Feb., and she was Snow White last year. She made her own costume, but it did not turn out anywhere as nice as yours. She makes it so parts can be removed as they get annoying along the route, but no worries, she is still fully dressed underneath!
I admire your dedication to POR, but one of our favorite parts of going to WDW is staying at different resorts, both on and offsite. Over the past few years our only repeat has been Wilderness Lodge, which we love and is probably our favorite. Just went to AKL-Kidani for a week, back in Sept. And it may be our least favorite so far, but still enjoyed it and glad we stayed there once, but won't be picking it again. The savanna view was great, but the novelty of the animals outside your balcony wore off after a few days, and when they are not there, then it is just a view of a pasture.
Anyway, have a wonderful trip. Very kind of you to be patient during the golf outing. I try to do the same when SWMBO wants to go shopping, and we do visit multiple outlets while there.
Oh, I found a place where I can buy HP sauce anytime I want it.

Glad you are following along - when we were walking around the resort yesterday I actually was talking about you as I remember you mentioning part of your vacations was enjoying the resort and then up popped your name today! Spooky.......

Re my outfit It was purchased so I can't take any credit

Chris has just booked another golf session on Sunday so I am just working out what to do with myself as I really don't think I can go twice in the same holiday - think I could be going to a park alone?

And glad you have found HP sauce and hope it's not too expensive as I can bring some over if you're ever in the world in November :)

pixie dust actually falls? If not .. what a neat idea,....

It does in my Disney bubble I think it's pretty neat too.


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Original Poster
Monday 10th Nov cont........

Well we have had another full day. I have to admit normally when we go to Hollywood Studio's we are finished pretty early. Today we have spent ages there. In total around 8.5 hours.

The queues over the weekend and into today have been the busiest we have experienced in all our years coming in November. I am just hoping a lot of them go home tomorrow (excluding any WDW members (obviously!)
Maybe that's why things have taken longer today?

Our first stop was star tours, I thought I had fast passes for this but it turned out we were 4 hours early! Oops :oops: (then Chris remembered I changed the time in case we didn't get there early enough)
Oh well it was a 10 min queue as we had arrived early so it wasn't too bad.
I haven't done this ride for quite a few years as it made me feel sick so I let Chris go alone......

From here we paid Indy a visit.


After Indy we had a challenge to settle.
Not that we are competitive but we always try to beat each other where scores are involved so off to another fast pass TSMM. (And I got the time right on this one!)


After we got to our 2nd shoot out I realised that I was red and not blue I thought I was! The result of this was a win to Chris - he relished in the glory until I pointed out that he had still only scored 137,000 and less than my score a few days ago ;) - the challenge will continue for that highest score until the end of the holiday.

As you can see accuracy is not our strong point but it's the scores in our challenge that matter.


Then it was ice cream time - and we are still on track for 1 every day (although we did share this one so its kind of cheating)

Ice cream cookie sandwich with cookie and cream ice cream - yum yum


Then it was time for the star tours fast pass - and I had the time right this time.
By this point Chris had persuaded me to try this again, and so I did.
And I came off feeling fine, nothing like it was about 16 years ago when I last rode it. So Chris no longer has to go on the ride and say 1 when they ask "how many?" Blurry photo to prove it........


Then it was time for Lights, motors, action.
At this point it started to rain, not heavy but none the less it was raining. We expected this to be called off but the shower soon passed and the show started.
We missed this last year as we left it until the last minute to go and turned up on a day they didn't do any shows! But we made it this year!

And who doesn't try to capture perfectly that hero car jumping through the fire in the final scene?

Here is today's effort, still a bit too early.:(


As you can see in this picture the black clouds looked they were rolling in.


We left the park and headed back to the car on the tram. Now I know Disney provides transport but part of Chris's holiday in the US is driving - he loves it so I let him drive when he wants.

We jumped on the tram and took a selfie!


4 friends jumped on the tram on the seat in front of us and tried to take their own selfie so we popped our heads into their picture.
They were cracking up and the went on to try to take a selfie of everyone on the tram.

