Favorite WDW Quote!


New Member
"please watch your head and step and if you forget to watch your head and step, please watch your language, this is a family cruise"
from jungle cruise! woohoo!!


Well-Known Member
Is this Haunted room actually stretching? Or is it your imagination, hmmm? And condsider this dismaying observation, this chamber has no windows, and no doors. Which offers you this chiling challenge, to find A WAY OUT! HAHAHAHAHHAHA!!!!!

Of course, there's always my way...


Now, I will raise the safety bar, and a ghost will follow you home, kindly watch your step please, watch your step...


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by mrtoad
Is this Haunted room actually stretching? Or is it your imagination, hmmm? And condsider this dismaying observation, this chamber has no windows, and no doors. Which offers you this chiling challenge, to find A WAY OUT! HAHAHAHAHHAHA!!!!!

Of course, there's always my way...


Now, I will raise the safety bar, and a ghost will follow you home, kindly watch your step please, watch your step...

Just a follow up on this. I also like when things are not said. When I was a kid and we were at the HM. There were 2 teenage girls who got in the car in front of ours. One of the cast members at the load line got into their doombuggy. I remember when we got off the ride they were speaking to their friends who were in another car. The guy never said a word to them the whole trip. He just stared forward.

I think that is excellent. It must take a lot of self control to not smirk when you are working that ride. I could not do it, I know that for sure.


New Member
I would have to say my favorite quote is from Muppet Vision 3-D when Kermit askes the two old men (sorry I forgot their names) why they are there and they reply something like, "We entered a contest... and lost!!"


New Member
Oh man, I love this thread! I have a lot, many of the ones already mentioned. But one that hasn't been mentioned that I really like, is the spiel said right before riding BTTMR....

"Hold on to your personal belongings - especially 'them hat 'n' glasses, 'cause this here's the wildest ride in the wilderness!"

and "It's a great big beautiful tomorrow!"- I will have that song in my head practically all day after I ride COP each time. lol

Oh and I also love "Deeeaadddd mmeeeennnn telllll nooooo taaaalleeeessss!" That makes me feel I am back home....
Originally posted by Nansafan
"Zip a dee do dah Tip for Today".

Good One, I always hear that waiting for the Bus At Grand Fla

My Favorate....."That over there is an ignious rock...but some people take it for granite"-Jungle Crusie


Well-Known Member
First off, the two old men are named Statler and Waldorf... and now on to my fav. quotes

1) I love the closing speil from the Comedy who what Wherehouse.. discontinue use if rash occurs, except in nebraska... and the like

2) Kongaloosh!

3) The theater was born


Active Member
My fav as of late is the one from AE -

If it can't be done with X-S, than it shouldn't be done at all

I hesitate to put actual " " around that, 'cause I'm not positive that I quoted it correctly :confused:

Can anyone help me out with the actual line please?


Well-Known Member
Like everyone else practically I love that monorail spiel...always brings a big :D to my face when I hear it

Also, there's another one that I like, but it freaks me out kinda...not like "I'm gonna have nightmares" but it's the way the quote is being said...now let's see if I remember it right...

"Hurry baaack, hurry baaaack, please make sure to bring your DEATH certificate"- Little Leota

ok now that I look at it I know I have it wrong and probably missing stuff so anyone feel free to correct me :hammer:...but you get the point...the way that quote is said...::chills:: ooh lol


Active Member
I thought of another couple. While on TTA:

Please keep all forward facing tentacles in the vehicle...

and of course,

Paging Mr. Morrow, Mr. Tom Morrow, your party from Saturn has arrived. Please give him a ring.


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Original Poster
I have another one from Jungle Cruise as well...... "These beautiful Amazonian butterflies are known for their amazing colors and size, many of them have wingspans of 1 foot and some have been known to grow 12...........inches." And also when you disembark the boat...."Ladies and gentleman thank you for riding the Jungle Cruise, watch your head and step as you exit and remember, enjoy the rest of your day here at the happiest place on earth.....until 9:00 when it closes." LOL it gets me everytime!!!:sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by cymbaldiva
My fav as of late is the one from AE -

If it can't be done with X-S, than it shouldn't be done at all

I hesitate to put actual " " around that, 'cause I'm not positive that I quoted it correctly :confused:

Can anyone help me out with the actual line please?

"If something can't be done with X-S than it shouldn't be done at all. Now I know that some critics have implied that we are interested in the Earth soely for commercial reasons, for profit. But I believe that we have an important obligation to help less fortunate planets upgrade their technologies, profit is simply a byproduct we've learned to live with. So join with me now won't you, and together we can "Sieze The Future With X-S"

I am pretty sure that is right. I'm copying that from memory so I might have missed a word or two. But I believe I got it :)


Well-Known Member
My friend and I love saying "Docta Marsh" from the Dinosaur queue, of course, after saying it for awhile, it became old, so now its "dadadadocta Mwarsh" hehehe....

I also love the horrible accent lady from MS, and he nasaly self


So hard to pick. A couple favs:

"Your cadaverous palor betrays an aura of forboding..."

"In the future, packages will be sent large distances on beams of light."

"Like a grand and miraculous spaceship, our planet has sailed through the universe of time. And for a brief moment, we have been among its many passengers."


New Member
My favorite two have to be...

"You can't run away from trouble....'aint no place that far." from Splash Mountain


"When hinges creak in doorless chambers and strange and fritening sounds echo through the halls..." from Haunted Mansion

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