Favorite Disney world snacks that you have to have?


New Member
Ok..... 5days/2hrs/40min left till we leave.... (breath Laney, breath) :eek:

I have heard that the "Dole Whips" are a must..... and I did see a pic on here the other day of some type of strawberry swirl icecream? Was that a Whip? Where do you find these?

And what are your favorite snacks that you just have to have while at Disney world? What park and where are they located?
I'm all about indulging on vacations...... So tell me all about it! :slurp:

(and if there was a previous thread about this, I apologize!)


New Member
70 days and counting for us to be back down there!<O:p</O:p

The caramel apples from Disney's Candy Cauldron at Downtown Disney are a must for us, also the turkey legs

Oh man does those sound good right now.<O:p</O:p

I think but am not sure that a Dole Whip is a pineapple smoothie type thing. I have been down there 9 times and never had one. I will have to make a attempt to find one this year.<O:p</O:p

Have a great trip
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Well-Known Member
We won't arrive in the World until August, but thats Ok because I cook my favorites here at home. I've never had a Dole Whip in WDW (we just never seem to get around to it), but I've made my own and they are yummy.

Check this out for the what & where to find them in WDW...


For my my must haves are hot dogs at Casey's and chocolate chip cookies from the Main Street bakery.

And there has been another thread not too long ago, but so what!
Lets get that list going again! :wave:
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Well-Known Member
I think the cherry danishes are perfect. I only eat cherry danishes at WDW, I cannot stand the taste and cherry texture of them elsewhere.

And how could pass up a Mickey Premium Icecream. :slurp:
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Well-Known Member
The dole whips, Mickey Ice Cream and our new favorite is the frozen lemonade in MGM. That was so good. :slurp:

Tigsmom..........I have to tell you that I think you are the greatest!! You always give great answers and if someone else would have mentioned that there had already been a thread like this, they would have said "We already did this, look it up". Thanks for being :cool: ... :D
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Well-Known Member
Dole Whips - or more specifically, Dole Whip Floats. It's pineapple soft-serve ice cream that's amazingly creamy and delicious in pineapple juice. Super yum. Found in Aloha Isle in Adventureland.

The massive salted pretzels, while standard fare, are huge and perfect for a snack to share. Found everywhere.

The Strawberry Shortcake at Mrs. Potts in Fantasyland. Cake, strawberries, whipped cream and ice cream. Massive and perfect to share as well. Also way, way yummy.

The Mickey ear bundt cakes - in chocolate especially - found in the Main Street bakery are really moist and tasty.

Mickey ear rice crispy treats dipped in chocolate (on a stick) are really good too. Found in various places like Main Street Bakery and Pinocchio Haus as well as many other places. (BTW, in my opinion, Pinchcchio's is the best place to get a burger in MK. They're yummy and they have a great topping bar with free cheese sauce.)

If it's chilly, they have the yummiest, richest and most chocoately hot cocoa. I don't know what makes it so good, but it's really great to warm up on a cool night.

I'm sure there's more, but that's off the top of my head. There's so much to eat and enjoy in the parks. I eat and snack more there in a day then I do at home in a week!

oh! There's also a Strawberry softserve you can get at Enchanted Grove and there's apparently an Orange one you can get at Sunshine Tree Terrace in Adventureland, but I'm always too busy eating the Dole Whips to try the others.
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Mom's the word

New Member
Any and all French pastry at Boulangerie Patisserie in Epcot, fruit tarts at Fountain View Espresso in Epcot and any chocolate in the Italian pavilion. :slurp: And you must not miss Ghirardelli's ice cream at Downtown Disney - they are lovely for sharing if you are feeling generous. :) Only 3 more days!!!!
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New Member

EPCOT: KAKI GORI: SHAVED ICE (strawberry, cantelope, tangerine and honeydew flavors.

MGM: Chocolate Croissant from Starring Rolls Bakery

AK: ICE CREAM from Anandapur Ice Cream truck in Asia

:sohappy: :sohappy:
YUM YUM Can't wait till MAy
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New Member
I like the funnel cakes in front of American Adventure in Epcot and second place funnel cakes are at DW inside of Liberty Square.Dole whips are great as well.My wife loves Izakadoozies found in most of the ice cream stands.Since my wife has been on Adkins the past couple of years she seems to really love the Smoked Turkey legs.
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I loooooooove the Minnie Mouse strawberry popsicles! Theyre sold in all the little carts around. they may not be some magnificant stupendous exclusive thing but they are really good! :slurp:
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New Member
Mickey's Premium Ice Cream Bars. They are GREAT! They are sold all over the parks for $2.50 out of little stands. They are to die for. In two days I consumed 4. They are so tasty.
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New Member
Caramel Apples dipped in white chocolate dipped in rainbow sprinkles
Beaver Tails
Waffle Cones from Main Street Ice Cream Parlor
Candy Store in Germany

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Active Member
ZEBRA DOMES at Animal Kingdom Lodge (Boma's)!!!!!!:slurp: On our last trip we found you could actually buy them at the Mara!! Man, that was exciting!! They are the best!!! (I am making myself want one now...)
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Well-Known Member
I haven't seen anyone mention the Stars and Stripes drink at the Liberty Inn at Epcot. It's Sprite with cherry and blueberry syrup mixed in a clear plastic cup. A real patriotic way to have a Sprite.

Of course, if you're short on cash, the Ice Station Cool right past the Fountain view Espresso and Bakery has Coca-Cola products from around the world. It's become a tradition to take at least ten shots of Beverly before leaving.

The Confectionary on Main Street has those tasty Rice Krispie Treats dipped in chocolate on sticks in the shape of Mickey's head.

Anything at the Main Street Bakery.

You cannot be a true Walt Disney World fanatic without trying a Dole Whip in Adventureland.

Figaro Fries at The Pinocchio Village Haus.

Churros, Turkey Legs, Mickey's Premium Ice Cream Bars, Pretzles can be found almost anywhere.
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New Member
Anything from Ghirardelli's! Disney Rock Candy. Funnel cakes at Blizzard Beach. Breakfast at the Main. St. Bakery.

I was there three weeks ago and miss it already :(
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