That's what I love about Disney everyone just wants to have fun and just emerses themselves in having a good time.

We also have a chuckle each time we get on the tram when they say "driver you are all clear" and the driver toots his horn. Back home we do this sometimes if we are in the car together. It just makes either one of us chuckle when we do it as it just makes us remember our time in Disney. It's the little things that get us through our Disney depression.

We got off the tram and "for the first time in forever" actually couldn't find the car - despite taking the row number etc. we did find it eventually but this hasn't happened to us ever in the 8 years we have had a car. Oh well it was fun looking for it! And we did find it in the end.

We stopped back at the room and then decided to go to Downtown Disney on the boat - it was a lovely journey down and we could see things have changed even though it was dark out.

We had a wander round, made a few purchases (of course) - no luck on my Alex & Ani bracelet yet though. I have seen loads of talk here on the forums so have decided it's on the "must have" list - i want a Belle one as Beauty and the Beast is my favourite film - the search is on!

Tomorrow we are off to Animal Kingdom & Magic Kingdom in the afternoon and into the evening for MSEP and Wishes.

Hopefully I will be able to update tomorrow at some point.
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Well-Known Member
So glad you are having a good time and it shows in each of you two's smiles. Yes, our trips are becoming more and more resort centered. We very much enjoy time spent at the resort. Our most recent trip we spent almost every morning at the AKL-Kidani fitness center and pool. We both read a novel and both relaxed and spent a lot of time snoozing poolside, then we would hop in for a cool off, maybe a trip or two down the water slide then back to the book.
We have had people ask us how we can go to WDW and not go to the parks every day. Easy, we like to relax. We could go to the beach and relax, and we do, but since we enjoy WDW so much, and have been going for some 30 years now, it is just nice to be able to relax there. After spending a nice day relaxing by the pool, we can then go out to eat at somewhere different, then go watch Wishes or Illuminations. Can't do that at the beach.
Do I think you could go to a park alone? Sure, I suppose. I tried it one time when my wife was feeling down. Went to Magic Kingdom when she insisted. She stayed in bed that day. I did go to MK, but only lasted a couple of hours, as it just was not the same without her. What about if you used that time alone to resort hop to see the Christmas decorations at the different resorts? You could visit several during the time it takes for 18 holes. Just a suggestion.
Looking forward to more smiling photos of your happy trip.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
So glad you are having a good time and it shows in each of you two's smiles. Yes, our trips are becoming more and more resort centered. We very much enjoy time spent at the resort. Our most recent trip we spent almost every morning at the AKL-Kidani fitness center and pool. We both read a novel and both relaxed and spent a lot of time snoozing poolside, then we would hop in for a cool off, maybe a trip or two down the water slide then back to the book.
We have had people ask us how we can go to WDW and not go to the parks every day. Easy, we like to relax. We could go to the beach and relax, and we do, but since we enjoy WDW so much, and have been going for some 30 years now, it is just nice to be able to relax there. After spending a nice day relaxing by the pool, we can then go out to eat at somewhere different, then go watch Wishes or Illuminations. Can't do that at the beach.
Do I think you could go to a park alone? Sure, I suppose. I tried it one time when my wife was feeling down. Went to Magic Kingdom when she insisted. She stayed in bed that day. I did go to MK, but only lasted a couple of hours, as it just was not the same without her. What about if you used that time alone to resort hop to see the Christmas decorations at the different resorts? You could visit several during the time it takes for 18 holes. Just a suggestion.
Looking forward to more smiling photos of your happy trip.

Like you say I don't think it will be the same without Chris - thanks for the suggestions I have a few days to think about it.
And plenty more smiles to come I am sure. It's funny that when I look back at our photos I always say we have sparkles in our eyes when in Disney - right now I am living that Disney Dream and soaking it all up.

Following along :) Great report!! Great pictures, great comments! So great everything! Thanks for the share!!

Thank you so much for the comments I really appreciate it. I followed your pre trip report and your trip report started just as I left.

