Favorite part of Fantasmic??


New Member
My favourite part of Fantasmic: 1) when you see Mickey for the first time (because the whole arena goes completely crazy) and 2) when Mickey appears on top of the Mountain at the end of the show.

:hammer: :hammer: :hammer:


New Member
My favorite part is when mickey magically appears on center stage right after he is on top of the mountain. I also like the music at the pocahontas scene.


New Member
I'd have to say the entire show is my fav. I saw the show three times while I was there, and it amazed me every time! That show is always going to be something special to me. I've been a writer since I was 14. I loved to write. Big into screenplays, but a few years ago the well dried up and I hadn't even been able to type or write a letter, let alone a whole screenplay. But Fantasmic provided me with just the right shot of juice I needed to get the flood gates open!

And thank you to all the hellos and welcomes! I appreciate it gang!


I love the "Steamboat Willie" part at the end. In all my years of going to WDW I had never seen a black and white Mickey. In fact, I had never seen Mickey as Steamboat Willie.


New Member
Originally posted by goofyfan13
From the Steamboat part to the end just gives me absolute chills!

my thought exactly! this is the mother of all grand finales anywhere!

(and i know it wasnt part of the question) but my least favorite part -which is hard to pick since i LOVE this show- is the water/projected clips of disney films part, i think they drag it on for just a little too long...


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
wow... I cant believe I missed this thread...

Oh.. My fav part of Fantasmic is getting kneed in the back by obnoxious kids not being controlled by there parents... Oh Oh, and I have another one... then, when the mom stands up to go to the wash room.. and she kicks you in the back!.. Wow! Fun times...:lol: *cough sarcasm cough* ;)

My Fav part is when the dragon hocks the big flame loogie into the lagoon and sets it ablaze. :D


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by DMC-12
wow... I cant believe I missed this thread...

Oh.. My fav part of Fantasmic is getting kneed in the back by obnoxious kids not being controlled by there parents... Oh Oh, and I have another one... then, when the mom stands up to go to the wash room.. and she kicks you in the back!.. Wow! Fun times...:lol: *cough sarcasm cough* ;)

My Fav part is when the dragon hocks the big flame loogie into the lagoon and sets it ablaze. :D

You forgot...when you get up to go buy some food or something...you come back and the kids that were originally sitting on laps...are now in your seats...and of course it's a night that's completely filled...


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by WDWFREAK53
You forgot...when you get up to go buy some food or something...you come back and the kids that were originally sitting on laps...are now in your seats...and of course it's a night that's completely filled...

Or...when the kids sitting behind you are eating turkey legs... and some how... you get little chunks of turkey leg meat in you hair... but , you dont notice it till you get back to your room...:hurl: :lol:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by DMC-12
Or...when the kids sitting behind you are eating turkey legs... and some how... you get little chunks of turkey leg meat in you hair... but , you dont notice it till you get back to your room...:hurl: :lol:

that's Brent's fault :lookaroun

OH OH OH...what about when the kid next to you is spinning those stupid light things around and thinks it's funny to get a reaction out of you by hitting your knee with it as much as he can (accidentally of course :rolleyes: ) I just have to say...WATCH THE FREAKIN' SHOW! :lol:


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by WDWFREAK53
that's Brent's fault :lookaroun

OH OH OH...what about when the kid next to you is spinning those stupid light things around and thinks it's funny to get a reaction out of you by hitting your knee with it as much as he can (accidentally of course :rolleyes: ) I just have to say...WATCH THE FREAKIN' SHOW! :lol:

Or... when your friend buys one of those things for $20 bucks... you twirl and it has words on it... And he decides to program naughty words and phrases in it...lol ;) (he was tempeted but I stopped him...:lol: ) .

Ultra Magnus

New Member
Originally posted by DMC-12
Or... when your friend buys one of those things for $20 bucks... you twirl and it has words on it... And he decides to program naughty words and phrases in it...lol ;) (he was tempeted but I stopped him...:lol: ) .

Why do I get the feeling you have some...issues with the kids in the audience? :lol:

Must admit, turkey leg bits in the hair sure sounds gross.:hurl:


New Member
Originally posted by BigNorm
I love the "Steamboat Willie" part at the end. In all my years of going to WDW I had never seen a black and white Mickey. In fact, I had never seen Mickey as Steamboat Willie.

OH NO!! You've NEVER seen Steamboat Willie! That's a Disney Classic! That was the first ever cartoon with Mickey Mouse. It's in Black and White because it was too old to be made in color. I have a screensaver with part of the cartoon on it. Here's a link to the screensaver download. It's totally safe ( I got it off the Disney site) http://disney.go.com/desktopstop/characters/classic/screensavers/index.html

It is the first screensave on your left!:sohappy: :D


New Member
Originally posted by BigNorm
I love the "Steamboat Willie" part at the end. In all my years of going to WDW I had never seen a black and white Mickey. In fact, I had never seen Mickey as Steamboat Willie.

Oops. I assumed you've never seen the film but I think you meant the character in the park right? But actually the MAgic Kingdom used to show Steamboat Willie in the theater they once had on mainstreet. Before they turned it into a giftshop. :mad:
But the giftshops sell merchandise with steamboat willie on it. So, I guess Willie was there in the form of profit and not character.
;) I love the whole show, it definitely is too hard to pick one part. But I do love the part where the villians are about to overcome Mickey. I think it is Jafar that says 'its time to say goodbye to mickey'. Not that I like the bad guys. But it just shows how thorough the show is that all the villians have a threat directed right at Mickey. And you know from that point on that the show gets better and better as Mickey and imagination fight back!


Well-Known Member
my fav. part is when the cannon goes off at the beginning of the pocahontas part and everyone jumps...but when mickey makes his first appearance and you hear everyone go crazy, thats priceless.


New Member
I think the funniest part of Fantasmic is during the Pocahontas scene and the guy yells "Look, it's John Smith!". That is just such a generic, non-fear-inspiring name that it makes me laugh every time. :)
I'm also inclined to giggle at the "Look, it's John Smith" remark.
It's also the name of a brand of lager over here too, so that makes it all the more hilarious. I would have enjoyed it even more if a large pint of lager appeared at the top of the mountain :lol:

Now I am sounding like a typical British alcoholic!!

Anyone else find any other parts amusing?


New Member
My favorite part in thr Princess medley....it gives me chills everytime.... and of course the grand finale with all the characters....Pure Disney Magic!!!!!:wave:

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