Favorite WDW Quote!


New Member
"Flash photography? I wouldn't. It interferes with the homing beacon, and that's not good."
Dr. Seeker in the CTX pre-show


New Member
On the ToT...

"You are the passengers on a most uncommon elevator about to ascend into your very own episode of...The Twilight Zone. One stormy night long ago, five people stepped through the door of an elevator and into a nightmare. That door is opening once again, and this time it's opening for you. You are about to discover what lies beyond the fifth dimension...beyond the deepest, darkest corner of the imagination...in the Tower of Terror."

It send's warm, happy chills through my body just reading it!


Here are a few of my favorites:

It's a tribute to all nations, but mostly ours" -Sam Eagle, Muppet Vision

"Over to your right is a gorilla playing with a crocadile. That's something you don't see everyday, but I do, every 10 minutes....The moral of the story: stay in school!" - Jungle Cruise skipper

Also if anyone has been on the simulator ride at the Luxor in Las Vegas there is one of the funniest lines in the pre show. It is funny because it is so odd if you catch it. After you take the "elevator" down into the earth you are briefed about going to get the obilisk (sp?) and escaping to the surface of the earth. The guide on screen is talking to a group of riders about safety and health conditions. He then sees a women who is pregnant and pulls her aside and says "If your pregnant, you already know you shouldn't be down here" and pushes her to the side so she can't ride. But in the context of the story that would be leaving her down there to probably die! I don't know if I explained it well, but if you see it you will understand how odd it is. Sorry for going a bit off topic.


New Member
Originally posted by PuertoRekinSam
First off, the two old men are named Statler and Waldorf

Thanks! :wave:

I have to add some more quotes too:

"We wants the red head!" PotC
The quote in my signature from SE
"Make it a stretch, on second thought you better make it a super stretch." -or something along those lines - RnR


New Member
Love the monorail quotes too. But the one I hate and makes me sad is: "If this concludes your visit to the MK, thank you for coming and we hope we'll see you soon..." :cry: Specially if you are leaving the world.


New Member
And now, the Magic Kingdom proudly presents, in a million points of musical light, the magic worlds of Disney...in SpectroMagic!"

"Welcome, foolish mortals, to the Haunted Mansion."

"You unlock this door with the key of imagination, beyond it is another dimension, a dimension of sound, a dimension of sight, a dimension of mind, you are moving through a land of both shadow and substance of things and idea, you have just crossed over into...the twilight zone!"


Well-Known Member
Ooh thanks for reminding me of ToT and RnRC...the whole library scene in ToT gives me chills too...the story gives me more chills than the ride itself :lol:

and RnRC i love the pre-show esp when Steven Tyler says- "To the forum! ::screech::"...gotta love Aerosmith :D


Premium Member
The entire TTA spiel is the best.......

Favorite AE Quotes-

"If it cannot be done with X-S then it simply shouldn't be done at all!"

"Prepare yourselves for an unforgettable encounter!"

"People of earth, please do not scream!......"

"Tomorrow's Horizons are here today!"----HORIZONS

"Do not pull down on the lap bar, please. I will lower it for you."----THE HAUNTED MANSION

"Honey, I shrunk the audience."-Wayne Szalinski, HONEY I SHRUNK THE AUDIENCE

"Chart your course through the arches, mateys! It'd be a short walk through the old fortress, past the dungeons to Pirates Cove! Pirates Cove, pirates cove! There be long boats waitin' to take ya aboard! All hands on deck, we sail with the tide!"---Parrot outside PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN

"Boy, i'm tired! I think i'll head over to the Hall of Presidents and take a nap."---Iago, THE ENCHANTED TIKI ROOM-UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT

And there's so much more...............