All my time At the moment has been taken up writing this report so I have yours and a few other trip reports to read when I get home! (But I don't want to think about that right now!)
Thanks for following along


Well-Known Member
Just caught up with your report. You really are having a magical time at the parks. Congrats on the run, that is always a great accomplishment to complete. All the pictures are really great especially the ice cream ones.


Well-Known Member
It's funny that when I look back at our photos I always say we have sparkles in our eyes when in Disney - right now I am living that Disney Dream and soaking it all up.

Perfect quote about how Disney makes you feel- just gives you that extra sparkle when you're genuinely happy and relaxed, in your favourite place in the world. I know that happens to me! :)

Enjoying the report! :)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Just joining in! The ice cream sundae with the two cookies looked delish, I've never seen that one before. Anxiously awaiting for todays report.

Welcome onboard - the ice cream was delicious - I might even have another one before we go home! :)
Will be starting today's update shortly

Just caught up with your report. You really are having a magical time at the parks. Congrats on the run, that is always a great accomplishment to complete. All the pictures are really great especially the ice cream ones.

Thanks for following along there will certainly be more ice cream to eat and more photos to follow. I just love it here - I wonder if anyone will notice if I don't leave!

Perfect quote about how Disney makes you feel- just gives you that extra sparkle when you're genuinely happy and relaxed, in your favourite place in the world. I know that happens to me! :)

Enjoying the report! :)

Thanks, this certainly is my happy place - I just love it! We relax (despite waking up earlier than at home, walking more than we do at home and eating more than we do at home!) most friends don't get how this is a relaxing holiday but to us it is and that's all that matters.


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Original Poster
Tuesday 11th November

So, we were meant to be going to Animal Kingdom and Magic Kingdom today but ........ things changed this morning!
I was up again early and started checking out the planner, I decided that as it has been busy (and today's crowd level was higher than it should be tomorrow) we should go to Universal Orlando.
We always go to Universal twice each trip (a 14 day ticket cost us £222 each that's about $355 dollars)
This year we did debate not going as the price just seems to be rising, but with the new Diagon alley the temptation was too much.

We arrive at Universal Orlando around 9am and decided to go to Universal Studios first.
First ride was Minion Mayhem. Neither of us have seen the movie but the ride was fun and quirky.
The Transormers ride was posted a 10 min wait but it was a walk on, this ride is a lot like Spider-Man but fun all the same - the big transformers freak me out though, there is normally one you can have your picture with but I would be too scared to go near it and normally give it a wide birth. (Think this has something to do with the dreams about Giants I used to have when I was younger)

We then made our way towards the Harry Potter bits
Kings cross station and Leicester Square station are great replicas of the real thing. I could have been at home, except it's way warmer here and I was having more fun.



Before going into Diagon Alley we took a few pictures with our gorillapod messing about on the Knight bus.
We were getting comments of how much fun we were having from the passers by.
I think these photos prove it?!




After this we entered Diagon Alley - wow this is amazing, worth the entry money to the park alone.



I missed the fire breathing every time!

The Gringotts ride was posted at a 15 min wait (and this was at around 11am). This is a great ride - I loved it, so much so that we went round again.





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By this point we were hungry so we went to the leaky caldron for lunch.
Bangers and mash for Chris and toad in the hole for me. Now let me tell you the toad in the hole back home rises a lot more than this so don't be put off of this dish if you are American and ever come to the UK - it was nice but whoever makes the Yorkshire needs some training.



Then it was .... Yes you guessed it......... ice cream time!
Today it was a toffee apple swirl with shortbread crumble on top from Florean Fortescue's ice cream parlour.
It was very refreshing and even had toffee flavouring further into the centre. We did share though so we have still managed an ice cream a day but I am still behind in having 1 each every day! Note to self... Must try harder!


Chris then wanted to get the Hogwarts express, the wait time was 20 mins so we went for it.
It's pretty neat how you go through through to platform 9 3/4 - needless to say rather than walking through I took a big jump through!


