Fastpass: People can get desperate


New Member
RU42 said:
Does WDW prevent people from using their FP after the time listed on the ticket? I ask because at Disneyland the CMs are instructed to allow people to use their fastpass even if the time is past.


I was denied using my fastpass after it's time when I got there late for Rock n' Rollercoaster. Maybe that was a CM who likes to think he has power. :veryconfu


New Member
Tramp said:
I saw two kids get stopped at Space Mountain for trying to use a previous day's pass. They managed to get thru the outside ticket checker but the guy who collects the tickets inside spotted it. He didn't let them ride.

It's so dark inside space mountain, I have no idea how the guy could read the date. As I passed thru the gate, I commented to the CM that I wish I had his eyesight. He just laughed and said that he has a 6th sense for checking the tickets of certain guests. Can you imagine? Cast Members are now guilty of profiling wise-a$$ teenagers. :lol:

I would probably do the same thing if I was a CM.

The Mak

MontyMon said:
People who look at you like you've got a disease if you offer them your FPs that, for whatever reason, you've decided not to use. It's like they think you're trying to 'trick' them. :rolleyes:

I just grin and move on, I'm on vacation and nothing other people do will spoil it for me. :sohappy:

2 members of my party decided to sit out for our ride on Tower, we we had 2 extra Fast Passes. I approached 2 young ladies near the end of the standby line (70 minute wait) and quietly offered them the passes. They looked at me like I had three heads. They reluctantly took the passes without a thank you.

After our ride on Tower, we decided to stop at the restrooms by Rock n' Rollercoaster and on our way over we recieved instant Karma. Underneath the RnRC arch, a gentleman approached us and offered us 5 Fast Passes for the ride which were valid at that very moment. We all expressed our surprise and gratittude towards his generous act. After our bathroom break we walked right on to RnRC

Craig & Lisa

Active Member
one time while waiting for our BTMRR FP's time to start, my younger son asked if we could go in and he said very nicely that our time has not started yet, but, if we answered a Disney trivia question we could go in, the question was name 5 Disney Princeses who's name begins with "A"? Now this was a couple of years ago, so these balding brain cells do not remember them, but between us all we figured it out and we went in about 5 to 10 minutes early.


New Member
Well at my last visit I would say "Sorin" at Epcot has tobe a place where people are crazy for fastpasses. Now that Everest is opened, who knows what can happen now. :eek:


Well-Known Member
Thankfully, I haven't seen FP's being used or abused in this way. Sometimes I notice someone asking about the system, and I explain it to them. Never had quite an experience as the one described by the OP.


New Member
I have noticed rudeness alot of times at FP. We were getting a FP for the Lights, motors, action show and the lady behind me would NOT get off me. She was in such a hurry to get hers she literally had the entire front part of her body on me. i couldn't even move, she had me pinned against the person in front of me, pushing me into the guy in front of me. I finally turned around and asked her to please back up, and she looked at me like I was the rudest person she had ever met and she huffed a little and moved back finally. Shoving on someone will NOT get you a FP any faster.
Ya My girlfriend and i just got back from epcot a few weeks ago and we got to soarin like 10 mins after park opening time of 9pm. The line was 90 mins so I say grab a FP we get in line to get one and the return time is for 11:15-12:15. We are 5th inline from machine #3 in the block and the two ladies (if you can call them that) infront of us whip out a stack of rubberbanded park tickets and go at the machine by the time I got to the machine the FP return time was 1:15-2:15pm. Safe to say im not a happy camper at this point... I gave them the death stare going by them. My G/F and I go to get on the living with the land boats and guess whos sitting right infront of us. Yep you guessed it Dumb and Dumber, I was ready to throw them to the sharks, And that wasnt the last time I saw them do that little act with the tickets that day they were at test track later in the day when I walked by. I think thats something that needs to have something done.


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
stankly182 said:
I have noticed rudeness alot of times at FP. We were getting a FP for the Lights, motors, action show and the lady behind me would NOT get off me. She was in such a hurry to get hers she literally had the entire front part of her body on me. i couldn't even move, she had me pinned against the person in front of me, pushing me into the guy in front of me. I finally turned around and asked her to please back up, and she looked at me like I was the rudest person she had ever met and she huffed a little and moved back finally. Shoving on someone will NOT get you a FP any faster.

This never happens to me... I'm 6'3" an 250[-ish] :lol:

Generally, people are intimidated by my size and don't even think of trying to do that. In reality, despite my size, I'm a teddy bear. If they were to do so, I'd probably not have the nerve to say anything :eek:


New Member
TimonRulz said:
Mickey should have booted them out of line. Then stuck them gave them a few hamburgers and stuck them on the ToT. That should do it.

Isn't there usually a CM around the machines...where were they?



New Member
Heatherbell said:
Some people have no consideration for others. Sometimes it blows my mind and other times I am not surprised at all. If that was me, I would LOOK at the little time on my little fastpass ticket, and then WAIT until that time and attempt to get another fastpass. HELLO, it says right on your ticket when you can get another one!!!! What is the confusion?

Some people just don't get it.

Then if you add the time that they were in have to wonder what they could have done in the mean time instead of playing this "game".



in my opinion the fast passes do more good than bad. i remember whn i was down there, and the line for Soarin was 290minutes long at one point. i was sure glad i had my fast pass. sometimes during the busy season they can be priceless, though during the slow season, its not quite as necesary. but people DO need to learn them to the full potential, they have a full hour window before the pass expires, and thats plenty of time.


New Member
Tramp said:
Cast Members are now guilty of profiling wise-a$$ teenagers. :lol:

That is TOO funny Tramp.

And thanks to everyone who helped answer my question. I would guess 90% of the time I hit my fastpass window but then there are those 10% times when something comes up. Glad to hear WDW is like DLR.



Account Suspended
RU42 said:
Does WDW prevent people from using their FP after the time listed on the ticket? I ask because at Disneyland the CMs are instructed to allow people to use their fastpass even if the time is past.

I've only had problems once when trying to use FP's that are past the time listed.

Last year, in EPCOT we received FP's for Soarin that ended at 7:30. So we decided that since it was an EMH's night that we would use them once EMH's start. Well, it turns out that the CM's at Soarin decided to shut down the FP line in order to use it as a Sigles line. Which is probably the most retarded thing they could do considering that there is no need whatsoever for a Singles line at Soarin considering that each time there is only a need for about 2 to 3 singles.

So, obviously we were all a bit upset about that.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Ryoseth said:
in my opinion the fast passes do more good than bad. i remember whn i was down there, and the line for Soarin was 290minutes long at one point. i was sure glad i had my fast pass. sometimes during the busy season they can be priceless, though during the slow season, its not quite as necesary. but people DO need to learn them to the full potential, they have a full hour window before the pass expires, and thats plenty of time.
Not meaning to open this can of worms again, but...

the lines wouldn't be as long as they are now if Fast Pass wasn't around !


Well-Known Member
TiggerRPh said:
Isn't there usually a CM around the machines...where were they?


In general, there are Cast Members at the fastpass distribution locations on the busiest days in the parks.


New Member
MontyMon said:
I am always amazed. People waiting outside the FP waiting and or arguing with the CM to let them in, blocking access for others. People continuously entering their tickets [as was the case in front of the OP] until they're accepted. Or, my all-time favourite... People who look at you like you've got a disease if you offer them your FPs that, for whatever reason, you've decided not to use. It's like they think you're trying to 'trick' them. :rolleyes:

Oh my gosh, you're not kidding. They must think we're going to pick their pockets.

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