"Profit is simply a biproduct that we've learned to live with."
-Chairman Clench, Alien Encounter

"The best part about the future is that it's just beginning!"
-Father, Horizons

"If we can dream it, we can do it! And that's the most exciting part."
-Father, Horizons

"Tomorrow's Horizons are here today!"
-Mother, Horizons

"Like a grand and miraculous speceship, our planet has sailed the universe of time; and for a brief moment, we have been among its many passengers."
-Narrator (Jeremy Irons), Spaceship Earth

"You are about to discover what lies beyond the fifth dimension: In the deepest, darkest corners of the imagination-in the Tower of Terror"
-Narrator (Rod Sterling), The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror

"Make it a stretch...no, make that a super-stretch."
-Manager, Rock 'n' Roller Coaster Starring Aerosmith


Active Member
Originally posted by dxwwf3
"If something can't be done with X-S than it shouldn't be done at all. Now I know that some critics have implied that we are interested in the Earth soely for commercial reasons, for profit. But I believe that we have an important obligation to help less fortunate planets upgrade their technologies, profit is simply a byproduct we've learned to live with. So join with me now won't you, and together we can "Sieze The Future With X-S"

I am pretty sure that is right. I'm copying that from memory so I might have missed a word or two. But I believe I got it :)


Thanks man!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by DDuckFan130
Ooh thanks for reminding me of ToT and RnRC...the whole library scene in ToT gives me chills too...the story gives me more chills than the ride itself :lol:

and RnRC i love the pre-show esp when Steven Tyler says- "To the forum! ::screech::"...gotta love Aerosmith :D

I only have ridden RnRC twice, it was the day we left last time.

If I remember it was LA, so I would assume when he says forum he means the arena. Wonder if they will change that since it is now gone. At least I think it is gone, I know the Lakers (whom I hate) now play at the Staples Center.


New Member
This is a little off topic, but it's been driving me crazy for some time now. The woman that plays Aerosmith's "manager" in that sequence....is she the same woman who is in TLC's "What Not to Wear" show? I recently caught that show and thought she looked so familiar. Then realized why, and it's because she reminds me of the manager in RnR. Does anyone know?? :veryconfu :D


Active Member
Have you ever seen the movie "To Die For"?

The woman who plays the manager is definately in that! The only reason I remember that is that the first time I experienced RnRC I thought " Hey...That's that woman that was in 'To Die For' with Nicole Kidman!"

I don't know the actress's name ....and I'm nearly positive that she's not on "What Not to Wear" - LOVE that show though! :sohappy:


Originally posted by GrumpysGal
This is a little off topic, but it's been driving me crazy for some time now. The woman that plays Aerosmith's "manager" in that sequence....is she the same woman who is in TLC's "What Not to Wear" show? I recently caught that show and thought she looked so familiar. Then realized why, and it's because she reminds me of the manager in RnR. Does anyone know?? :veryconfu :D

I am not positive, but I am almost sure that the woman in the preshow is Illeana Douglas. She has been in various movies and TV shows. Here is a link to her profile on IMDB.com:


Adding this...she is in To Die For, her character is Janice Maretto


New Member
Oh man....but they sound and look so much alike! Thanks for clearing it up for me though!! I will sleep better now knowing that. LOL :D


Active Member
Originally posted by disneywy
I am not positive, but I am almost sure that the woman in the preshow is Illeana Douglas. She has been in various movies and TV shows. Here is a link to her profile on IMDB.com:


Adding this...she is in To Die For, her character is Janice Maretto

:( Your answer was wayyy better than mine was...

I got the "To Die For" part right though! :D


New Member
Originally posted by GrumpysGal
Oh man, I love this thread! I have a lot, many of the ones already mentioned. But one that hasn't been mentioned that I really like, is the spiel said right before riding BTTMR....

"Hold on to your personal belongings - especially 'them hat 'n' glasses, 'cause this here's the wildest ride in the wilderness!"

I totally forgot about this one- I would definitely agree! :)


New Member
Originally posted by Joalovar
Love the monorail quotes too. But the one I hate and makes me sad is: "If this concludes your visit to the MK, thank you for coming and we hope we'll see you soon..." :cry: Specially if you are leaving the world.

I'd have to agree with this one, too. And they say something about we hope you have enjoyed your stay and will return home safely. This almost made me :cry: one time!

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