Favorite WDW Quote!


Well-Known Member
I can't remember this one exactly...

Waldorf: "Wanna get something to eat before the next show?"

Statler: "We can't you old fool! We're bolted to the seat!"



New Member
Here's a funny Jungle Cruise line (I don't know if I'm quoting correctly): "Ladies and gentlemen, you have now seen the backside of water!"

In the elephant pool- "It's ok, they're all have their trunks on"


New Member
I don't remember if GE still sponsers Illuminations: ROE, but I used to love walking around world showcase and hearing that mystical voice say....

"Because GE brings good things to life, in just five minutes you will experience Illuminations: Refelections of Earth"

I also love...

"Next time you check into a hotel, just remember what sort of vacancy you are filing." --Tower of Terror


New Member
Original Poster
Jungle Cruise- "Ladies and gentleman you have now seen the back of the falls and it....amazingly....looks exactly like the front."
-scene with the tribe men dancing in circle in hut- "Here are the natives doing their ancenstral dance of having to go to the bathroom badly."


New Member
Originally posted by gregburg
From an EPCOT boat captain: "You all know what EPCOT stands for right?" "EPCOT - Every Person Comes Out Tired"

:lol: :sohappy:

We had a bus driver one time tell us EPCOT stands for "Employees Pick-up Checks On Thursdays".


New Member
yeah we heard the "Every Paycheck Comes On Thursday" one...since my best friend and I always get our paychecks on Wednesdays, we have forever re named Epcot as Epcow lol ...just one of our wierd little tradition thingys that keep it so entertaining :)


New Member
I have two favorites. The first from Snow White's Scary Adventures:

"Step out to the left, please. Please step out to the left. When the car comes to a stop, step out to the left."

And the second from Muppet-Vision 3-D when Sam Eagle is explaining the rules of the show and he says:

"Not moving to the end of the row is very unpatriotic"


Originally posted by egionet
And the second from Muppet-Vision 3-D when Sam Eagle is explaining the rules of the show and he says:

"Not moving to the end of the row is very unpatriotic"

My friends and I love when he says that! We also will say it when we go to ITTBAB and other shows that require people to walk down a row. People will look at us very weird if they hear us, but we just get a kick out of it. It is especially good to say at the American Adventure ;)


New Member
Originally posted by Nansafan
Check out my signature...

"Please watch your headnstep."

Where exactly is your "headnstep"?

I joined wdwmagic a couple of days before I left to go to WDW this year. After reading your signture I was curious because I had never noticed the headnstep thing. So while I was down there I made sure to ride the monorail and listen for it. This sounds geeky, but I got really excited as soon as I heard the words. The person I was with just looked at me like I was nuts!:hammer:
Anyway, one more quote: "Now, the people on the left hand side of the tram are going to get wet..." (Everyone on the right hand side start to point and laugh) "...but the people on the right hand side are gonna get soaked!" (now left hand side start to laugh and cheer!):lol:


Who woulda thunk it? I'm quoting the UoE:

Ellen: Wait. It's not even over. It gets really weird from here. Now some person I don't even know reminds me there's no eating, drinking, smoking, or flash photography allowed in my dream.

Cast Member: Ladies and gentlemen, there's no eating, drinking, smoking, or flash photography in Ellen's dream.


Active Member
Originally posted by TinkRBell427
I joined wdwmagic a couple of days before I left to go to WDW this year. After reading your signture I was curious because I had never noticed the headnstep thing. So while I was down there I made sure to ride the monorail and listen for it. This sounds geeky, but I got really excited as soon as I heard the words. The person I was with just looked at me like I was nuts!:hammer:
Anyway, one more quote: "Now, the people on the left hand side of the tram are going to get wet..." (Everyone on the right hand side start to point and laugh) "...but the people on the right hand side are gonna get soaked!" (now left hand side start to laugh and cheer!):lol:

My dad always had the really bad jokes, example
Dad: where are you going?
Me: nowhere special, i'll be around
Dad: that's good, better than being a-square

Dad: go get me the hammerfor
Me: what's a hammer for.
Dad: pounding in nails.

Dad: John, I bet you're glad your name is John. (to my brother)
John: Why is that?
Dad: Well, that's what everybody calls you.

You get the idea.

Anyway, that headnstep thing is a family joke reminiscent (sp?) of my dad's humor. He never got to WDW but I know he'd have loved it.

I'm glad you like it. "Watch your headnstep" can be heard other places as as you exit attractions also.


I just remembered another great one.... It is from Its Tough To Be a Bug after the audience is sprayed with 'acid' and Flick comes out and says:

'Oh my! I am sorry about that. I hope nobody is allergic to acid?"

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