As the sun was shining (and was the best we've seen for the last 3 days) we decided to walk back over to Universal on the way picking up a lemon ice. I always have to have one of these whilst here. It's a "must do" it's just so refreshing on a hot and sunny day.


Back in Universal we headed to Men in Black for our next challenge - the title of the highest score on this ride for this trip.
I got 328,600 and Chris got 234,750. I win again!
What was so amusing was the guy next to me was really trying to shoot everything, he was all over the place, I saw him keep looking at my score and I think he was probably a little disappointed when he ended up with about 35,000 whilst his 8 year old son got 51,800 and the woman next to him (me!) got sooo much more than him - beaten by a girl! Ha ha.

After this we decided it was time to leave as I had a fast pass for 7DMT at Magic Kingdom I didn't want to miss (just because!)

We drove home, dropped the car off and literally headed straight out to the bus stop. At this point our fast pass had already started!
We arrived at Magic Kingdom at 4.40pm and my fast pass was valid until 5.05pm, we had made it!
We then headed to Tomorrowland Speedway for our 2nd fast pass.


We then went on the people mover but had to queue(see comments later down re this)

We then found a spot by the castle to watch Anna & Elsa freeze the castle.
I always think the castle looks so lovely covered in icicles.



Magic Kingdom was crazy busy - we queued, for the people Mover, I don't think I have ever queued for that!
Soon after the castle was transformed an announcement was made to say the park was opening a further 2 hours tonight so it would stay open until midnight, not a surprise given the crowds
I don't do well in crowds, that's why I come in November. I like an atmosphere and understand that I would never get the park to myself but it was just ridiculous tonight.
Our final fast pass was POTC and I told Chris we were leaving and not going to do it!
He persuaded me to stick with it so we joined the Pirates before calling it a night in the parks.
No wishes and no MSEP, it was just too busy and it's not like I haven't seen it before.

In comparison Universal Orlando was a dream today. I can't believe I am saying that the Disney freak that I am but I really enjoyed my day out with no planning and the wait times were great.

The plan for tomorrow is Animal Kingdom AM and then Hollywood Studios PM - let's see if that's what happens and fingers crossed for lower crowds!

Thanks for following along
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Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I am a dual fan too of both Disney and Uni!!!

I love your comment: Kings cross station and Leicester Square station are great replicas of the real thing. I could have been at home. That says a lot to how Uni has stepped it up with their imagineering!

Can't wait to see if you stick to your plan for tomorrow. Have fun!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I am a dual fan too of both Disney and Uni!!!

I love your comment: Kings cross station and Leicester Square station are great replicas of the real thing. I could have been at home. That says a lot to how Uni has stepped it up with their imagineering!

Can't wait to see if you stick to your plan for tomorrow. Have fun!
The theming in Uni is amazing.
Glad that you are still following along.
And one thing is for sure we WILL have fun. Thanks


Well-Known Member
Great day at Universal, thanks for sharing that. My family hasn't seen the new parts of Harry Potter yet. Again a wonderful picture of ice cream, look so delicious. Following along.

Minnesota disney fan

Well-Known Member
Love your reviews:) Thanks so much. I don't feel so weird for loving Disney so much at a much older than you age! We arrive nov. 18th to POR. Will you still be there? If so, I will say Hi to you and Chris!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Great day at Universal, thanks for sharing that. My family hasn't seen the new parts of Harry Potter yet. Again a wonderful picture of ice cream, look so delicious. Following along.

Glad you're still with me and we did have a fun day. The theming over there is amazing.

Love your reviews:) Thanks so much. I don't feel so weird for loving Disney so much at a much older than you age! We arrive nov. 18th to POR. Will you still be there? If so, I will say Hi to you and Chris!

You are Never too old for Disney and don't let anyone tell you otherwise
We are leaving on 21st so yes we will still be here - make sure you say hi if you see us. You could then even feature in this trip report! Thanks for reading


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
What a great Tuesday! Cant wait to hear about today. You two look like you are having so much fun!!! Wish I was there.

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