Favorite Disney smell...at home?


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Original Poster
OK. I realize this is a very odd topic for a thread. And that what I believe to be a Disney smell at home is really just my mind going crazy from not being at the World since May 2010. But today I was doing laundry with a new detergent (Tide - Mountain Spring) and on the hot cycle, I could swear I smelled the smell of the inside of the Disney buses! :lol:

I know this sounds totally crazy and maybe I am...but I could swear it smelled like the Disney buses in my laundry room!

Has anyone else had an experience like this? Or just me...sniffing my detergent and hearing the "Welcome aboard..." spiel? :lookaroun


I think your detergent is getting you high. Hahahaha. I'm glad the bus you went on smelt good. lol.


I went to Busch Gardens one year for vacation and a few weeks after I got back I got out my luggage bag to look for something. In the process I found some clean socks. I took a whiff of them and they had that hotel room clean scent to them. I put the bag back. For several weeks after I kept opening/closing the bag and sniffing the heck out of those socks. Have a bad day at work, get the bag out and start sniffing your troubles away. Those socks had vacation written all over them.

Most hotels for the longest time used Flex conditioning shampoo in the little bottles. I think most places now don't use it anymore. I'm not sure if any Disney hotels used that brand in previous years or not. I loved the smell of that. You can purchase the resort shampoos/soaps on the disney resort collection web site. I also like the smell of Aloe Vera Gel. Get a tube of that stuff and sniff it like crazy. I imagine the smell of Coppertone sun lotion probably could signify Disney smells as well.

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
How's this for weird? Grab some generic petroleum jelly and take a whiff. For those that loved the original Journey Into Imagination, this may remind you of the White Room. It does for me.


Well-Known Member
There is a petroleum company I pass on the way to work and as I approach it I smell Rome burning... then it just stinks like petroleum LOL


Active Member
apple cinnamon candle from Yankee smells just like the apple pie in Philharmagic. The wife bought 3 of them last month. :slurp:


Well-Known Member
whenever I make popcorn at home ( and I never make microwave, I am a snob) it reminds me of Main St USA and the popcorn I always enjoy!


Well-Known Member
When my "other half" puts fresh pine bark mulch in the garden it reminds me of the outdoor sections of the Resorts and Parks.


New Member
You guys are cracking me up! But I have to say...chlorine always makes me think of my favorite pool at the WL! :lol: Heck, taking vitamins makes me think of disneyworld...so I can't laugh at you guys!


Active Member
Ok, this thread is perfect timing. Yesterday I was with a friend in the Yankee Candle shop. We were checking out all the Christmas scented candles. I opened one which I think was Winter Wonderland. After the first sniff (which was kind of strong) there was a scent that immediately jogged my mind. I said to my friend "you have to smell this!" After she did I said it smells like Epcot. She agreed right away.
I then had to narrow down what the smell was from. I started thinking of rides but couldn't pinpoint it. I had to keep opening up the jar and smelling it again. It finally hit me. It is the pine tree scent that they pipe in during Soarin.
We were so excited. The clerk kind of looked at us strange. We tried to explain it to her but I don't think she's ever been to Epcot as she kept trying to sell us the Christmas Cookie and Peppermint candles.
Needless to say we bought two small candles and plan on lighting them at get togethers to see if our Disney friends will be able to guess the scent.


Well-Known Member
Yeah apple & cinammon candles (like Philharmagic) are the only Disney smells I've ever experienced outside the parks. Actually I've encountered other public restrooms that smell like Disney park restrooms...


Well-Known Member
At work the other day, I got a whiff of the Flame Tree BBQ as the chefs were making pulled pork. It smelled just like it.

Every now and then, I get a whiff of something else like Wolfgang Pucks or a ride.


Well-Known Member
Not a Disney smell but this relates. A couple months ago my youngest came into my bathroom just after I had sprayed my hair with my Bumble & Bumble hairspray. He got all mushy-fied sniffing deep & sighing. "What is that smell???".

"What smell? Are you talking about my hairspray???"

"Yeah"...sniff sniff...."It reminds me of early in the morning at Animal Kingdom Lodge before you woke us up."

How funny that the smell of my hairspray reminds my son of AKL! I'd finish up my hair just before rousing the guys to get dressed when we were there. Makes sense...but odd at the same time. Lol!

Disney Dawg88

Active Member
If there's a way to duplicate the smell that's pumped right outside of the ice cream parlor at the end of Main Street, I would pay just about anything for that. Anyone have any ideas?

Walt Disney1955

Well-Known Member
Definitely the popcorn smell of Main Street USA. You can smell this at any carnival, ballgame or other theme park but there is more of a warmth when you smell it on Main Street.

I really need to buy that Yankee Candle apple cinnamon though. I know exactly where they are at Wal-Mart as well, lol.

Plus, pop open a wine bottle and you're right back into Philharmagic

Lastly, is it just me, or does a waterfall at a restaurant smell similar to the damp smell of the water in some Disney rides? I think its pretty universal

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